Why The Left Fears The Right, And Why The Right Will Win

“Oh, haven’t you noticed?  We’ve been sharing our culture with you all morning.” – 300


When I was a five or so, my parents had horses.  One of the horses had a foal (baby horse for you city folk), and Pa Wilder brought the foal and the mare (momma horse) into the barn – it was brutally cold, and the barn was much warmer.  They brought me down to see the foal.  It was young and awkward as new horses are.

Inside the stall was a series of closely spaced rails in a square, about four feet by six feet.

I asked, “What’s that for, Pa?”

“Well, when the foal is in here, he’ll find that he can’t walk across the bars.  His hooves won’t quite fit.  That will train him so he won’t do that when he gets older.”

Even at five, I had seen cattle guards and knew cows wouldn’t try to cross them.  But here was a horse.


From Library of Congress.

“Won’t he try to jump over the cattle guard, Pa?”

“Some horses, the smart ones, will figure out and a cattle guard won’t work on them.  But most don’t.  Heck, you can just paint parallel lines on an asphalt road and some horses won’t try to cross them.”

The little training bars were a device, a device to train the horse that he was in a prison made up of parallel bars on the ground.  In that, the horse restricted his own freedom.

In the last post (Money, Power, Politics, and Soros), I discussed the difference between Money and Power.  I actually finished most of the last post before I wrote the conclusion.  Money and Power as described through most of the post were entirely materialistic concepts.  Ending it with just that discussion wasn’t right, since the theme of my writing is often to balance the material with the concepts of spirit and virtue.  We live in a material world, but the reason we live is for a purpose greater than this moment.

Freedom isn’t important to either Money or Power; Freedom is actually the enemy of both Money and Power.  Throughout most of recorded history in the West, when either Money or Power get too out of balance, there is a backlash, and Freedom eventually wins.

It has for thousands of years.

And it will again.  I firmly believe that the destiny of the West is in the hands of those who love Freedom, especially in the United States.


The Left is utterly afraid of the Right.  Though they put forward a great front – they are shaking.  The American people on the Right compose the largest potential army in the history of the world.

The numbers:

There are at least 400,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States by one estimate.  That seems right.

There are 800,000 or so cops.  Assume they have two guns each.  Heck, assume they have three.  Round up.  Three million guns.  The Military in the United States owns about 4.4 million guns.  Round up.  That’s a total of less than 10 million guns in the hands of the United States government or other governmental authorities.  And that assumes that they stand with the government, which is questionable at best.

Assume only 35% of the American public owns guns, a number I think is very low.  Call it 100,000,000 people.  Assume that those owners skew mostly Right – 80/20?  That’s 80,000,000 on the Right.  Let’s do 80/20 again on those that will not stand for a communist uprising in the United States.  That’s 16,000,000 Americans ready to stand in the breach.  The largest army in the history of the world (so far) were the United States armed forces in 1945:  12,000,000 Americans under arms.

I’ll state it again:  American people on the Right have the potential to compose the largest army in the history of the world.  Period.

People on the Right, men and women, also have more and better training for field conditions.  I’d put The Mrs. up against most people on the Left if it came to a rural setting, because Leftists have no idea that trees are even made of wood, and I doubt that many on the Right will want to make the Stalingrad mistake and get caught in the cities as Leftists consume themselves.  How many people on the Right have their homes on the market to escape from Minneapolis?  From Seattle?  From any of dozens of cities where they know that they no longer belong?

I have no idea.  But they’d be fools to stay.

And even though we have the numbers on our side, there’s more good news.  We don’t even need overwhelming numerical superiority:

  • How many apostles peacefully changed the religion of Europe?
  • How many Spartans defended all of Western Civilization at Thermopylae?

“But John,” you say, “most all of the people in your examples died for their cause.”  Yes, they did.  And we remember them for that, because they changed the world.  Thousands of years before Robert Heinlein said it, they knew the truth of his quote:  “You can have peace.  Or you can have freedom.  Don’t ever count on having both at once.”

Besides, everyone is going to die.  Is it better to be a Leonidas or a St. Peter?

Obviously, it is.

Don’t be like Ephialtes (LINK).

We outgun the Left.  We have Truth, capital T, on our side.  The other day Vox Day had this inspiring clip at his blog (LINK).

It was a good clip, and one I’d forgotten.  So we watched the movie again tonight – it’s one that could not be made by Hollywood® today.  That clip also makes the point I tried to make earlier much more eloquently than I ever could.

The Black Riots Lives Matter riots are demoralizing to people of good character.  This is intentional.  The riots are meant to make you feel alone.  The riots are meant to make you feel that the Right has already lost.

The Right has not lost.

How did the Modern Sporting Lawyer make you feel?


That’s why he and his wife are condemned.  That’s why they have vowed to cancel him, to make an example of them, to find a way to charge them with crime.  They are the opposite of demoralization.

The Modern Sporting Lawyer and his wife drive the Left crazy.  Here, their desire to destroy as a senseless mob was turned back by only two people.

Can you imagine if the Right was united?  I can.

The corollary is obvious:  quit fighting each other in the right.  Stop.  People don’t believe in your exact brand?

You can’t stand Libertarians?  You can’t stand Lutherans? Baptists? Catholics? Vox Day?  That atheist friend that doesn’t mind Christianity but still believes in freedom?  The idea to fix our situation isn’t exactly yours?

Too bad.

We are in the same foxhole.  Stop (metaphorically) shooting each other.  Now.  If you’re not with us, you’re against us.  And if you’re fighting us, you’re against us.

How do you know if you’re with us?

  • We like building statues, not tearing them down.
  • We like building civilization, not tearing it apart.
  • We like the reason of facts and truth, not the politically correct statement of the moment.
  • We like justice based on law, not the social justice of the mob or judges that twist “shall not” into “sometimes.”
  • We like a culture of honor, not a culture of victimhood due to the self-imposed prison.

And that is the difference.  The Left is bitter.  The Left is seething.  The Left is angry.

Why?  Because, just like the foal with the cattle guard, they’ve made themselves prisoners.  They’ve forgotten that becoming a prisoner might not be a choice for a horse, but it is for a person.  But for the Left, that prison mentality is preferred.

The prison mentality is the chosen mentality of the Left.  They see themselves as weak.  Since they see themselves as weak, there is no choice but to hate themselves for that weakness.  But outwardly, the Left rationalizes that weakness as being, somehow, good.  They have to, because that’s all that stands between them and the unending self-hate.  The Left raises an “anything goes” sexuality and sensuality to the highest plane because they are rooted in the Material, and cannot understand the Spiritual, the Transcendent.

The Right rejects that.  All of it.

Sex isn’t a virtue, chastity is a virtue.  Sex isn’t evil, but making it the focus of your life is no different than any other addiction – it is a vice.  But which of those does the Left celebrate?  Inside, they know that it’s wrong, and that also fills them with self-hate.

Because of that hate, and seek to make the Right weak like them.  How?  By demoralizing the Right, by taking virtues and attacking them while publicly celebrating things we use to call sin.  By coming up with never ending list of impossible demands and nonsensical redefinitions of the English language on an ever more frequent basis.  Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has recently been excommunicated from the Left for being brazen enough to indicate that women might be, well, women.


The Right has built Western Civilization, and built it with a compassion for the weak.  That makes the Left hate the Right even more.  They seek to make us doubt our morals and virtue:  everyone is racist, every historical figure is fatally flawed.  That is justification enough in the minds of the Left to tear down everything that has made their prosperity and wealth transfer possible.  The Left makes no real art, just caricatures of the genius that has gone before, photographs of Christ soaking in urine.  The Left is a parasite that, failing to create, destroys.

But those games won’t work anymore.  The Right is strong.  The Right is virtuous.  The Left seeks to build nothing because that is the province of the Right.  And to the Left, those who are strong and build statues to the virtues of flawed men are evil.

Was Columbus perfect?  No.  Did he open up a New World?  Yes.  How many people in Mexico City would prefer to revert to the charnel house of the Aztecs?  Some, but every hand that goes up will belong to a member of the Left.

The Right is not evil.  We hold the light of Freedom, of civilization, of the future of mankind in our hands.  Why?  Because they could never build it.  The Left seeks to delegitimize our moral achievement, because they feel small and envious next to those that compete and create.

Remember, the Soviets never looked stronger than they did immediately before they collapsed.

I don’t think we will win.

I know we will win.  We are the foals that recognize the painted lines on the asphalt for the lie that they are.  We are the horses that realize that they have the strength to jump over the cattle guard that we used to think was our prison.


From Library of Congress.

I feel sorry for those who stand against the Right when we find our backs are to the wall.  We have created the most powerful and free and prosperous culture in history.  The Right doesn’t know its own strength.  But it will learn, and the Left is afraid.

We will win.  Maybe not this year.  Maybe not next year.  Maybe not even in the next decade.  And the future won’t look like the past – that past is what led us to this crisis.  We have the opportunity to remake our civilization, to remake America and to make it better.

And we will make it better.

And we will win.

We always have.

What is your profession?

I rarely ask people to share these posts, but if you have people you know are feeling down – please do.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

85 thoughts on “Why The Left Fears The Right, And Why The Right Will Win”

  1. I appreciate the spirit of the post, although I am not sure I agree with all of the points. We could all use some encouragement. But.

    Yes, we have tens of millions of people with hundreds of millions of guns but thus far those tens of millions of people are mostly passively watching what is happening. At best they are moving out of the city and soon will have to flee the suburbs. A lot of those gun owners are the people on social media saying “I am a lifelong gun owner BUT I don’t see why anyone needs an AR-15”. The reason the “Right” is so passive is that most of us are handcuffed by our jobs, benefits and mortgages. The Left? These losers have nothing to live for. They have no prospect for a decent job, no prospects for family, they are loaded down with six figure student loan debt with no marketable skills. An acquaintance of one of our daughters has a Masters degree in biology that she spent most of her 20s obtaining and now she is excited because she got an interview for an entry level retail clerk position at Joann Fabrics. Why wouldn’t someone like that want to burn down society? Until we get to a place where we have nothing left to lose, we will keep losing.

    The Right is a hot mess. You can’t unite and you can’t organize. American Renaissance has been holding a very small conference in a state park in Tennessee for the last few years because no other venue will take their money. There is an enormous police presence to keep the protesters from killing the attendees, and that is not an exaggeration. Other groups on the Right have mostly given up even trying to hold these little conferences. Apart from the occasional Richmond gun rights rally, any gathering of people on the Right is either not permitted at all or shut down by antifa. College campuses, hotel conference rooms, any place where you could once have a civil conversation is cut off. You can be banned from social media on a whim. VDare has been teetering on the edge of losing their domain for weeks. Gab has been chased off of most hosts and is now blacklisted by Visa. Youtube and Twitter can erase someone fairly non-offensive like Stefan Molyneux and we can’t do anything about it. Other than Tucker Carlson, who on the Right has a sizable platform? The loudest voices are either unstable or egomaniacs.

    The recent events with Curt Doolittle and John Mark of propertarianism fame are instructive. John Mark did the widely viewed Civil War 2.0 video and was an acolyte of Doolittle’s philosophical school. They recently organized an in-person event and to say it was a disaster would be putting it mildly. In the aftermath, Doolittle seems to spend all of his time screaming at his detractors while John Mark deleted his entire social media presence, including his Youtube channel.

    We are going to win in the long term because the blood in our veins is the same blood that flowed through the veins of the explorers, inventors, artists and conquerors of old. But it isn’t going to happen anytime soon and perhaps not in any of the lifetimes of the people reading this post. That shouldn’t discourage us but it should make us soberly reflect on the task ahead.

    1. Be of good cheer! Two interesting thought experiments:

      The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny
      by John Wesley Rawles, May 15, 2018

      The Critical Fraction
      by Eric Raymond
      A rough approximation: “…the critical fraction of American gun owners that would have to be hard-core enough to resist confiscation with lethal violence in order to stop the attempt is lower than 1 in 317. Probably much lower.”


    2. In my view, we should avoid creating new movements out of the blue but work with our local cities and counties and back up the sheriff, National Guard and military where we can.

      This means of course moving to the red counties and cities which will be rural and which the left are unlikely to dominate. The reason is the left are too soft for the kinds of work required in the red regions of the country. They are only capable of city work and are too proud to do work like that seen in Mike Rowe’s Dirty Jobs.

      So America’s Red Guard are limited to the big blue cities as that’s where their parents live since clearly most aren’t working. Gotta sleep and eat somewhere.

      The leftists have already made a terrible mistake by disenfranchising a large number of police and other law enforcement who are highly trained and have acquaintances in the same profession. Those people also have sympathetic friends and neighbors. The leftists have also irritated many members of the military with their anti-flag and memorial destruction in many cities.

      We also need to reduce funding for states or the Federal Government by working as little as we possibly can and not contributing our skill to these corporations that bend over backwards to accommodate the mob. Oh, today is anti-whiteness training day? Okay, I guess that’s it. It’s been fun, see ya. Better to do something else even if it pays a lot less and isn’t as “prestigious”.

      It’s hard to accomplish and the results take a while, but I think we should keep it legal, constitutional and friendly towards the institutions that have the major weapons and the deep technical battle skill while alert to the prospect our cold civil conflict could one day change.

  2. You are especially effective when you get serious. Less entertaining but more effective.

    1. It’s like the old joke about parents who want “quality time” with their kids. “Just put in enough quantity time, and you’ll get it.”

      The serious works because it emerged from an ocean of well-executed entertainment.

      The leftists in Hollywood used to get this, which is why they won the hearts and minds of the millenials, and even Gen-X will go back and re-watch an old movie, and realize “Betty Friedan’s burning bra! This hilarious romantic adventure is a paean to a selfish woman dumping her husband, running off to Paris to have sex with a younger, hotter, richer fellow; then stealing the kids who are thrilled to have mommy’s boyfriend replace Daddy”.

      Now they’re like Weston in Perelandra.

      1. Pleasantville is perhaps the most evil movie ever made.
        To Wong Foo is just vile.
        Victor Victoria is a terrific movie, although still evil. At least it doesn’t pretend that the freaks aren’t, for the most part, freaks.

        1. What struck me in re-watching American Dreamer with the Daughter Product was how I remembered only the funny action-adventure bits and the endearing characters, none of the subversive message.

          We watched the whole movie (with some fast-forwarding) because all the good storytelling bits were so good, and it was useful to stop and analyze how the evil was worked into the fabric as it were. Then it was off to the recycle bin. Ugh.

          It does explain why the progressives are so paranoid about any possible “racism” or “hate” or whatever dog-whistle code word they’re using for subversive Western civilizational elements in movies, books, and comics, though. Second law of SJWs.

  3. Communists have repeatedly shown that you can control a population with less than 1% of its members, if your cadres are well-motivated. For the US, the cadre need only be 1 million to 3 million. Furthermore, virtually all cops and military will obey whoever has control of the government, and at each level. Your local sheriff will take your guns if so ordered. The Three Percent will run and hide.

    1. The difference is that they were controlling people who had been all but slaves in most instances. (Russia, China). I hope in America it would be a bit harder. I know that many Americans have seen the lessons of communism.

  4. Our fathers and grandfathers didn’t defeat the Germans and Japanese by celebrating their individualism and writing strongly worded letters. They organized, worked together, and exterminated their enemies like vermin.

    Yesterday is not too soon a time to train, prepare, organize, and equip. The most important part is attitude. The second most important part is comradeship with your fellows. “The moral is to the physical as three is to one.” It doesn’t really matter how good you are with a pistol or rifle if you don’t have a friend at your side, watching your back.

    Many men are willing to die for their nation. The trick is being willing to kill. Basic Training spends an enormous amount of time and effort trying to beat this into the trainees. And even then, it works less than half the time.

    The sound of gunfire and banjos is the song of my people. But this one is pretty good, too. (I played it before every mission outside the wire in Iraq.)

    1. “Our fathers and grandfathers didn’t defeat the Germans and Japanese by celebrating their individualism and writing strongly worded letters. ”

      The Right defeated them because the marxists in control of our government ordered us to for the benefit of international bankers, against the popular wishes of our own country. And then wrote the history books and curricula to make it seem like we were the good guys. Hardly a rallying cry for the Right.

      1. Failing to get the point, people. We conquered half the world with a population of 120 million back then.

      1. 1) People were pretty sick of the Hun after WW1 and whether or no the Feds knew it was coming and let it happen, the Japanese were still foolish enough to make the U.S. its enemy by bombing us.

        2) Did the assorted oligarchs, Brahmins, and whotnot take advantage of the enmity to get the U.S. into the war, not to mention a lot of other nonsense designed to break the back of any American resistance to their power? Seems pretty likely. See FDR and the Flying Tigers.

        Claiming that (1) known truth is bogus in order to convince folks that (2) happened, is a good way to convince folks that it didn’t. And since (2) is in fact an ongoing problem, it makes me wonder why you’re so gung-ho to apply this method?

        Ordinary people of every stripe are sick to death of gas-lighting, and we need to pull together more than ever against a ruling class that despises us. Tell the truth and shame the devil.

        1. People weren’t sick of the hun after WW1, they were sick of war. Polls showed a Euro war was unpopular for any reason, so the elites had to gin up an excuse.

          We intentionally provoked Japan into attacking us. Look up the ” McCollum memo.” Japan had little choice due to running out of oil in a few months due to our embargo.

          We had taken sides in the European theater by giving weapons including destroyers to Britain and the USSR.

          The reason given for the UK and France starting WW2 was Germany invading Poland. But the USSR invaded Poland a few weeks later, and we allied with them. Furthermore, at the end of the war we gave 1/2 of Europe to the USSR. Considering that the UK at its height controlled about 1/4 of the worlds’ landmass and 1/4 of its population, it obviously didn’t have a fetish for maintaining other nations’ territorial integrity. It also didn’t have a problem rounding up women and children, putting them in concentration camps, then forgetting to feed them (see: 2nd Boer War.)

          So what was the real reason?

          1. Embrace the healing power of “and” on this one. Germans won no prizes with Americans AND they were sick of the war that “the savage breed without the Law” started.

            The real reason is that there were many reasons, including why rotten eggs like Wilson and FDR wanted war.

            Let the monomania subside, tell the truth, and shame the devil. Are you like the SocJus crowd or BLM, looking for a target with whom you are free to indulge the pleasures of despising, condemning, and inventing creative vitriol to describe? The commie pinkos, aka “pustulant festering whoreson dogs” are good value.

            But do not. That impulse is very bad for you and forbidden by the only One who can miraculously rescue the very Western Civ (or “white nation”) you hope to save.

            If you are a better man than I am, and are in fact, merely frustrated by Israel’s stiff-necked determination to bring the hammer of Yaweh down upon their rebellious heads (Every. Damn. Time.)… I sympathize. But only the truth will serve us.

  5. Very inspirational, John. Thanks for that.

    This isn’t gonna go the way anybody expects.

    All the current attention is focused on BLM. The reality of BLM being a Marxist Antifa front of mostly whites doing zero marches for South Side Chicago gang vics is a nuance apparent only to a small minority of people who look beyond lines / words painted on the asphalt. For the masses being propagandized, MSM outlets such as the NYT downplay those who are not covered by the BLM brand.


    You get any sense of exactly “who” or “how many” or “how strong” from that article? Me either. They’re not BLM, so they’re not the storyline getting promoted in the runup to toppling the Orange Man Bad statue Nov 3.

    Dig a little in the independent media and you find out they’re the NFAC – details not seen important by NYT “journalists”.


    Mark my words. Stone Mountain its carvings of Jefferson Davis, Lee, and Jackson are gonna be a huge flashpoint in weeks and months to come. This guy is gonna be right in the middle of it, and he ain’t BLM.

    I actually have a lot of respect for Jay. What he’s saying there is basically what we’re saying here.

    But this is how we all go from 9 to 10. Sigh.

    1. In light of the Oklahoma decision, carving out 40 acres of land for every documented descendent of Americans who were enslaved at the time of the Civil War – let’s say June 19, 1866 is the cutoff date – and only those descendants, could really set the cat among the pigeons. Johnny-come-lately blacks and their families need not apply.

      Interesting guy you linked to, btw. I wonder what the oligarchs of the Left and Right and their blue check-mark dancing bears will do with him.

      Do you know what the “precepts” were to which he refers in the video? Sounds like the Society of Friends, but that cannot be correct.

    2. It’s really (as some readers have noted) actually war in the cities now. We’ve not seen the oddest thing from 2020 yet. Not even close.

  6. John, in response to your question, I am an artist. None of the Jesus in piss stuff!! Much of my work is inspired from old family photos from the early 1900’s. I’m a committed proponent of families consisting of a man, woman and children although now a days by saying that out loud I could be cancelled.
    I know the right will prevail and I will do whatever small part I am able to make it so.
    Thank you for making me laugh and keeping it real!

  7. Does everyone know what “NextDoor” is? (Probably, but I’ll explain that it’s a highly local form of social media, where you can post articles that only people in your neighborhood will see and/or respond to.) Last week, fireworks were a big topic of discussion (more popular than the sightings of albino squirrels, or complaints about garden damage from groundhogs). In my county in Maryland, fireworks are banned. Stupid, careless people have injured themselves and/or their children, so The State writ large says “you can’t have them”. But this law is unenforceable to the extent that we had a week of listening to illegal fireworks banging in the night, and on the 4th in particular, I stood in my yard and heard a continuous rumble from every direction.

    When one neighbor complained about the noise, another responded: the legal fireworks shows were canceled this year due to the pandemic, so “of course” people had to buy their own. There are a bunch of things to unpack here.

    First, I believe that the law is wrong, and that people should take responsibility for their choices, not depend on government to limit them in the name of safety. (In one dramatic example, a man was killed when he set off a “mortar shell” firework while holding it over his head! I assume that the propellant charge slammed the base down on his skull like a hammer. And then set him on fire. The law did not protect him.) Bad laws should be challenged, legally, not ignored. THAT’S the place where democracy can work, much more than just picking the next politician.

    Second, bad laws diminish respect for good laws. “Of course”, when you’re late for work, you ignore the speed limit? Of course, when you find the US to be a fine place to live, you overstay your tourist visa? Of course, when you need cheap labor for your landscaping company, you’ll overlook citizenship documentation? Of course, when you really need to see why your phone beeped, you’ll look away from the highway in front of you to the phone in your lap? Of course, you’ve discovered that life sucks, but you know a guy who can supply medications that seem to help? But respect for the Rule of Law is one of the few assets that we still have in the US (as the copper, iron, water, oil, and soil are depleted).

    Third, the vast majority of fireworks are imported from China, so we’re sending our money there, which strengthens their nation as it weakens ours. That money could have been spent supporting local businesses that hire our neighbors, instead of being shipped to China.

    Fourth, a young woman was found dead of a gunshot wound on the morning of July 5, in a local motel. Based on the timing, I suppose that it was motel housekeeping that discovered the body. No one would have noticed the shot(s) on the previous night, with all of the firecracker activity. (The police have arrested a suspect, apparently it was a personal dispute.) Of course, when “your” woman does you wrong, you grab a gun to defend your honor?

    I shared most of these points with my neighbors, through NextDoor, and so far haven’t seen any push-back. Maybe, in some small way, my neighbors will pay more attention to these issues. Wouldn’t it be fine if an uprising against the illegality of fireworks gave people a taste of freedom? That gives me an idea! Find one stupid law or regulation that annoys your neighbors, and build an organization to get it repealed. One simple, concrete, achievable action. Find something so stupid that the pol’s are happy to change it.

    Then look for another issue… Tactically, I think it would be better to disband the original organization and establish a new one, to show that your aims are, indeed, limited to your stated purpose. (As a counter-example, The Sierra Club is now fighting racism, too!) For each issue, gather as many allies as possible, without worrying about their positions on other issues.

    1. My neighbors and I did that for the [redacted] ordinance. It took nearly 10 years for a mere bureaucratic regulation with no “Karen appeal”. Our State is big on referenda, and then the legislature changes the law back.

      Let’s embrace the healing power of “and” on this one.

      Because rule of law is never coming back until and unless it is applied equally regardless of race, color, or creed. Ask the Brasilians about that.

    2. In Modern Mayberry, I could call two of the three city councilmen and they’d pick up. They’d generally fix things in an afternoon.

      Big government=bad.

  8. All the newer gun registration attempts were disobeyed, starting with Connecticut in 2014. That said, Internet presences on the Right who were canceled have not responded by making their own Internet publishing platform, despite that being legal, inexpensive, and easy if they apply themselves.

    1. Gab. Social Galactic. MeWe.
      Several others have withered because the banks refused to do business with them. If you don’t have a bank handling fund transfers, you can’t do business over the internet. You can’t even accept checks.

      You can’t do business on the internet if the domain registrars cancel you. It’s hard to do business on the internet if Google unpersons you. Google is currently headlining smear pieces against USAA, for crying out loud. Why? Because USAA didn’t bow down before our masters and sacrifice to their heathen gods.

      1. Exactly. People constantly are saying “Just start your own platform” but when you do, you get shut out from hosting, financial services, etc. The big tech companies collude with one another and financial services firms to create a de facto monopoly.

      2. McChuck, Not to take away from your point at all, you were doing fine until you threw out “USAA” as if everyone must know what it is. For those of us who don’t, there are 13 suggestions on Acronymfinder for USAA. Just saying.

    2. Well, there are some out there (that were posted earlier). But the Left will do anything to stop ideas they don’t like . . .

  9. If I could post images I’d post that UFO poster in Agent Mulder’s office from The X-files, the one that says “I want to believe.”

    “I feel sorry for those who stand against the Right when we find our backs are to the wall.”

    The problem is that this is what the Left fears, and so will avoid it until the last possible moment, when they hope it’s too late. And it very well might be. Did the Right pull off a successful last minute victory in South Africa or are they about to get genocided? How about Rhodesia? Brazil? All these places are either death camps for the white/right, or about to become so. One of the few places where the Right succeeded was the Spanish Civil War. And the Left eventually won that because as soon as the peace was signed they began agitating and pushing and whining like they always do. There probably won’t be a war, but even if there is and we win, the Left will still win the peace because they’ll never stop pushing. What words can we put on a piece of paper that will make them stop?

    They won’t come for our guns door to door like we wish. Ammo tax. Special inheritance tax on guns but with a tax credit if they get handed in. Forms to fill in. Mental health checks (you’d have to be crazy to be on the Right!) Manufacturer’s liability. All the various things that trigger the ‘cattle guard’ in all of us. And as this is going on they’ll bring in more non-whites who think only the government should have power because in their experience it’s better to have only one big oppressor rather than many small oppressors fighting it out to become the big oppressor. And the media and education system will continue indoctrinating everyone’s children. All we can do is wait, and time is on the enemy’s side…

    “How many people on the Right have their homes on the market to escape from Minneapolis? From Seattle? From any of dozens of cities where they know that they no longer belong?”

    There are also a lot of Leftists fleeing, and they don’t stop being Leftists just because they’ve been proven wrong. Wherever they go, they’ll spread the same rot and be surprised when it leads to the same result. CA liberals left for CO, and now CO is becoming CA. Brown hordes displace liberals, liberals displace conservatives, until we are left with a minority of states, unable to win a presidential election. The Brookings Institute estimates that due to demographic change 2028 is the last year a Republican has a chance to win the presidency. And it’s not like the Republicans are particularly conservative or even pro-civilization any more.
    p35 chart summary

    I didn’t want this to be a post of doom and gloom, but of reality. Which unfortunately does seem to consist of doom and gloom.

    There won’t be a point where every conservative suddenly realizes we have to put on a uniform and rally behind Governor Smith’s secessionist government. The uniparty makes sure such a person can’t even get elected as a dog catcher, much less a state governor.

    There likely won’t be a point where every conservative suddenly realizes they need to put on a uniform, join the local militia, and get lead to defeat and/or arrest by their FBI plant leaders.

    Will there be a point where people realize CW2 won’t be anything like CW1, and will instead be more like the Rwandan CW or the Yugo breakup? If we win the war, will enough conservatives know what needs to be done to win the peace? Time will tell.

    1. Brazilian situation is not even close to of Rodhesia or South Africa, we do not have a race war.
      There is some kind of racism but i think most of brazilians don’t eve care about race, our issues are economic and social.We do have very high levels of violence (and deaths) in some big cities and in prisions, mostly related do drugs and gangs wars but to think that the entire country is conflagrated is a mistake.
      We also have a very bad MSM pushing leftist and LGBTXYZ agenda 24/7 , some antifa and black-blocks groups, bad politicians (all of them) , uninformed people (mostly), afirmative actions, leftist academia, cancel culture and so on but no one is killed for being whilte or in the wright wing. Yes, our president (then running candidate) was stabbed but (my guess) because he was not part of deep state – yes we have one too – and was a real threat to them (now appears to me that the “blob” got him).
      Worth mention that MSM IS trying to bait for a race war or at least a war on police forces. The death of Floyd and the demonstrations of BLM were being aired extensively, followed by any case of brazilian police violence that they were able to find. For me the message was clear: you have to riot too! But that won’t stick… Not that we have higher moral ground, mostly don’t care or are too lazy.

    2. Winning the peace will involve mountains of skulls and rivers of blood. Get used to that idea. There is no negotiating with people whose entire purpose is to destroy you and erase any trace of your existence.

    3. The “Left” will never stop pushing even when they are defeated politically; even when they get the helicopter ride, the evil they do is not defeated. Because that evil is not, au fond a “leftist” thing. As Solzhenitsyn pointed out, the demarcation line between good and evil runs through every human heart.

      Only a miracle can fix that. Fortunately, a miracle did, which is why we have Western Civilization, aka Christendom.

      Unfortunately, whenever the churches, that is, the local Christian communities become a means to civic virtue, then the progressive element, the Left, the assorted fake Jews and atheists gain a foothold. The camel’s nose in the tent; the first of the tenured radicals: the Marxist stooge in the Actors union: By the time it gets to the legislature it is nearly too late.

      Why, it as if there was a Person who said, “If you do not want Me, then very well, you shall not have Me”, and removed His protective hand.

      This is why I quoted The Lord of the Rings about the growing civil war around us. And unlike Mr. McChuck, who might seem pessimistic, I don’t just expect rivers of blood, I expect that we’ll find ourselves wrapped in oil-soaked rags and tried to posts to light Mssr.s Obama and Spielberg’s garden party. But in the end, even so, we win and they lose.

      And that is why we write and draw the Churchians.

    4. That is the smart way to do it. But they think they’ve already won – and are willing to push. Heard that the 2A case before SCOTUS was scuttled because the Right justices didn’t trust that the 2A would be upheld . . .

      Yup. It will be street-to-street in some places.

  10. They will fail because human nature exists. Utopia building never works because people are basically looking out for number one and don’t give a rip about some touchy feely rainbow collective.
    Also the coalition of entitled victims cannot stand each other and their only common ground is the hatred of YT.
    They have nothing to show for their time on earth while YT has everything to show for his.

    “Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes. Keep this in mind; it may offer a way to make him your friend. If not, you can kill him without hate, and quickly.” — Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1973)

    1. The Leftist elites goal isn’t utopia, that’s just how they get the useful idiots on board. Their goal is power. Everything the Left does makes sense once you realize this. And it’s working.

  11. …handcuffed by our jobs, benefits and mortgages. But do you have to be?

  12. The leftist crying for more govr (except police) do so because they arent capable of taking care of themselves let alone a tribe. They will fall apart as soon as they get hungry. Take away their fancy coffee and phones they are done.

    1. I’m sure that will be a great consolation to the few survivors of the Left’s purges after they take complete control.

      Warning: Unpleasant realism about how Marxists treat their defeated foes.

    2. The Leftists you see are the useful idiots. Those in control of them sneer at them as much as we do. What we see is the tip of the iceberg. And at this point all we have on our side is a cold water current.

    3. Agreed. For most of them. I do think there’s a dedicated core of them that will try to push things further.

  13. Lo there do I see my father;

    Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers;

    Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning.

    Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever

    My family has served our country for 5 generations.

    I will continue to server until the end.

    1. I don’t understand why all of the right wing believe that Trump wins again. The dirty dems got caught with their pants down last time, thinking it was easy. It won’t happen again. This time the dems are going to pull out all the tricks to victory. Ballot stuffing, illegals voting, more dead people votes, whatever it takes. Everyday the right lose votes as the old die, and the blue gain votes as the snowflakes turn 18. More illegal voter pour into Cali.

      More idiots will vote for the black women VP, that will take over the presidency from old Joe, legally or illegally.
      I think when the elections are done that the left will rule the house, senate, and the presidency.

      The right will never stand up. When someone does now, they are left on their own. Branded a racist or a terrorist as everyone turns their head thinking don’t look to me ,and say it isn’t time yet. People from the right post memes and gripe on the net, but that is all. You and me are just one red flag raid away from being the next forgotten (racist or terrorist) person.

      I have lost all faith in both parties of government and almost hope for a democratic win just to get this shit show started because I am getting old and tired. I don’t have to many years left to be combat effective, so better now then later.

      How many gun owners own multiple firearms? I own 12 guns and could only use one at a time. I think this would alter your numbers drastically.

  14. The Spartans actually excelled in one area – salesmanship. They actually engaged in propaganda spreading tales of their prowess in order to give them the psychological edge over their enemies.

    In all the battles their opponents feared their awesome reputation so the enemy would field their weakest units against the Spartans with the aim of their best guys winning their bit then helping those fighting the Spartans.

    When the opposing army fielded their decent units against the Spartans the Spartans did OK. Not spectacular. Just held their own

    The Spartans DID flee the field of battle if they had to (just like the Samurai would)

    The Spartans at the battle of 300 kinda don’t mention all the other warriors by their side (marketing)

    Onto your main point.

    If we do go down that dark path then we need to be like Pinochet who wiped out his enemies and not like Franco that allowed them to go into exile (to continue to cause problems). Learn from history

    1. Very respectable. Doomed to failure. We tried thinking like that for the last century, as the Left slowly marched over each and every one of our principled stands.

    2. Love the Spartan history. Advertising helps!

      The idea of wiping out enemies started with the Left. The Right does pay attention.

  15. The Left’s greatest weakness is the demand for Intersectional ideological purity (whatever it happens to be at the moment). When you force people to lie, you’ve already lost. I remember reading the following (or something like it) a long time ago: “A man convinced against his will remains unconvinced still.”

    I myself do not have the ideological purity many on the Right seem to prefer (I no longer consider myself Christian or a believer), but I stand 100% with anyone who supports our shared secular religion of Liberty. That’s all we’ve ever needed to bind ourselves together in the past.

    Thanks, John, for the very smart, incisive and inspirational post.

    1. I see a lot more purity spiraling on “our side” at this point tbh, people on the Left are content right now to wallow in their shared hatred of White people. When they start to run out of White people to hate? Then you will see their natural animosity toward each other come to the forefront and the fireworks will start.

  16. If you get a chance, listen to Dr Stephen Turley. He’s on YouTube. I was very discouraged about the future until I started listening to him. The lion’s share of our dysphoria is because we only get to focus on what the Marxist media considers appropriate “news” at the moment. The conversation is always on their terms.

    Dr Turley points out global trends that are happening around the world even as we speak. These trends take years, if not decades, to play out. We may not be alive to see the end results, but liberalism is dying. This spasm of acting out may just be their last best chance to install their version of Utopia.

    1. Absolutely expected. They will make up a law or stretch any truth to charge them with something to keep people from the idea that self-defense is a fundamental right.

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