Why Would Anyone Become A Leftist?

“Prime minister? I thought Italy used a king?” – Archer


There’s a joke to be made about that cake, but just like food under communist rule, you wouldn’t get it.

Sometime earlier this year, I asked myself a simple question.  Why would anyone be attracted to communism?  It’s the one single system that has never succeeded.  It’s a system that, when implemented as designed, kills tens of thousands, and in the twentieth century, over 100 million of their own citizens.

For the life of me, I couldn’t understand what would drive so many people to communism in the year 2020.  In 1900 in Russia?  Well, maybe.  A typical Russian peasant wouldn’t have known much about the failings in Paris of the Leftist French Revolution.  Some bald guy says, “free loaves of bread for life,” and that might have done it.

But during the 2000-2020 time period in the West, it’s clear that communism shouldn’t take root, right?  Up until the COVID-19, the economy in the United States was going so well that some of Joe Biden’s kids could afford to quit their second jobs in the Ukraine.  But even with that economy, young people were being recruited to communism.


I had no idea how they could be recruited.  But in roving through the Internet, I found a book, Anatomy of the Red Brigades by Alessandro Orsini, which had exactly the information I was looking for.  The Red Brigades were a Leftist terrorist organization that was formed in 1970 and lasted until the 1980’s.  They were most famous for kidnapping and killing a former Italian prime minister named Aldo Moro.  They were also responsible for the later kidnapping of American Brigadier General James Dozier, who was rescued.


I have other pencil jokes, but most of them are pointless.

Post-war Italy was a difficult place.  It was rapidly transforming from an agricultural economy to an industrial one.  Like me, I’m sure some were tempted to steal industrial cooking implements.  But I didn’t – I’m not a big whisk taker.

As people moved from rural farms to slums in the cities to work in factories, they were uprooted from centuries of continuity in life.  That uprooting was the first step in creating a communist.  As a rule, the Red Brigades recruits were disaffected.  These people were already at the margins of society.  Orsini calls this process disintegration.  The group manipulating the new recruits would do everything possible to remove the new members from their previous outside relationships.

Once they were removed from those old relationships, reality was what the group said it was.   And what reality were they focused on creating?  The basic idea is one familiar to doomsday cults around the world.  One Red Brigadist described it as the “fanaticism of a new religion.”  Communist recruits are taught that:

. . . they are “children of the light, arriving in this world to punish and redeem, to destroy and purify.  The Red Brigades want to wash away the sins of capitalism with blood.


They are taught that the world is corrupt, and in danger.  Remind you of anything, say, Greta Thunberg?  The idea that capitalism is sin is now taught nearly uniformly to children of the world.  Of course, it has to have a name, and Global Warming® is probably the most convenient:  it’s a sin brought on by capitalism and the old people, and will kill them if they don’t take rides on multi-million dollar yachts and speak before the United Nations.  Oh, and then be invited by CNN™ to talk about COVID-19.  Yes, they asked Greta for her expertise on that.  And for her expertise on Some Black Lives Matter©.  Each of these three has the same story being pumped into the head of the Marxist – there is a threat to the existence of all that is good in the world, and only Leftism can solve it.

Radical Leftism.  See how that works?

The process of radicalization was described by Jean Guitton (as related by Orsini):

  1. Segregation – They are kept apart from healthy past relationships – their new relationships only come through communist contacts. They are then immerse in Leftist thoughts and theory.
  2. Permanent Indignation – Inner purity is confirmed (and signaled) through outer indignation – the Left loves to despise any who think even slightly differently than they do.
  3. Desire to be Persecuted – When people in the “world” make fun of the Left, the Leftist love it – it shows how virtuous and pure the Leftist is, and confirms to them how horrible the rest of the world must be.
  4. Purification of Means through the End – Any violence is justified because it will lead to the promised land of no work and infinite goodies. Building it on a mountain of skulls is just a feature.
  5. Principle of Secrecy – Antifa’s© external goals that they advertise aren’t their real goals. They know that what they really want is the complete destruction of society, and to have it rebuilt just as they see fit.  But they don’t say that – so every member is essentially a member of a secret society.  That binds them together – they can only speak freely to each other.
  6. Preventative Internal Terror – The one thing Leftist cannot stand is anyone to the Right. Anyone collaborating with the Right in any way?  Betrayal?  Any member who strays from Leftism is certainly the biggest enemy of the Antifa©, even more so than actual fascists.


I got a puppy, but the ducks attack it.  Last time I get a pure bread dog.

The focus then becomes one of purity.

Purity, of course, can never be reached.  That’s why SBLM® and Antifa™ aren’t fighting for anything real or measurable.  The goal of SBLM® is “the end to systemic racism,” whatever that is.  The problem is it can’t really be defined.  It’s not a real goal – it’s a stand-in for purity, a purity that can never be reached.

The reality is that this impossible goal of for their purification must be unreachable.  It must be ludicrous.  Why?  The goal isn’t to end systemic racism.  The goal is to engender hatred in the members.

How bad is the hatred?  “Love and Strength will subdue and destroy the imperialist bourgeoisie; we shall build a society free from the slavery of salaried work,” is directly out of their literature.  To quote Orsini speaking about them, even when Marxists kill people, they see themselves as the real victims.  “They are desperate people who have no real alternative to murder.”


We all know that OJ was the real victim, right?

And that’s the difference.  The people who manipulate the communists want power.  That’s not the goal of the communists.  They want the power so that they can personally cleanse the world.  In one interview, Orsini quoted a communist who didn’t want any luxury himself after the communists won.  Nope.  All this particular commie wanted was to be allowed to personally execute capitalists after the revolution.

Capitalism is what they hate the most.  And fascism.  What’s fascism?  Anything that’s not communist.  Don’t be fooled – Antifa© isn’t against fascists.  They’re against Bernie Sanders because he’s too far right, and think he’s probably a fascist, too.  Antifa™ wants to kill everyone even slightly to the right of them.

In their current state, the concept of logic and argument isn’t something a Leftist in Antifa™ or SBLM© can even hear.  They will, due to their programming, ignore any logical argument, any evidence.  Point out that when Pol Pot takes over Cambodia in a bloody revolution that kills off nearly thirty percent of Cambodia’s population.  If they’re not too far gone, they just won’t hear you.

If they’re far gone, you’ll just hear silence, as they think, “They deserved it.”  Purity is the goal.  Their thought process that they cannot let the lives of people stand in the way of the future Earthly paradise.


I had to use this picture.

How did Italy defeat the Red Brigades?  Massive numbers of arrests, and large amounts of jail time for those involved.  Hundreds of Leftists were forced to flee Italy to avoid prison.  I’m fairly sure this was fine with the Italians – as long as they never came back.

And our Leftists in the United States?  Getting rid of them won’t be easy.  They’re fully supported in most cities, even as they slowly destroy the cities – some district attorneys won’t charge Antifa© or BLM™ rioters with anything more than a misdemeanor.  Beyond that, they’re well-funded – SBLM™ alone has hundreds of millions of dollars available.

I wonder if they’ll make reparations to the business owners that were destroyed through their riots?

Nah.  The looters were the real victims of the riots, right?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

26 thoughts on “Why Would Anyone Become A Leftist?”

  1. The solution of jail time to purge society of radicals only works if there are functioning law enforcement and courts. Hence the current emphasis on defunding the police and burning courthouses. They are currently focusing on and undermining the very things that have the only hope of ultimately dismantling them.

    If you ask me, they’re currently winning.

    Once pesky cops and judges out of the way, they can get on with the next act – you:


    No wonder they are gaining young converts – such power from a sense of unity and purpose and belonging sure looks like a fun thing to join.

    While you intend humorous irony with your last comment about looters being the victims, they are busy being dead serious about looting:


    Parting cheap shot on Vicky:


    1. “Hell, One Step at a Time”
      The following is from a previous draft of
      Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life – Jordan Peterson

      “Tyranny grows slowly, and asks us to retreat in comparatively tiny steps at a time…..If you decide to stand up and refuse an order; if you do something that others disapprove of but you firmly believe to be correct, you must be in a position to trust yourself. This means that you must have attempted to live an honest, meaningful, productive life (of precisely the sort that might characterize someone else you would be inclined to trust). If you haven’t done that, you may not be able to trust yourself when push comes to shove. But if you have acted in an honorable manner, so that you are a trustworthy person, it will be your decision to refuse or to act in a manner contrary to public expectation that will help society itself maintain its footing. By doing so you can be part of the force of truth that stops order itself from becoming corrupt and tyrannical. It has always been so. The sovereign individual, awake and attending to his or her conscience, is the force that prevents the group, as the necessary structure guiding normative social relations, from becoming blind and deadly.”

    2. As I watched the first seconds of the woman sitting at the diner surrounded by terrorists, I thought ‘a target-rich environment’… and smiled.

        1. The Hutu, the Mau Mau, The Weather Underground, the Mongols all transitioned easily enough. When your near goal is genocide and your end goal is an actual slave state (that you run) mass murder and mass destruction is a simple enough concept. And don’t worry about the mess you create in the process, the slaves will clean it up afterwards, all for the greater glory of the Perfect Utopian State, of course.

  2. When you look at the steps of radicalization, they are pretty close to the same you find in most more traditional religious cults. I am sure that is a coincidence. I could provide some examples but that might offend some readers so I will skip that, at least here.

    It is interesting that you are writing about this today. My wife and I watched “Mr. Jones” last night, one of the rare movies about the The Holodomor in the Ukraine (the other being Bitter Harvest) and it inspired a post this morning. The power of delusion for an individual is pretty powerful. When it spreads to millions, it multiples in power and becomes very dangerous. When it is accepted by a society and backed by the threat of state sponsored violence? Then it gets really scary.

    If you can say one thing about America in 2020, it is that the two sides are now existing in completely different realities and that makes it impossible to rectify our opposing viewpoints. White people aren’t the terrifying monsters we are made out to be but that doesn’t make it less likely that we end up being the victims of violence because “we have it coming for what we done did”

    1. In the near future, we will need to become the terrifying monsters that we are portrayed to be, if we wish to survive.
      Mountains of skulls and rivers of blood. And to think when I was young I joined the Army to fight communism in Europe…

    2. I’ll give that a watch some night when Pugsley isn’t around. I’ve read about that author – criminal what happened to him.

  3. Saw a woman yesterday at the I’d buy that for a dollar store with a face guard, mask, and gloves while wearing a Jesus shirt.
    I’m always prepared to shed massive IQ points when shopping there but this was a new level.
    The Long March Through the Institutions is why some want to go full communist.
    They also think that there will be a free lunch which is not how that works.
    You can work for the good of the collective or go to the gulag and get beat on while you work for the good of the collective.
    At least with capitalism you get to keep some of the fruits of your labors.

    “The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long that nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was.” – Czech writer Milan Kundera on communist totalitarianism

    We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you.
    When our turn comes we shall not make excuses for the terror.

    Karl Marx

  4. I’m currently working on a project to de-program local teens. Please pray for me. I will be using things that the folks who program the young folk use. I have a really hard line to walk.

    Mr. Wilder, if you need more deets, I can e-mail you a post, but it has to stay sub rosa for a while. If you can de-connect me from it, however you can use the info from it.

  5. You wonder why people believe in Communism, when even more of them believe the human species is the victim of a space monster? There is zero evidence for space monsters. Yet most humans still believe in a monster in the sky, which they call “God”. They believe they must do what the monster demands, or upon their death one of the monster’s former henchmen will reanimate their virtual machine brain backup file in his SM dungeon and torture their personality for eternity.

    People enjoy sexual fantasies, yet when they can no longer distinguish reality and believe the movie star really loves them, they are given mental health treatment. People enjoy safety fantasies, yet when they can no longer distinguish reality and believe the imaginary sky monster really loves them, they are praised and told faith (belief contrary to evidence) is good for character. What?

    Government is merely a religion. When you expect people to prefer liberty you’re asking them to give up their religion, which has brain firmware support from great ape political instincts. Perhaps the government religion represents progress, because at least the monster in DC actually exists.

    1. Wonder how many more Civil War Reports there will be, until there is an “internet outage” and the best view is from your sandbagged front window?

      1. I know more than one person not a rabid leftist that’s gone dark because the risk is to high. I’ll be one of them soon

  6. Ending communism here will be easier than it was in Italy, since Americans are less susceptible than the Southern and Eastern Europeans. Different races make different cultures, and our religion and our culture doesn’t leave us quite so receptive to race or class hatred or the promise of free stuff.

    We will have to kill or exile far more per capita than the Italians did, since only about two thirds of us citizens actually are Americans, are actually capable of participating in American culture. Most of those in the non-American third are going to have to amend their ways, and most of them couldn’t if they wished to. Too bad for us all, but it’s them or us, so it’s them.

    The war is already on, it’s already hot, all that’s left is to win it.

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