Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: 56 Days To The Last Election Ever In The United States

“It appears we will be required to ignite the midnight petroleum, sir.” – ST:  TNG

It’s all fun and games until it hits midnight.  And we’re getting pretty close.

  1. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  2. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  3. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures.  Just in case.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Open War.

We are at step 9.  Step 9. is, of course, two minutes to midnight on the clock.  Violence continues to be commonly justified by local and state authorities.

In this issue:  Front Matter – What Is A Civil War? – Violence And Censorship Update – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – 56 Days Until The Last Election – Links

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, feel free to subscribe and you’ll get every post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30 Eastern.

What Is A Civil War?

Multiple comments that I’ve had, both in the comment section at the blog, as well as in email and even text message asked the question – what happens to the index this month.  The answer is that we’re still at a 9 out of 10.  The only thing remaining to take us to a 10 is a body count.  That’s because I’m using this (admittedly academic definition by Doyle and Sambanis in 2000) as my definition for the existence of a civil war:

  1. The war has caused more than 1,000 battle deaths. This war hasn’t yet done so.  Is 1,000 an aribitrary number?    This is the only criteria not yet met.
  2. The war represents a challenge to the sovereignty of an internationally recognized state. I think it’s clear that Antifa® and BLM™ want nothing less than the dismantling of the existing state and construction of a Marxist Utopia©.  The fact that they are aided and abetted by fellow travelers in district attorney offices, mayoral offices, and congressional offices doesn’t mean that they aren’t communist revolutionaries fighting against freedom from the inside.
  3. The war occurs within the recognized boundary of that state. This is an easy one.
  4. The war involves the state as one of the principal combatants. One of.  Not the only one.  Ask a policeman in Portland if they feel that they’re in control.
  5. The rebels are able to mount an organized military opposition to the state and to inflict significant casualties on the state. It states casualties, not deaths.  And that also makes this an easy one to check off.  Organization discussion is directly below in the Violence And Censorship Update.


I list all of the five criteria for a simple reason – to show that the only thing between us right now and a full blown, internationally recognized definition of civil war is the number of body bags we have yet to fill.  When I started this update last year, I was expecting things to move faster than you expected.  I did not expect things to move faster than I expected.

They have.

Violence And Censorship Update

Violence this month is obvious.  The killings have started.  Outside of the increasing violence tied directly to police standing down because they have no support which I talked about last month, bullets are now flying in the “mostly peaceful” protests.

Outside of the CHAZ murders, where two teenagers were killed, much of the violence has been peripheral.  I moved the index up to nine out of ten when killings became commonplace.  As near as I can tell, the killings directly associated with the Antifa™ and BLM® action is probably somewhere short of 100.

But two of those deaths are deaths that Antifa© cannot abide.  In Kenosha, I wrote about Kyle Rittenhouse’s clear self-defense shooting against both a pedophile and a wife beater, and alleged self-defense shooting against a person who was (by the film I saw) drawing down on him.  You can read it here – reviews say it’s the best thing I’ve ever written, but I’d suggest my signature on my divorce papers from my first wife was better (Have The Kenosha Riots Given The Right Our Rosa Parks?).

From my vantage point, Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero.  But Antifa™ cannot let that stand.  At all.  It’s my estimate that out of rage, the killing in Portland as well as the attempted murder by car in Portland were “revenge” hits on people wearing paraphernalia of the Right.  If you read reports that break down the killing (HERE) and other experiences (HERE) in Portland, it becomes clear that Antifa® is using military discipline, and is broken up into a military command structure.  (H/T to Vox Day (LINK) and Mike at Cold Fury (LINK))

Antifa™ is a dedicated group.  They have undergone a brainwashing and are a religious cult – no Jim Jones Kool-Aid® drinking cultist could compete.  I wrote about that here (Why Would Anyone Become A Leftist?), and stand by it.  Antifa® and BLM© stand against everything that has made America wonderful, rich, and prosperous.  And they are fanatics.

I’m not sure if you know what they have in mind for people that don’t agree with them.  It isn’t pleasant.  The idea is that there is a pure society coming, and the way to get to that new society is to eliminate everything that doesn’t fit.  Which almost certainly includes you.  But don’t worry – they want to torture people to death to show the remaining people how wonderful the future communist utopia will be.  See?  You serve a purpose in their minds.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that lead to the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.

July was generally better than June, which is like saying that World War I was “better” than World War II.  Let’s go to the graphs.  In general, I’ve used bikini graphs in the past.  Given where we are, I’m a bit more somber.  Here are the graphs, without bikinis.


Up is more violent.  June pegged the scale of violence.  This measure because the way it’s constructed, doesn’t go higher than 300.  It’s lower again this month despite clear assassinations by the Left.  Does that mean it’s less violent this month?  Certainly riots are down, but the measure is a measure of how people feel about the violence.  Since it’s so common now, it’s not spiking.  That is, in my opinion, very bad – we’re getting used to this nonsense.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable.  Instability is down, slightly.  I expect September and October to be down more, since voting generally has a calming effect and all emotions are focused there.  After that?  All bets are off.


Down indicates worse economic conditions, are down slightly.  Again, we’re nowhere near the bottom.  I expect that to drop off in October.  Maybe to historic levels.  But I could be wrong?

Illegal Aliens:

Down is good, in theory.  This is a statistic showing border apprehensions by the Border Patrol.  Oops!  This metric is now nearly at the highest it’s been in years.  As the Wuflu® hits Mexico, the Mexicans are deciding to head north again.

56 Days Until The Last Election

I firmly believe the United States has had stolen elections in the past.  But the nice thing about the Electoral College is?  It makes it really, really hard to steal an election.  Impossible?  No.  Hard?  Yes.

Every single person in every graveyard in Chicago, California, and Queens can vote for a Democrat, and it doesn’t matter.  The Electoral College adds legitimacy to an election by breaking corruption at the state lines.  That’s one reason the Left hates it.  It makes elections hard to steal.  In my state, my vote doesn’t really matter – my state will go for Trump even if every person in every grave, ever, votes Democrat.

Mail-in voting changes all of that.

Yes, this was one of my favorite original memes that I created, but a new version.  Still valid.

Stalin has been quoted as saying, “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

It’s hard to cheat in a Red State.  You have to steal zillions of counties.  It’s easy to cheat in a Blue State – you just have to cheat in the big cities.  If everyone in Chicago voted Trump, Illinois would still go 60% for whatever Democrat was opposing him.  But with mail-in voting?

Examples I have seen show the party on the outside of the envelope.  How hard would it be to casually “lose” a few thousand votes from envelopes that had a big, fat, R on the outside?  Or a few thousand from precincts that consistently vote Right?  Not hard at all.  This is on top of demonstrated voter fraud in Left cities where poll workers were caught on camera dumping ballot after ballot into the box on election day.

If mail-in voting passes?  We’ve had our last election day.  From now on?  It’s selection day – selection of the candidate that the Left wants.

Thanks to the innovation of mail-in voting, you don’t even have to bring the corpses to the polls!  What else will modern technology come up with?

In a further, ominous sign, the Media® has been setting up the idea that Trump will win on election night in a convincing manner, but will lose as the mail-in ballots are counted.  This is particularly horrific.

If you knew which six counties you needed in close states, could you game the Electoral College?  Absolutely.  You could have boxes of ballots pre-staged in Philadelphia, or Milwaukee, or Cleveland to flip the results.  Simple.  Want Florida to turn blue?  Just found a box with 25,475 Biden votes in Miami.

Don’t think the Left wouldn’t try it.  They would do anything to win the election, since they’re contemplating electing a person who couldn’t navigate a corn maze with more than two stalks standing.

If mail-in voting is made the law of the land?  Expect that this is the final election, ever, that won’t be a simple selection of the candidate that best fits the desire of the Left.  Sure, there will be some token people on the Right elected, but they’ll mainly be people who believe in real conservative values, like only allowing 1,000,000 illegals in a year, and only allowing 7,000,000 people a year in on H1B visas, and restricting anything but a muzzle loading black powder rifle, like our founders intended.

Oh, wait, conservatives have conserved nothing!  They just pick the values from the Left from ten or twenty years ago, and defend those until the death.


That’s a bad ending to a video game . . .

All are from Ricky:

MSM message: alt-Right continues the march to civil war….

…a challenge that must be met with force…

…for abstract justice…

…and with concrete action…

This revolution WILL be televised, as documentaries…

…an unending stream of gripping short-attention-span clips from the front lines…

(Scroll here for more video gems:)

….and an explosion of editorials…

And as one (now-dead) Antifa guard claims to have fired the latest shot heard ’round the world…

…a newspaper founded during the last Civil War won’t be around to cover any new one…

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

53 thoughts on “Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: 56 Days To The Last Election Ever In The United States”

  1. I could be wrong — I have a lot of experience with being wrong — but I pretty much feel like, “bring it on, let’s have at it.” Anarchy is apt to be very bad. But the current anarchotyranny is even worse. Sure, disband the police … and I mean every single bit of the police, most definitely including those who guard the homes and offices of Our Glorious Leaders. Then let’s settle the question of who gets to run our former country. (The individual police officers won’t just vanish; presumably they’ll act according to their own convictions.)

    When the dust settles, assuming “we” prevail (probability approaching 1.00), we can decide whether to have police again. I’d be in favor: “police” meaning small-in-number, large-in-size-and-strength, all-male, wearing normal, decent uniforms, not running around in MRAPs and other military-surplus battle rattle, not “serving” drug warrants via 3 am flash-bang dynamic entry raids, kill the dog and throw granny onto the floor. Gee, maybe there wouldn’t be any drug warrants to serve … after all, this former republic got along for many years after its founding without drug laws, somehow. I guess the laudanum addicts either managed or died, and we all die in the long run. Sorry, druggies, it’s not that I wish you anything less than the best; it’s just that I don’t see your lack of character as a sufficient reason for me to have to live in an asset-forfeiture, your-doc-can’t-prescribe-this-or-that kind of a semi-prison.

    And maybe we could even have a fresh look at whether we need a huge, globe-straddling Pentagram, capable of fighting two or three major wars on the other side of the world over nothing that’s actually our proper business. Maybe we could get along with a very small, highly-trained and professional officer corps (again, all male… sorry, ladies!) around which volunteers could quickly coalesce to repel the imminent amphibious invasion of the New Jersey beaches by those devil Iranians who Hate Us For Our Freedoms, whenever that comes (and I’m not holding my breath, guys).

    All right, that’s enough dreaming for now. Before long I’ll be hallucinating about the separation of school and state. And, clearly, that’s going way too far. I’ll just carry on with noncompliance with “my” governor’s face-diaper order.

    1. James,

      You make an intriguing point… the separation of school and state.

      I go further:
      * separate the state from anything and everybody else.

  2. They tell us it’s all about “racial justice”, when it’s really about economic class and power. Nobody wants to believe that they’re racist, so some will go along with the Leftist program just to prove that. The separation of our population into Black and White (with an ambiguous overlay of Latinx) is a concept unsupported by science, which should be obvious now that we have two prominent pseudo-Black frauds exposed only by confession (Jessica Krug and Rachel Dolezal), not observation. I mean, if you can’t recognize Black and White when it’s right in front of you, how can it have any meaning? The Left’s persistent focus on “race” plays into the myth that genetics are more important than culture. White supremacists love the argument! Richard Spencer recently said they’ve been trying to get people to recognize the importance of race for years; the more people see it, the more will join the White Supremacist side. People have to be “playing the game” before they’ll choose which team to play on.

    When Trump warned the wealthy suburbs that a Democratic government would force “affordable housing” into their neighborhoods, I heard (NPR) and read (Washington Post), that this was really a dog-whistle to the racists, that they might get undesirable minority neighbors. (The whole idea of “dog-whistle speech”, by the way, is a vicious fraud, attributing malign meaning to words that are not even heard.) But, at least where I live, the suburbs are already well integrated with great ethnic diversity. We crossed that bridge a generation ago. But nobody wants undesirable low-wealth neighbors.

    I suppose these rumors of war are something like the whistle of a tea kettle, and if something isn’t done about the fire underneath it, it could explode. We need to somehow address the root causes of fear, misery, and anger, to turn down the heat. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that there’s a lot more misery and anger on the horizon, as we realize that oil and gas resources are depleting, that food production depends on depleting soil and depleting aquifers, and that the government just can’t borrow its way to universal prosperity. One way forward is to learn to love and live with less: less travel, fewer children, less heat in the winter, less A/C in the summer. It won’t be easy.

    1. “Fewer children?”

      The White birth rate in the US is way below replacement as things are. That’s part of why Our Glorious Leaders have figured out that there’s an urgent need to import the third world now. A closed border, a new Operation Wetback, and lots more White babies, being raised in an unapologetic White culture: I think that’s what’s needed. But there I go, dreaming again.

      1. White people not having children is precisely what they want to happen, and what has been happening for decades. Children aren’t a luxury item, they are essential to our continued existence. We shouldn’t be having fewer children, we should be having more.

      2. No such thing as White culture. Tell a Frenchy he’s the same as a German; a Ukrainian that she’s Russian, or an Irish Catholic that he’s an Anglo. Sell tickets, please!

        Unless you buy the baloney that the race and intersectional gender theorists are selling. No. White identity only matters as a means of fighting back against the anti-whiteness loons. So it matters a lot, but not in terms of the kiddos.

        We want (in both senses) more Christian families, having several kids (if they can), raised by parents in an unapologetic Christendom. Nothing else will serve.

          1. Wrong.

            Christianity and Western civilization are joined at the hip.

            Christianity is not dead, it has been deluded by the Homogobal crowd.

            But many have been fighting back and there are many, and growing, traditional Christians.

          2. Apologies for the late reply. I forgot that WP will eat any comment not posted directly on the site.

            *Western civilization ” is a judeo-christian weasel-word for Christendom.

            Please consider how well attempting to maintain our “Western” (much less uniquely American) heritage has worked when done by men who reject Christ. And what astonishing things were created by those who accepted His gift and worked under our (now) Father’s aegis. Hell’s bells, even communism works when every man jack is committed to living for the kingdom of Heaven.

            Christendom 1.0 only needed 11 men. Wouldn’t you like a shot at 3.0?

            (Full disclosure: fighting this fight may get your only daughter sold off to the coven brothels while you and your wife are wrapped in oil-soaked rags and used as tiki torches for Soros’s garden party.)

    2. The whole idea of “dog-whistle speech”, by the way, is a vicious fraud, attributing malign meaning to words that are not even heard.

      No. Just projection.

      When the Establishment progressives make a fuss about something it’s nearly always down to patent infringement.

      As to learning to live with less, that is the fate of everyone whose country is conquered by Marxist revolutionaries. Less travel (Papers, Comrade!), less fuel, less AC, less medical care, less food… Less life.

      But learn to love it? Are we men, or dogs?

      As for “learning” (much less “loving”) having fewer children, I assure you that the Boomer (and subsequent) generations have managed that skill amidst the wealthiest society the world has ever known. Our bitter, blue-haired cat ladies are masters of the art.

      Most of what you wrote was reasonable, but that last bit ” less children”-? As if other human beings: our very future, were a trivial luxury on a par with air conditioning, raised my hackles. It’s a demonic sentiment.

      Surely, you meant something else. Please clarify.

    3. Humanity has one shot at civilization that’s capable of being interplanetary – reaching the stars, perhaps.

      What we do with that?

      It’s up to us.

    4. I agree that the heat needs to be turned way down.

      A civil war will be a disaster and should be thoroughly avoided. If we ask veterans who served in assorted modern insurgencies how they look, the answer is they are ferociously ugly.

      We have a real Marxist insurgency problem that requires aggressive attention now by Federal / State law enforcement and the National Guard, so that Americans of goodwill with different views can work on lowering the temperature.

      1. Sure but ask people who lived through a communist revolution how that looked. Our choices are narrowing down quickly and we may have to choose the least worst of the two ugly options. Federal law enforcement, like the FBI, is completely politicized and not in our favor. We can’t wait on them, they are as likely to arrest us as they are to do anything about the Communists.

        The rules are all different in 2020.

  3. If I were a gambling man, (and I barely even play the Lotto, only when it’s over 500 million) I’d bet “The Rona Restrictions” get ramped up this winter since it’ll be “both Rona and Flu as tag team”!
    I also anticipate at least half the populace votes using “mail in ballots”, whether they intended to or not.
    I already got the “automatic Ohio request form to vote by mail” which apparently was sent to every registered voter.

    I figured I’d go in person though, since I figure this could very well be the last election the US has at least in its current form.

  4. My general attitude is that the Democrats are going to win without needing to resort to cheating thanks to demographics…but they are going to cheat anyway. Underlying all of the rhetoric is the realization from the Left that they took things for granted in 2016 and they aren’t going to make that mistake again. Their strategy is three fold:

    – A massive turnout of voters in their base of disaffected White kids and minorities. The number of votes cast in 2020 likely will blow away any prior totals.
    – A back up plan of widespread vote fraud thanks to “mail in” voting. We are already hearing lots of secretary of states, in places like Michigan and Ohio, saying that they won’t know the results until weeks after the actual election. Keeping counting until Biden wins!
    – The final stage is a coup, removing Trump by force if they can’t get a clear enough “win” by cheating. This talk is already widespread.

    What happens if Trump appears to win on election night only to have the results overturned weeks later in a court somewhere? What if antifa actually attacks the White House? What if the military or D.C. police get into a shooting fight with the Secret Service?

    At this point literally everything is on the table for the Left. We need to make sure our resolve is the same.

    1. No food fight from me, and like many I can’t quite believe all the financial support
      the left is receiving. Almost a decade ago I resettled in a small (tiny) city. The area
      is struggling with poverty and many are around retirement age/born and bred here.

      Regardless what happens in the blue cities there is nothing I can do to change things
      there. Fighting back, armed combat? is for young men.

      1. like many I can’t quite believe all the financial support
        the left is receiving.

        TARP me, baby! Have you forgotten all that sweet, sweet, coronachan federal dollars handed out? Go see how much went to the big corporations who are now passing it on to Antifa and BLM et al.

      2. Older people can provide plenty of support. Logistical, intelligence, a place to stay. Funds for legal support. Vocalise support. Refuse to provide those things for the enemy or those that are sympathetic. Refuse to buy anything from woke companies. Tie up woke companies / organsizations resources (give them phone calls acting as if you’re onboard / order stuff then cancel) Mock leftists and their cheerleaders for the lunatics they are.

      3. >>”Fighting back, armed combat? is for young men.”<<

        Yeah, well, I'm old, and friggin' TIRED.

        But I've been to Socialist countries, spent significant amounts of time living there, enough to grok true Socialism, and what it really means; slavery to the state. The BLM/Pantifa crowd are Marxists.

        The choice is this: do I stand idly by while my 3 little ones be made slaves to the state, or do I fight for them?

        I choose the latter. TRULY understanding the enemy and their goals, I view the Marxists with as much compassion as I would rabid dogs, to be dispatched, without mercy or emotion. They are mentally diseased, and the cure is a high-velocity injection of brass and lead.

        It's OUR fight, for us to win or lose. But be warned, if we lose, these collectivists will have zero mercy for you and yours. Whether 10, 1000 or 1 million of them die, all together, they won't equal the lives of one of my kids, and their future.

  5. The murder in Portland is more significant than most realize. It’s the first time definitive proof has emerged that Antifa has death squads.

    The ‘vote by mail’ coming for this election is a disaster. My understanding is that dishonest folks can ‘request a ballot by mail’ while providing no evidence that it is theirs to request. How many will show up to vote in-person on election day to negate the fraud only to discover their ballot was mailed a month prior, which they never requested nor received?

    Lastly: In the sentence that reads “no Jim Jones Kool-Aid® drinking cultist could complete” is the word “complete” correct? Or should it be “compete”? I can see either being what you wanted, but it makes the paragraph confusing.

    1. That was what got me – they’re organized, and are already broken out in military fashion. It’s not a mob. Related: that makes it a conspiracy. To commit murder.

      I’m very convinced that Blue States remain Blue through fraud. It will only grow.

      And, thanks again.

  6. John – – I found this quote last night and sent it out to many of my correspondent but thought it should also be shared with your readers. This quote is the most succinct statement of why we the clock shows us 2 minutes from the next Civil War.

    I titled it: The Most Important Non-Biblical Words You Will Read All Week:

    “Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created. This is especially true of the good things that come to us as collective assets: peace, freedom, law, civility, public spirit, the security of property and family life, in all of which we depend on the cooperation of others while having no means single handedly to obtain it.

    “In respect of such things, the work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation slow, laborious and dull. That is one of the lessons of the twentieth century.

    “It is also one reason why conservatives suffer such a disadvantage when it comes to public opinion. Their position is true but boring, that of their opponents exciting but false.” – Roger Scruton

    1. That’s similar to Seneca’s Cliff, which I’ve written about before. I absolutely agree.

      And worry about the fires to come.

  7. Re: voting options. If you’ve seen mail-in ballots marked for “R” or “D”, those were probably just for the primary election. In states with closed primaries, you can only vote in the primary for the party with which you are registered, so they have to make sure that the right ballots get to the right voters. Since many people are registered Independent and Libertarian, as well as R and D, all ballots should be printed the same way for the general election.

    When it’s time to turn in your absentee ballot, I would urge exactly nobody to trust the USPS to deliver it properly. But, most of us don’t have to. If we’re voting absentee to avoid virus exposure at the polls, just go to the polls (or other official ballot collection sites) to turn in your ballot.

    By the way, despite what the Constitution says about the Electoral College, don’t assume that your vote is meaningless even if your state is judged by the Experts as safe for one party or the other. You might not affect the outcome, but you may still influence the debate, county by county. And who knows, there might be more discouraged voters in your area, who never thought they could overturn “the majority”, than you expect.

    1. I’ll be voting in person. And so will The Mrs. – she didn’t vote much at all until 2016. I expect Modern Mayberry to go 90% Trump this year.

  8. Red states control everything blue states need. A civil war would lead to the large blue cities in total anarchy, after the red states stop bringing supplies. Even worse, the blue cities will find any efforts to help them blocked by armed citizens.

    There may be a civil war, but it will be short, the Marxist will lose, and those involved with the sedition will be hunted.

      1. I get the sentiment and I also want to agree however there are a couple of points I’d like to share:

        1.) The Soviet Union tried something like this with Berlin in 1948-1949

        Berlin was also about 80 miles inside East Germany from the border with West Germany at the time. So it was completely surrounded by Soviet forces.

        Berlin was successfully airlifted and the Soviets gave up with this approach because they were unwilling to start a US-Soviet war by firing on US planes supplying Berlin.

        2.) Red states and Blue states are only real in terms of elections, the states contain a significant blend of both people as do the counties and the cities.

        Some blue states produce significant amounts of agriculture. Division is likelier to be at the city and county level where voluntary self-sorting is going on now.

        1. Yup, the Red/Blue maps are more accurate. I like the idea of making them be independent city states, and letting the rest of us just be Americans.

  9. John,

    You don’t know me but I read your stuff religiously – especially this thread.

    One comment — the 1000 battle deaths standard is indeed arbitrary (established for the CCOW database as you noted, so tends to be more appropriate for interstate war). An alternative is the Uppsala conflict database which is often used for interstate armed conflict and insurgencies:

    If you look at their armed conflict definition—25 battle deaths in one calendar year—we are almost there. In fact by some assessments we might be past that point:
    US conflict observer—

    One (admittedly not impartial) point of view on the number of deaths so far which would put us over the 25 deaths threshold by some interpretations—and note that this is before the most recent violence:

    Just my 2c.

    1. Dave, thanks for the comment! Greatly appreciated. Yeah, it’s a struggle choosing that metric – but we both agree it’s only a matter of intensity and duration at this point.

      We are at war, at least in some places.

      Full war? How far away can it be?

  10. Why is voting by mail seen as the end of the world in Namerica? Most countries have it as an option if you cannot go personally. If you want to vote by mail you have to ask for the card, then your name is automatically taken off the list of people who can vote personally. It has to arrive by a certain date, I think two days after the election. You can’t change your mind later and go, and you have to apply for the card two or three weeks before the election. It is simple, it works. It is also sent to your registered address, so nobody else can get it easily.

    1. The problem I have with using USPS for this election is that potentially a USPS contractor, vendor or employee might discard signed return envelopes they disagree with. This might be more of a possible problem in contentious states.

      Maybe there is nothing to worry about with USPS operations, and I also hope that there is no identifiable party information on the return envelopes, but…

    2. I think the biggest reason is we don’t trust each other all that much. And since there are people who we know will game the system, in-person at least makes it harder to forge 10,000 ballots with a copier. There have been instances already where just the right amount of mail-in ballots were found to change a crucial election.

      Part of that is that the ratio of the number of representatives to the number of people they represent – we need a few thousand more Congresscritters. And if Senatorial selection went back to the statehouses? Even better. The Electoral College is a barrier to national voter fraud, but not a complete one.

  11. It is Mao all over again. Trump is going to win in a landslide and they are going to try a color revolution. The big difference is how well armed the average citizens are. The commies have arms also but over all we are better trained and experienced. It is going to be messy.
    I agree with the lack of bikinis. It is no longer funny what is going on.

    1. Yeah, choosing to drop them was probably a month late. It’s getting real.

      They have a core that will fight. Wondering how much longer until they start attacking in earnest . . .

  12. Those who are familiar with the workings of the Communists are aware that the United States is in jeopardy. They are not fearful if the people of the country awake to the danger. But the enemies of civilization, both those in the Communist party and those on the fringe, who are playing with fire in their support of Communist theories, are at work to effect the overthrow of the government. They are working cleverly, insidiously, and are willing to take plenty of time to accomplish their ends, but their main purpose, the goal toward which they are striving, is the destruction of church, home, and the state in America and the raising of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

    R.M. Witney, 1924

  13. I recently watched the episodes of “Hidden Agenda” available on Amazon prime free streaming(for now anyway). It’s a compilation of documentaries about the dangers of communism and how the communists have successfully conquered nations from within. They have gone to great lengths to subvert the government of the USA and at this point the democrats aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they have gone full commie. I highly recommend any of you history buffs or anyone that wants a clearer insight into the tactics the communists use give it a look see while it’s still available. I would save it digitally but my video capture capability isn’t on par to do that at the moment.

    Episode 4 really stood out to me because it spelled out the communist formula for conquering a country from inside by inciting civil war and then sending communist troops and weaponry to help out the commie useful idiots that incited the civil war.

    1- Divide the people (either by race, religion, or class)
    2- Create the appearance of popular support (heavy use of propaganda in the media)
    3- Neutralize the opposition (either by demonizing and discrediting or through actual murder)
    Communist Party directive issued in 1943:
    “Members and front organizations must continually embarrass,
    discredit and degrade our critics…. When obstructionists
    become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or
    anti-Semitic…. Constantly associate those who oppose us
    with those names that already have a bad smell.
    The association will, after enough repetition, become
    “fact” in the public mind.”

    Sound familiar?

    4- Precipitate mob violence
    5- Create the semblance of revolution (usually by inciting civil war and then aiding the communist sympathizers)

    Sound familiar? With the current situation it looks like the election will inevitably lead to civil war no matter who wins. I could be way out their in conspiracy theory land, or their could be a really serious effort this time. The parallels between the past communist activities and what’s going on right now in the US and many other countries around the world and the constant sabre rattling coming from china just really jumped out at me.

    Something to think about anyway.

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