The Global Warming Memo They Don’t Want You To See (Okay, I wrote it.)

“Yes, it keeps me up at night. That and the Loch Ness Monster, global warming, evolution, other fictional concepts.” – House, M.D.


Looks like she uses Coppertone® for her sunscreen.

I intercepted a note from the Global Warming Community(C) to the media using the extremely old technique of making it up.  Here it is in it’s entirety, with no further commercial interruptions.

It’s the end of summer, so the Global Warming Community™ would like to take a moment to remind you that hot summer weather is a sure sign of Global Warming®.  Cold winter weather is just weather.  And if there are more hurricanes, you can bet that it’s a sign of Global Warming©.  If there are fewer hurricanes, you can also bet that is a sign of Global Warming™, too.

Firstly, please ignore that our models aren’t even close to accurate:


Please ignore previous climate predictions that had the 97% Consensus© like the one by “42 top American and European investigators,” which stated . . . “The main conclusion of the meeting was that a global deterioration of climate, by order of magnitude larger than any hitherto experienced by civilized mankind, is a very real possibility and indeed may be due very soon.”  Please ignore these other predictions, too:

  • Worldwide famines by 1975. You remember those, right?  On August 10, 1969, Paul Ehrlich stated that “The trouble with almost all environmental problems is that by the time we have enough evidence to convince people, you’re dead.”  Ehrlich is still alive.
  • On April 16, 1970, it was announced that there would be an ice age starting in the first third of the new century because there would be enough air pollution to “obliterate the Sun.”
  • Ehrlich wasn’t happy to have just one spot on the list. In 1970, he stated that there would be water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.  And the oceans would be as dead as Lake Erie.  Please ignore the tilapia your wife had for dinner last month.
  • In 1974, it was noted that sea ice had increased 12% between 1967 and 1972. It was also noted in the article that “This appears to be in keeping with other long-term climatic changes, all of which suggest that after reaching a climax of warmth between 1935 and 1955, world average temperatures are now falling.”
  • Time® magazine noted in June, 1974, that, “Telltale signs are everywhere – from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7°”
  • From the New York Times Book Review, July, 1976: “The Cooling, so writes Stephen Schneider, a young climatologist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., reflecting the consensus of the climatological community in his new book, “The Genesis Strategy.”
  • From the New York Times, January, 1978 headline: “No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend.”
  • 1980: Reports were that acid rain will kill us.  Please ignore that in 1990 the report came in:  acid rain is not really a thing.
  • June 24, 1988, Dr. James Hansen said, “Our climate model simulations for the late 1980s and the 1990s indicate a tendency for an increase in heatwave drought situations in the Southeast and Midwest United States.” Please ignore that 1988 was the driest year in the upper Midwest in the last 31 years.
  • In September of 1988, it was noted that “A gradual rise in sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation [The Maldives] of 1196 small islands in the next 30 years.” Please ignore that the Maldives are still there.
  • Hansen also noted that “The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water (by 2018).” Please ignore that it’s not.
  • In 2004, one prediction was that Great Britain would be “Siberian” by 2020. Four months to go!
  • In June of 2008, Dr. Hansen said that the Arctic would be ice free by 2013 to 2018. Please ignore that it’s not even close.
  • In December of 2008, Nobel Prize Winner® Al Gore noted that the Arctic “polarized (sic) cap will disappear in 5 years.” Please ignore the 14,000,000 square kilometers of ice that was in the “polarized” area.  And please ignore all of the other people who said the same thing.
  • Please don’t go to the CEI blog where all of the above (and more) is documented (LINK).


I wonder if she can say “indeed” as deeply as Brian Blessed?

Please remember how charming the clinically depressed, autistic child suffering from whatever “selective mutism” is and obsessive compulsive disorder.  Realize that this is certainly the best leader the Global Warming Community® can offer for climate change because if you make fun of her you’re making fun of clinically depressed autistic that suffer from “selective mutism” and OCD, and to dispute anything she says is hate filled.  Please note that the Global Warming Community™ did nothing manipulative or unethical in having a child with mental issues be our spokesperson.  Thankfully, the Global Warming Community© has managed to get the Global Warming Agenda® into schools so impressionable children with mental issues can become so upset that they lose 22 pounds due to worry.


Luisa-Marie Neubauer is a “Green” (read communist) who is the handler for Greta Thunberg.  The Internet says she works for Soros, but I find that connection a bit tenuous – I think being communist is probably enough.

Please ignore how the primary discussion during climate conferences has been how much money developed countries would have to pay to undeveloped countries.  Thankfully, the media has ignored projections that the Paris Treaty™ might cost the United States as much as $2.5 Trillion a year, and only make the climate slightly cooler, as low as 0.17°C cooler in the year 2100 than without the agreement.

Please ignore how many Global Warming™ temperature graphs start in 1978, one of the coolest years on record.  This is like picking that day you drank fifty beers and saying you’ve made progress because you’ve cut down consumption by 50%.  Please ignore Dr. Roy Spencer’s (LINK) graph, even though it also starts at the cool period in the 1970’s:


Also, please ignore that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s advisor stated about her Green New Deal™:  “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Saikat Chakrabarti asked. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”  Please ignore that the primary driver for many Global Warming Agenda™ items are about control of people and economies, and if we really wanted to eliminate carbon emissions the Global Warming Community™ would have embraced nuclear power thirty years ago.

Also, Please ignore these Greenland Ice Cores from Joanne Nova’s site (LINK):


Also, please make sure you don’t publish “stop having babies because a person in the United States has a bigger Carbon Footprint™ and adds more to Global Warming© than the wonderful citizens of the third world” articles right next to “we need more immigrants to replace all the babies we’re not having.”  It’s okay in the same issue, but not right next to each other.

And whatever you do, please don’t let anyone know that we’re at the characteristic end (more or less) of a typical interglacial warm period (LINK) and that our demise is much more likely to come by ice than fire, unless you read George R.R. Martin (and I must note it takes him about 415,000 years per novel nowadays:


Lastly, please, please, please ignore the fact that the International Panel on Climate Change® came up with the conclusion that variance in the Sun’s output doesn’t impact climate.  Yes, even though there is ample evidence that the gigantic thermonuclear reactor in the sky just might have something to do with climate (Climate Change, Solar Output, Ice Ages, The Planet Vulcan, And Old Guys With Beards).

We’ll be back next spring to remind you that if we don’t act in the next (checks watch) five minutes . . . WE ARE ALL DOOMED!

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

24 thoughts on “The Global Warming Memo They Don’t Want You To See (Okay, I wrote it.)”

  1. Good links to more data. I will go back and read them in more detail. The global warming / global climate change issue is very complex, but has been boiled down to sound bites and propaganda. The alarmists issue a press release and the media publishes it with minimal questions. It is nearly impossible to have a rational discussion on the topic, because it has become a religion and not science.

    I fear that this “debate” is causing a distrust of data, scientists, and science in general. This distrust will make it hard to deal with other issues facing society. It should not be difficult to convince me, if you have data to support it. When reasonable questions are shouted down, we are all in bad shape. The data has been manipulated and cherry picked to the extent that I believe it would be hard to find and trust the raw data. Our grandkids will look back and laugh at us for all of this.

    1. I’d throw back that science is causing that. A huge percentage of scientific papers cannot be repeated. That turns from (depending on the study you read) 40% to 70% of science as useless.

      Sugar bad? No.

      Ooops. Did I say no? I meant yes.

      My bad.

      1. Speaking of bad science… I heard a program on the radio today which described a wonderful [once-]new medication for treatment of cough (tuberculosis and pneumonia being widespread) and morphine addiction: heroin. (Morphine was promoted as a treatment for opium addiction, naturally.)

  2. 90 Miles from Tyranny today published links that eventually got me to this letter:

    Which is from the ambassadors of the European Climate Declaration, “A global network of 500 scientists and professionals.” It’s telling the UN there is no climate emergency and that, “it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from such immature models”.

    Chances the UN will pay any attention are just about 0.0.

    It is religion, it has been religion from the start. There has never been a shred of evidence it wasn’t religion.

  3. What I’m seeing from the educational sector is their ability to baffle you with BS, and then tell you it’s too complicated for you to understand, which is true. They make it up as they go and it’s impossible to follow their mindless charts.
    Using my KISS method I’ve noted that Key West, FL is still in exactly the same location and altitude it was 80 yrs ago and the NAS runway has not started launching submarines from it’s flight line yet either. The Sydney Harbor, Australia weather station has actually posted a slight drop in sea level in the past 110 yrs.

    1. Whoa, that seems like an inconvenient truth?

      And I think most of the “too complicated” means they don’t want people to think about it.

  4. Can’t wait for this winter’s record low temp’s across the northern hemisphere and solar minimum isn’t expected until next year. So far this year 72% spotless days. Of course, the alarmists will blame it on Globull Warming.

    1. Indeed. That’s why they went with Climate Change(C). Then you can make money NO MATTER WHAT THE TEMPERATURE DOES!


  5. Great post John, you’ve really nailed it with this one. I’ll be sharing this with some of my friends who still believe the world is ending in 2030 unless we stop using anything except wind power….that’s if they have internet access while sailing aboard their mega power-yacht in the Med. 😉

    1. Yup. And that I believe. I actually wrote about this in 2005, and I’m grinning that past me was right. Of course, I’m skipping six recessions that I predicted . . . .

  6. Funny timing, I saw a short clip of Greta an hour ago at the UN twitching and screeching at the adults with her pre-programmed talking points. It was really hard to watch, she looked like she was about to go into a full blown grand mal seizure. On the other hand, it isn’t even in the top 1000 silly things to happen at the UN.

    1. Yeah, that’s the most unethical thing about this – she’s a little girl. She should be doing little girl things, though I’m betting she’s not gonna get a prom date.

      Oh, I’d love to see your top 1000 list!

      My number one? That we haven’t kicked them off US soil yet.

      1. That was the sort of thing I was hoping Trump would do, give the UN an eviction notice and seize their property as compensation for all of the American tax dollars they have wasted for the last half century. Instead he is focused on gay rights in Africa. Oh well, boogaloo sooner than later.

  7. The Club of Rome started the entire fairy tale. It’s all public knowledge, or at least that much.

  8. A few thoughts: er, maybe even arguable “scientific experiments”…

    Fill some kind of clear container (glass, bowl, casserole dish?) With a mixture of water & ice. Ummm. Make sure you have some kind of environmental seal (i wouldn’t want any kind of pesky scientific phenomena, like say, EVAPORATION to throw off the results) and make some kind mark at where the sea level…er…i meant to say WATER level…is. Wait for all ice to melt. Compare the original mark to the new mark. Please share the results with the class.

    Next, we have not really an experiment, but more of a number crunching exercise: collect all the volumetric data on glaciers that you can find. How many miles long? How thick? How wide? Consider that this is for the benefit of all the residents of Key West. So for any uncertainties, round UP!

    Once you have a calculated volume, divide by the surface area of the planet that is covered by water. The resulting quotient would be the calculated sea level rise resulting from the melting of all “above sea level” glaciers!

    As much as i’d Love to personally participate with these particulars, the other priorities in my profession prevents my proctologies [sic]

    Oh wait, there is a knock at my door…let me go see who it is!

    1. The science is bad. The Sun is the driver in almost every case, barring volcanic activity or interplanetary dust clouds. But how do you tax the Sun?

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