The Left’s War On Truth

“I’ve heard the truth, Mulder. Now what I want are the answers.” – The X-Files

Wow.  It’s like some of these might be made up.

The first enemy of the Left isn’t the Right.

The first enemy of the Left is the Truth.

The examples go back through history, starting with the Leftist takeover in France after the French Revolution.  In order to completely cut ties with the past, the Left even changed:

  • The names of the months: the Revolutionaries changed all of them, though they kept 12 months.  The coolest name was Therimidor which was, roughly, July.  I’ll give them that one:  Thermidor sounds like a place you keep wine.  I don’t know much about wine, but I do know you have to keep it hot.
  • Weeks went from 7 days to 10 days. Why?  Metric weeks!  They even had special names for the day, but they were all in French and looked like they might cause inadvertent strangulation if I tried to pronounce them.
  • The day went to ten hours. Each metric hour had 100 metric minutes.  Take that, Babylonians!
  • The units of measure. All standards of mass, energy, temperature, and length had to be changed.  Why do I call the metric system communist?  Because it started with the commies.  Did Stalin know how tall he was in feet and inches?  Nope, he was all metric, comrade.

Truth is the enemy of the Left, and the idea was (and is) to destroy history.  This is the reason the statues have to come down in city after city – they represent a Truth that the Left can’t control.  Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves?  His statue has to go.  He didn’t do enough.

Abe doesn’t go to plays anymore.  That last one blew his mind.

This Leftist hatred of the Truth might explain two stories that are recently in the news.

The first one is the reaction of the United States military versus Tucker Carlson.  Tucker Carlson:  Is he a legitimate military target, perhaps more dangerous than Russia?  More dangerous than China?

Well, no.

Mr. Carlson made a 10-minute segment where he criticized the President * for changing the military for political reasons.  The changes?  Most were tied to the feminization of the military.

Carlson made the point that the military’s job is winning wars.  Having pregnant female pilots probably (in Carlson’s estimation) didn’t make sense after President * made a comment about “maternity flight suits” in his address.

I hear this pilot’s husband complained that she worked too hard.  “Well, somebody’s gotta fetus.”

The response, from military personnel, in uniform consisted of a Marine sergeant who said, “. . . those decisions were made by medical professionals, by commanders, and our civilian leadership . . . .” and followed up with, “ . . . let’s remember that those opinions were made by an individual that has never served a day in his life . . . .”

I’m wondering what would have happened to a Marine in uniform attacking someone on the Left on social media?  Oh, wait, Marine sergeant Gary Stein was kicked out with an “other than honorable” discharge for criticizing Obama.  Sure – Tucker Carlson isn’t the Commander-In-Chief, but this is a political attack while in uniform.

John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary:  “(The United States Armed Forces) . . . won’t take advice from a talk show host or the Chinese military.”

But would the United States Armed Forces take advice from the Marines?

I hope I don’t give her low elf esteem.

In 2015, the Marines did a $35,000,000 (that’s a lot of crayons) study about integrating women into combat groups.  A pretty decent summary is here on the Marine Corps Times (LINK).  I’ll publish a few snippets from the article that highlight findings of the study (All bullet points are direct quotes from the Marine Corps Times):

  • All-male squads and teams outperformed those that included women on 69 percent of the 134 ground combat tasks evaluated.
  • All-male teams were outperformed by mixed-gender teams on two tasks: accuracy in firing the 50-caliber machine gun in traditional rifleman units and the same skill in provisional units. Researchers did not know why gender-mixed teams did better on these skills, but said the advantage did not persist when the teams continued on to movement-under-load exercises.
  • All-male squads in every infantry job were faster than mixed-gender squads in each tactical movement evaluated. The differences between the teams were most pronounced in crew-served weapons teams. Those teams had to carry weapons and ammunition in addition to their individual combat loads.
  • Male-only rifleman squads were more accurate than gender-integrated counterparts on each individual weapons system, including the M4 carbine, the M27 infantry automatic rifle and the M203 grenade launcher.
  • Male Marines with no formal infantry training outperformed infantry-trained women on each weapons system, at levels ranging from 11 to 16 percentage points.

Shockingly, women are different than men, the study found (All bullet points are direct quotes from the Marine Corps Times):

  • In anaerobic power and capacity, female Marines averaged 15 percent lower levels than their male counterparts. In anaerobic power performance, the top 25 percent of female performers and the bottom 25 percent of male performers overlapped.
  • In aerobic capacity, female Marines demonstrated levels 10 percent lower on average than male Marines.
  • Over the course of the assessment, musculoskeletal injury rates totaled 40.5 percent for women, more than double the 18.8 percent rate for men.

The Marines declare war on Tucker Carlson?

To the Left, Tucker Carlson is evil incarnate – Tucker is questioning one of the Sacred Points of Liberalism – Reality Is What We Say It Is.  That cannot go unpunished.  Personally, I know one former Air Force officer who is female who probably could have done any specialty she wanted to in the Air Force.  She is so far off the charts by multiple standard deviations on intellect and physical ability so as to be not comparable to average in any way.

She has contributed more to the national defense than I ever will – and she’s still doing it.  But the outliers don’t prove the average.

Women can serve, and can serve meaningfully, but they have physical limitations so significant that the Marines in 2015 said that combat infantry wasn’t an option if your goal was killing people and blowing up things.  An average college varsity swimmer can beat every woman’s swimming record – world record.  The woman’s record for deadlifting is 683 pounds – that’s quite a lot.  The men’s record?  1,104.5 pounds, nearly double.

Who says guns aren’t sexy?

No, we’re not deadlifting our opponents to beat them in combat, but strength, speed, and quickness mean something to the Marines or else P.T. would consist of couch time and nachos for lunch.  I’d think physical fitness mattered for people engaged in combat.

The Marine study agreed:  the top 25% of women overlapped with the bottom 25% of men in physical ability.  Also, in sheer competence, the all-male Marines clearly won 70% of all combat exercises.  Though I can’t find the quote, I do recall reading that several female participants in the study were quoted as being of the opinion that females shouldn’t be in combat after seeing the results.

What’s most frightening to me is that the military has come together to attack Carlson.  For the military to attack a civilian in the news media over an opinion that is political in nature is unsupportable.  It’s the next step to the United States Military becoming involved in domestic politics.  Oh, wait, there are troops in the Capitol and permanent fencing going up to keep citizens out?  Nevermind.

Ooops.  Looks like someone reads Twitter®?

The second news item might not originally seem related, but I assure you it is.  The last week has seen the growth of a new orientation:  Super Straight.

Super Straight has its origin in transgender ideology.  You see, if you are a male that doesn’t want to date a “trans woman” the trans community would call you a “transphobe” because, in their world, “trans women are women.”

Well, Super Straight was an amazing troll of this philosophy.  It was actually the brainchild of a 16-year-old on TikToc®.  He was lamenting that he would be called a “transphobe” for not liking “trans girls” so he came out . . . as Super Straight.  That meant that he was only attracted to women who were born as women.

The group noted they felt being called “cis-male” or “cis-female” was hate speech.  Orange and black are the SuperStraight colors.

In 2021 the idea that a biological male might want to only date biological females is being sold to kids as odd.  But even kids can see this is nonsense.  That’s why they’re revolting.  They were using the same language that the Left uses back at them, “Why can’t you stop attacking me for this?  I was born this way.”

And the Left must stop that – the idea that “normal” can defend itself is not acceptable.

The Left has to portray themselves as the undisputed victim class.  They are the ones that are horribly abused.  They are the ones that are deserving of pity because society oppresses them.  The idea that another group might take this from them?

Worse than death.  The Left agrees.

Remember,  trains is hard job.

So, the plug was pulled on the Reddit® forum r/SuperStraight after just over a week – despite the fact that over 25,000 people had joined it that quickly.  Or was it because that many people joined it that quickly?

Ironically, it wasn’t long before SuperLesbians started showing up.  They were creeped out by transwomen wanting to date them and calling them transphobes if they said no.  Also?  SuperGays showed up.  They didn’t want to date transmen.  It was a strange, weird, and amazingly polite group of people who didn’t want to be forced to date people who are (let’s be clear) more than a little creepy.

Is it a crime to notice?

I don’t dislike trans people – I don’t know any of them.  There just aren’t that many in the world.  There might be 0.1% to 0.3% based on a 2014 study.  Many of them have other underlying psychological issues:  their suicide rate is 20 times their peer group after surgery.  Based on everything I’ve read, they are a group that deserves sympathy and psychological help.

The trans movement is probably the biggest finger in the eye of Truth that the Left has pushed so far.  The idea that a 10-year-old kid can make decisions that would lead to them being put on very potent hormones with far-reaching implications to block puberty is frightening.

But the Left will support that with everything they have:  when Rand Paul questioned Dr. Levine about giving kids powerful hormones and conducting surgery on them during confirmation hearings, all Dr. Levine would say is, “Transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field with robust research and standards of care . . . .”

See, even the sign language interpreter isn’t buying it.

So, yes.  Levine supports it.  The Left agrees.  And mainstream news was, unsurprisingly ready to complain that Rand Paul didn’t understand medicine.  Dr. Rand Paul, M.D.

It erases our past.  It erases our norms.  It erases the current structure of society.  This is the same exact playbook as the military.  The military ceases to be about protecting the country, it becomes an arm of the political Left, erasing hundreds of years of tradition and purpose.

You realize this is next, right?

That’s why the SuperStraight movement made me smile.  It was founded by kids who see the lie.  They know they are being lied to.  They know the people who are lying, know they are telling lies.  This is the best element of hope:  Truth matters.

The Truth will win.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

40 thoughts on “The Left’s War On Truth”

  1. The feminized military is great because that is who they will send after dissidents at some point and I would rather deal with a pregnant 5’1″ Marine or a trannie instead of a 6’2″ male Marine. I have to assume that in a real, competitive war (iow not Iraq), the U.S. would be in big trouble.

    But to be fair, the “right” has plenty of people living in a fantasy land where they think if they want something badly enough it will happen. These are the people convinced that there are a critical mass of “natural conservatives” in minority populations despite any evidence this is true.

    1. I also do not believe that little gal is carrying an actual human male.

      Nor that (outside of the auxiliaries) women belong in the armed forces at all.

      What do value do they add greater than the hassle they create?

  2. I think all the politically correct interpretation of those we prepare for war ends, when the body bags of their favorite cheerleader is filled with all they can find left in the Humvee. I’m sure it happens now, but when there’s hundreds, if not thousands, the cheering mob of intellectually crippled parents will find their disdain for the military that allowed such horrors will fall be ignored by those they cheered in the past.

    I’m sure the Chinese find our current madness a sure way to destroy us without firing a shot.

    1. This leftist crap is not from normal people that have family considering the military as an option or actually served. These are fruitcakes like transgender Dr. Levine and psy groups (I know a few and they are weirdos with screwed-up kids). So no, they are not going to care about body bags. The left cheered on all the conflicts we have been mixed up in during the 70yr.

      If tweeter and 24-7 tabloids did not exist, this bunch would not exist.

    2. They just need to sit back and watch it crumble. Without an outside adversary, we’ll eat ourselves.

  3. An evergreen post . . . military standards are constantly dropping (said the grizzled staff sergeant . . . ). That being said, I’d like to add some observations based on experience.

    There is certainly room for women in the military depending on the circumstances. I suggest that is not in units MEANT to be the pointy end of the spear. General support, combat service support and drone pilots are a few areas that spring to mind. There are certainly “outliers” who can meet the standards required for combat but those are certainly exceptional women. Given the number of males who can’t meet those same standards that’s not surprising.

    Several units have incorporated women and men in mixed combat units due to lack of options. The Rising of Warsaw was once such recent instance. One of my former professors (Janusz Zawodny) taught an excellent course in the Theory and Dynamics of Terrorist Organizations in which he discussed his experiences – as a member of the underground his force acted as terrorists fighting the Nazi occupation. His company included both men and women. He pointed out two ongoing challenges he had as a commander. First, in an all male unit, when a man is wounded he may / may not be immediately succored. In a mixed units, men would surge to pull a wounded female soldier to safety – and incur disproportionate injuries accordingly. Women would sometimes risk exposure to enemy fire to pull men to safety – often being wounded themselves in the process. Given that it’s preferable to wound an enemy rather than kill them as it creates greater strain to their logistics system, that’s a significant drawback. Secondly, it wreaked havoc on the simple administrative duty of assigning watch. Putting men / women on lookout together risked their being distracted from their duties by conversation (or more). Risking the operational capability of the entire unit was clear result of the necessary but undesirable mix of genders in combat situations. In his opinion, if women must serve in combat units they would be more effective in ones segregated by gender. He had an interesting career if you want to look him up on the interwebs.

    Recently due to political pressure, women have “passed” and been assigned to special operations units (Rangers, Special Forces, etc.). I think this is unfair to them – there will always be a cloud over them with folks wondering if they legitimately met all the requirements or were allowed to recycle enough times to eventually make it through. In the Rangers, the standard load out was 70# (more of you were a mortar maggot or on the 90mm recoilless rifle team). Add body armor, personal weapons and you rapidly reach the point where most folks are hard pressed to simply stand erect much less conduct movement to contact. On average each man carried just over 50% of his body weight in my experience. Military BMI standards mean that women weigh less than men. We don’t issue lighter weight weapons, ammunition or other equipment based on gender. That means that women must carry disproportionately more weight than men. It’s not surprising that they have more difficulty meeting equivalent physical standards.

    All units (including support units) may experience casualties due to enemy contact. When that happens the wounded must be recovered. A 120# man will find it more difficult to drag a 180# man out of the line of fire than one who is 160#. Likewise women will find it physically harder to pull men who are generally larger and carrying heavier equipment out of the line of fire. Yes there are always exceptions to the rule – but there is a reason why the rule exists. I think men understand this at a visceral level and recognize that women assigned to the unit increase it’s vulnerability to attack. There is the cultural pressure to protect the women (where men would be presumed capable of protecting themselves) and the knowledge that you can’t count on your fellow female troop to rescue you when push comes to shove. Not from lack of willingness – but from lack of physical capability (again – in most but not all cases).

    There are 886,527 troops currently serving who are under 30 years old with roughly 20% of those being women. There are 23 million US men aged 20-29. Quick/easy statistics add details that 14% of the population is illiterate and 42% is obese (let’s presume those overlap). Knock out another 2.5% for felony convictions and you have ballpark 13,006,500 for the recruiters in the 20-30 demographic. Charitably suggesting that 20% of those wouldn’t serve for political or religious reasons, the military needs to recruit roughly 7% of the available male population per year to assure adequate replacement rates, Given most other choices offer far greater comfort, less restrictions on freedom and higher base pay that provides continuing pressure to relax the standards to ensure that slots are filled. Resistance from within the military to that from those most likely to be impacted (combat troops) has probably been a feature of the military bureaucracy since it was first created by the Hittites.

    And on that note . . . back before SOCOM or JSOC existed, there were only two Ranger battalions, each with three combat companies – six total companies of door kickers. After the Grenada goatrope TPTB recognized having only 2 units was poor contingency planning. If you used one you’d be hesitant to use the other because you only had two shots in your gun. Thus a 3rd battalion was created so there were nine combat companies. During the constant deployments of the GWOT this was increased to four companies per battalion (plus the regimental reconnaissance company). The army has downsized from 777,000 in 1980 to 480,000 in 2020. Meanwhile the number of Rangers have more than doubled. Is this more likely due to twice as many physically / mentally prepared soldiers becoming available (from a smaller overall pool) or due to the standards being lowered to meet politically identified metrics. I have full respect for all serving and former Rangers and other tier one operators. The old saw “the only easy day was yesterday” is true and I assure you I did not graduate from the last hard class. Sentiment aside – the numbers are there to consider. I want our troops to succeed in their missions – appropriate selection and training to standard are keys to success.

    1. Great points – I especially like the numbers filter. Toss in I.Q. – you’ll cull another 30%, but they’ll overlap with some of the other groups that you mention.

      1. Combat arms troops are utilitarian.

        In ‘Nam, officers and NCOs who were a liability to their own troops got themselves fragged. Turns out that once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend. Bummer.

        Even in peacetime in the ’80s, we got two wastes of skin who were so lacking, they couldn’t even lift the 95# artillery shells that were our meat and potatoes. Not even one of them. Both were hazed mercilessly every time we went out in the woods to train. One caught a cluebat, and started doing extra PT until he could measure up. The other one was taunted so frequently and pitilessly that eventually, he decided being a fugitive was easier, and literally went over the hill and never looked back.
        And that was nominal men.

        Non-hacking women? They’re going to die in combat, even if someone has to throw them on a grenade and sit on them, and then write them up for a DSC or Navy Cross for making the ultimate sacrifice. The first casualty in war is truth. The second is anyone who shortens everyone’s life expectancy beyond acceptable norms, and rank will be irrelevant.

        I’d predict 99+% casualties for the few women in combat arms line units, and the <1% who survive will be the butchest badasses ever seen.
        All three of them.

        1. Another excellent point. When lowered standards lower life spans, those impacted will react. If they have time.

  4. Life gets complicated when a society shifts from an appreciation for the accomplishments of individuals to the placement of emphasis on the satisfaction of group goals. Such is our state of affairs at present.

    I would think you would want the best fighters on the front lines to protect our nation. Much like you would also want the best nurturers caring and teaching your kids. In other words, let the best in every occupation lead the way.

    That notion is lost upon the social planners in their efforts to matriculate women into the military as well as mandating the inclusion of every fractional variation of historically normal behavior into the fabric of society. The truth be told, this all has NOTHING TO DO WITH EQUALITY and EVERYTHING TO DO WITH TEARING OUR NATION DOWN!!!! This is the erosion of our strength from within by insidious enemies who wish to see our nation lose permanently our leadership status to the world.

    As a result of the assault on our society we are slowly tearing our institutions apart for ‘diversity’ and its latest version ‘equal rights’ which is more correctly interpreted as ‘equal outcomes’ which is empirically impossible when the participants are not of equal attributes.

    A women can be a fierce and strong fighter. She cannot equal a man who is equally as fierce and strong who is literally twice her size. To suggest any different is idiotic. This is not to say a woman could not be a welcomed asset in a battle. Just don’t expect her to drag someone twice her size off the battle field. We have the luxury of playing social engineering with our military solely because we are not presently at war for our survival. If we were, this would not come up.

    As to society attempting to force people to regard outliers (gender, gender preferences, other fetishes) without any bias, I would ask if someone likes tall Nordic types for a partner is that wrong? Is it wrong to want a partner who shares your interests and hobbies? The fact is that we are trying to mainstream literally tiny fractions of our society as being ‘normal’ and they are not. Teaching the idea of ‘normalcy’ for these fringe individuals weakens our society and erodes the strengths we built our nation upon.

    If these movements were driven by the majority it would be acceptable. Sadly, shrewd attorneys have interpreted our laws and founding documents in such a perverse way that we are now allowing the tyranny of the minority control the majority. This is essentially a despotic system not unlike a monarchy or a dictatorship and will lead us to a USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela type of government and society where freedoms are dictated by the ruling government.

    The gradual infestation of our educational systems and other aspects of our society by liberal, socialist, communist and leftist influences over the last 100 years is to blame for all of this. We have allowed the enemy into our tent and are now paying the price and will lose our freedoms if we do not put an end to mandated social engineering policies like we are seeing today. I would also say that as a free society, people are capable of doing whatever they want with the understanding that no one is required to like or respect them for it. Fitting into our society is essential if you want to be a functioning member. If your choices take you to a place where no one can respect or otherwise stand you, that is your problem as a citizen. As long as you are assured safety (provided you do not endanger anyone else) you can carry on as you wish.

    Ultimately, we will either figure all of this out as a nation and return to our strengths or we will perish as a free people and live lives we do not or would not choose for ourselves. Time to wake up and make a choice.

    1. Nursing, code-breaking, translation, secretarial pool, training teams, none combat piloting, etc. Possibly. While making sure that the female Auxiliaries have their own cadres to make sure they’re more fit, and shoot straighter than civilians.

      And there’s a case to be made that every American woman should face the draft and have to put in two years qualifying for such service. Be good for us.

      But who am I kidding? We have 2+ star Admirals who’ve *never held a sea command*. The armed forces are rotten through and through the flag ranks, and God knows how far down the officer corps now. The ranks are shot through with inept grifters.

      The Naval Academy is corrupt and decadent. I doubt the other service academies are any better.

    2. Again, one reason I write is so people know that they’re not alone. 80,000,000+, and lunacy like this adds more to our numbers daily.

  5. Well, maybe some of them can do everything. History has documented such cases. One thing they cannot do(and I have proven it): They cannot write their name in the snow. Although, I was aware of a situation involving a very limber female gymnast. She put a piece of chalk in her butt crack and backed up to a blackboard and wrote eight and three-eights per cent.

  6. Well, maybe some of them can do everything. History has documented such cases. One thing they cannot do(and I have proven it): They cannot write their name in the snow.

  7. “The Truth will win.”

    I admire your optimism! I wish I could share it, but I think a more likely victor than truth is entropy.

    It would have been interesting if that USMC study had had the logical 3rd test group: all female. I wonder to what extent the men in the mixed teams were carrying the women, literally and figuratively.

    1. Look up the Israeli army’s findings. Interesting stuff, like the one field duty for the ladies is super highly prized and all the gals who get it have great morale. All the guys who get the parallel version are depressed by it.

      But they have to have career and command tracks for the ladies auxiliary forces or they get the usual whining and it’s-not-FAIR-daddy-ing that the worst elements of the female sex deploy so effectively (which speaks darn poorly of the men in Western societies. Worst. Patriarchy. Ever, guys.)

    2. The truth may win, but only with the assistance of the spiritual offspring of John Moses Browning.
      Theory ends when the bodies start falling.

      As far as all female combat units, the Russians tried that in both world wars. The German response was to act as if the female units were holes in the Russian lines. They weren’t wrong.

      1. Russian females did make pretty good snipers though. Not many men are motivated to sit still for 8 hours just to ruin another man’s day…

    3. Hmm, yeah. They didn’t do that even though it’s the third act of all those movies. Wonder why?

  8. John – –

    You highlighted a universal fact: “The first enemy of the Left isn’t the Right. The first enemy of the Left is the Truth.”

    The corollary is: “No man is so blind as He who refuses to see.”

    As Solzhenitsyn said, “…….they know that they are lying……”

    When believing that the State rules ALL, the State becomes your sole religion and blindness to mindlessly accepting state-pushed lies as “the truth” is obligatory.

    Excellent comments engendered from the peanut gallery….Good work, John !!

  9. I thought I was safe from all this gender garbage, that people would leave me alone if I just listed my gender as “Old and Ugly”. But probably there’s even a kink for that (there’s a kink for everything). Maybe I need to up my game to “Old and Super Ugly”.

  10. If there’s such a rush to a level be all you can be playing field…how about we do the “mandatory draft registration” !
    After 13 yrs service time with a few down range I’m tired of all the BS on equal this and that..there’s the game or there’s the porch…all in …

    1. Not a bad idea, (and one I’ve argued for in the past) but I wonder what would happen to standards then?

  11. The truth has been cancelled in the spirit of unity, comrades.
    Truth is what mommygov (literal) says it is.
    Fierce warrior wymyns will make the communism work this time because muh equality.
    Equality of results for all?
    Didn’t Russia try that already with a mountain of skulls and a few chops of gristle at the butcher shop to show for it?
    Mule driven Zils and Trabants for all comrades of the unity (conformity) collective.
    Forward! Yes we can.

  12. The marxist-socialists ( left) have to destroy the “3 C’s ” that make America before they take over. Those “3 C’s” are our Culture, Constitution, and Christianity. If anyone thinks they will stop at Dr. Seuss, they are dead wrong. I expect them to come after the Bible

  13. The trans are inarguably mentally ill. No matter how they try to deny it, it’s simply a fact. Insisting that they are not does not change that fact. Amazon refusing to sell books that assert that does not change that fact. Those fuckers are nuts.

    1. It begins with pretending that homosexuals are not mentally ill.
      No, it begins by pretending that men and women are fundamentally the same.

  14. You do realise that Titania McGrath is a fake name? The twitter account “she” has is a satirical parody of Woke-ism? Created by Andrew Doyle, a standup comedian.

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