Rittenhouse: Not Guilty

Open comments post.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

70 thoughts on “Rittenhouse: Not Guilty”

  1. This is just round one. Round 2 will be the US Dept Of injustice goes after him, probably on a civil rights case. Round three will occur when the SJW groups DOX him and that target on his back becomes very visible.

    1. I don’t disagree, but I am confused. Since all three POS who got shot were (I hate to say it) white, how can the feds bring a civil-rights action without admitting that whites have civil rights? If it happens, that should be the theory of the Rittenhouse defense: whites don’t have civil rights. Make the persecutors say otherwise.

      1. When trying to make sense of what the feds are doing, you need to start by not assuming it has to make sense. The Left doesn’t care about laws or ideology, they care about power. So they start by asking, “what needs to happen for us to get power?” Then they do that, and make up excuses afterwards.

      2. The 3 reasons that Kyle is Evil and MUST be attacked and destroyed:
        1. He defended himself with an Evil God Given Right that is specifically codified in the 2nd Amendment of the Evil Constitution of the Evil United States of America.
        2. He attacked the “change agents” that were approved, supported, funded, and Loved by those who wish to Destroy the three Evils listed above.
        3. Kyle is an “white person” so he is therefore an Evil White Supremacist (President Poopy Pants proclaimed this himself).

    2. Hence, why they INSIST that Kyle came armed across state borders (making that prosecutable by Feds), or, as that seems to have not proven true, they are prepared to institute a “straw-man purchase” conspiracy prosecution – OOOOOH, I just LOVE the sound of that word “conspiracy”!
      All parts of the trial were necessary. By forcing the defense to put Kyle on the stand (bringing about a rebuke by the judge on that assault on Kyle’s 5th Amendment right to not provide the state’s case), they were able to elicit the origin of the weapon that was used.
      Gotcha! Now it’s a Federal case. They get a 2nd bite at the apple. Kyle is NOT out of the woods yet (nor, as long as Leftists hold power, ever).
      The difference between Sandman and Rittenhouse?
      Sandman largely didn’t talk – he let his lawyers do the talking for him.
      Kyle didn’t have that option – the real point of the trial, and of the judge NOT declaring a mistrial with prejudice. If he had, the Left would have lost the effort to get Kyle to provide the sworn evidence, or – same result – lie about it on the stand. Either would get him a felony conviction, and probable prison time.

  2. Thrilled that black letter law prevailed and that self-defense is still a viable concept.

    How long until the civil suits are filed to continue the persecution and issue a strong warning. How long until DoJ files charges claiming civil rights violations and domestic terrorism?

    Good news so far, but it’s far from over for this young man or those who value liberty

  3. Bathhouse Barry and pull up your pants at the buffet line Nadler are asking for the DOJ (CCP) to intervene.
    Look for straw purchase charges or civil rights charges from comrade kommissar Garland.
    Going after a 17 year old who saved Auto Source from burning to the ground will further wake up people to just how venal and petty these Long March CPUSA/CCP collective comrades are.

  4. Shocking result , but process is punishment these days . Self defense use to protect folks without months of hoooeee. Makes shoot and scoot like a better option.

    1. For the discerning observer, I think that is the real lesson. Sometimes wearing a mask is called for…

  5. I’m glad, but was wondering since it took more than 11 seconds.
    He’s still got a target on his back.

  6. All hail Saint Rittenhouse. Just another excuse for for the loot and shoot crowd to burn it down.

  7. He should get a presidential Medal of Honor. I don’t understand why it took so long. Where are the trials for the guilty looters?

    1. Supposedly the reason it took so long was that there were 2 jurors who were worried they’d be killed if Rittenhouse was set free. Which is not an unreasonable fear. I have a feeling a lot of ‘street injustice’ is going to be doled out by the Left’s militia, antifa. I hope R’s lawyer lives outside Kenosha and Milwaukee county, and is heavily armed.

  8. Right verdict. Unfortunately its not against the law to be stupid. He should never of been in that situation.

    1. Yeah, it’s really stupid, fake, and perverted that a teenager has to defend freinds and family from a violent mob of arsonists.

    2. The only way we are getting out of this situation is by banding together and showing up when armed force is needed. By any chance are you a boomer?

    1. So very many targets, so little time. When the dust settles he and Sandmann should get together and buy their own damned island.

  9. So glad something positive has emerged from the USA.
    Here in the Great White North our courts only find Liberals and Leftists “Not Guilty”.
    Well Done!!

  10. Nice win for /outside/ and a huge win for Kyle but it doesn’t change anything. There are a lot more examples of the system not working for us than the occasional time it does. Celebrate now but they are already at work on the next outrage.

    1. Both Left and Right are claiming this shows it’s OK to defend oneself (although the Left terms it “murder poor innocent protesters who love Bambi”), but it shows the opposite: even an obvious self-defense incident caught on multiple videos will land you in jail for months, with the President himself calling you evil and guilty.

      Furthermore, I think the trial was a freak occurrence in our favor. A judge that cares about justice, and a mostly white jury. Urban areas are usually not so friendly for white defendants.

  11. I am so relieved for Kyle, and for the concept of self defense.
    @Arthur Sido, you are correct/in fact the outrages we are experiencing
    now are beyond belief as are those already in the pipe to come.
    Small pox seeding?

  12. Really happy for Kyle, but still have zero confidence in our current “Just Us” system. Now to await the bullshit charges coming from the FEDs to send the poor kid back into the Federal court system. It the POS Merrick Garland fails to send out his flying alphabet monkeys, it will be wonderful to watch all those that smeared this young hero get everything they deserve in the coming law suits.

  13. Now Kyle needs to file multi million dollar defamation suits against the major news networks that tried him dishonestly in the media.

    1. Based on your link, I don’t see where Black Rifle was off base. They rejected racists. They wisely stated that blindly following an individual or party is bad for biz. Most of us have some issues with all the political parties. Individuals have shortcomings as well. Biz should be about biz unless you declare yourself to be a PAC. A big wrong in the past 2 decades is companies going political. It is just fueling the Corporatocracy.

      I never tried their coffee, so maybe it’s crap. But I would not reject them for that little bit they said.

      1. So they shouldn’t be political if it’s bad for biz, but they should be anti-racist. What if racists are a big untapped market? Would you be for a business prioritizing money over principle then?

        Leftists put principle over money in most areas of their life. This is why they are winning. People like you who choose Leftist principles over their own side are why they are winning so easily.

        1. Granted, anti-racism is somewhat political since it is a fundamental tenet of conservatives and libertarians, whereas socialists and communists are long-time racists. So opinion on racism is a fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats. However, anti-racism is not strictly political.

          Not being political is not the same as lacking morals and standards. Black Rifle stated a point of their morals in opposing racism and strongly so. At the same time, they stated they were not strictly supporting one party or person. A wise person shouldn’t universally follow the dictates of someone else. Even good people screw up sometimes.

          I disagree with your statement that leftists have principles. Leftists actually don’t since their position on anything drifts with the wind; however, they do act in concert (mostly). Racism is one. Democrats used to be the hard-core racists. Now they are the party of hard-core racists discriminating against white males while being racist of low-expectations for the minorities. So they have gotten worse while claiming the opposite. That is not principled behavior.

          I am not supporting Black Rifle in any way other than stating their supplied statements are reasonable. I do wonder why they lumped Proud Boys in with racists. They are not officially a racist group (their president was a black guy).

          1. I’d restate it as “leftists put their goals above money…” One could describe their goals as principles, but that confuses things as their stated principles are just a smokescreen to cover their hidden principle of seeking power.

            You haven’t answered my question. Would it be acceptable to cater to racists if that increased profits?

            New question: how do you define racist?

          2. Catering to racists clearly has a market, just look at the success of the democratic party and BLM.

            I consider it immoral to aid or support racists. Note the big difference between a nationalist and a racist. The flood of illegals across the border is a nationalist issue, and most don’t care if they come from Mexico, China, Africa, or Europe. Racists hate based on some identity that the person was born with, regardless of their individual merit.

            Definition of racist: I’m not a dictionary, but I assume you know how to use one.

    2. I used to be amused by Black Rifle Coffee videos. I don’t even drink coffee but I allowed them a certain amount of good will for being veterans. Unfortunately when one of their group came out as gay they went full stupid by embracing the LGBT movement. Before anyone gets their feathered boa in a tangle, let me explain. I could understand them standing behind their friend and supporting him because you don’t throw people and relationships away on a whim. But to fully embrace the LGBT movement, who has the goal of forcefully making EVERYONE accepting their beliefs, even if it means destroying the traditional family and ignoring traditional Christian beliefs seems to be ignoring their own philosophy of not embracing polarizing beliefs to the detriment of their business.

  14. We got an injection of hope today. It wasn’t because the justice system produced a heartbeat, and it wasn’t because Kyle was exonerated as a hero. Both of those things are important; I’m not diminishing them.

    It’s because 12 ordinary folks probably scared out of their wits managed to do the right thing despite the insanity. That says something. That’s worth something. We need more of it. I pray for more of it.

    I’m saying this, btw, as someone who has served on a jury in an attempted murder case, so I’m not entirely unfamiliar with the pressure they might have felt.

    Thank you, Kenosha Dozen, oh behalf of all Americans who don’t acquiesce to being murdered in the streets.

  15. Kenosha Hat Trick

    Removing a sex offender, a wife-beater, and a burglar from society in one night.

    Kyle scored himself a Kenosha Hat Trick before he reached voting age.

    (H/T-Urban Dictionary)

    1. Indeed. And the sex offender got shot in the crotch, the wife-strangler through the lung, and the burgler through the arm.

  16. I’m thinking the hoopla surrounding this will lead to more sniping. Without any single person to be videoed, and so many targets, the media won’t want to get too involved, since it might be one of their favorite criminals. That, and the effect on rioters will be the same as with soldiers in battle. In the end, rioting will be less popular, and Geraldo can spend years speculating on camera, his hair perfect, and some foolish companies buying a few seconds of time to promote their improved pancake mix.

  17. Found not guilty by reason of innocence.

    As far as the “shouldn’t have been there” argument, which seems to have settled in as the #2 argument against, right behind “white supremacist”, why on earth not? His family lives in Kenosha, his friends live in Kenosha, he works in Kenosha (I think I remember this last one). He showed up to scrub graffiti and to keep a friend’s friend’s business from being destroyed like other businesses. Are we now not allowed to stand up against rioters because we might have to shoot someone? How about the hundreds of people injured or killed by rioters in the past year plus, along with the billions in damages caused to local economies? Optimally the government would have done their job and been there to stop the rioting. They didn’t. Not in Portland, not in Seattle, not in Minneapolis, not in Washington DC, not in Kenosha. Kyle R would not have needed to be there if the government we elect to do one job, which it to protect our Constitutional rights to live our lives, would have been there doing their job. They weren’t and he and his friends stepped up.

    If we are really going to talk about “shouldn’t have been there” let’s talk instead about the rioters who came from all over the country to burn and loot. If they hadn’t been there KR wouldn’t have needed to have been.

    Side note: I was so impressed with his testimony during the trial. I have a tendency to get myself into trouble when answering questions by going into too much detail. I was struck by his answer to the question “aren’t these bullets designed to explode?”. His answer was “no”. I would have rambled on about hollowpoints versus jacketed and probably confused the jury into thinking “yes”.

    1. So, someone said to me, “Why was he there. My response was that it was an American street, that should be open to all Americans.” As a practical matter, no Wilder children would have been within 20 miles unless they had a reason to be there. A very, very, good reason.

  18. Let’s not just sit here posting in the echo chamber! Rittenhouse stuck his neck out for his country. It’s our turn to return the favor!
    Call Nanny Nadler and give him a piece of your mind! I’ll save you some time. His DC number is 202-225-5635.

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