Defeating My Biggest Enemy: Me, Complete with Hairy Kardashians and Video Games.

“I noticed earlier the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged.   It’s impossible to go to lightspeed!” – The Empire Strikes Back™


Nah, I got an A.  Got a perfect score on the final, plus I got to watch C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate during winter break.

Ever think you could accomplish more?  You can.  Read on.  It’s okay, I’m a trained professional.

When I was in college I took a course called Probability and Statistics, or as we referred to it at the time, Sadistics.  During one lecture the instructor told the class a story about how a graduate student working on his Ph.D. was late to a class – so late that he’d missed the start of the lecture.  The student saw two math problems on the blackboard.  Thinking they were homework problems, he copied them down, and spent the weekend working on them.  They were a little harder than usual, but he managed to finish them.

On Monday he returned to class, and showed the instructor his results. Turns out that the problems weren’t homework:  these were two unproven theorems in statistics; unproven theorems that George Dantzig (the student) finished because he had no idea that they were too hard for him to do.

In Dantzig’s own words:

“A year later, when I began to worry about a thesis topic, [his teacher] just shrugged and told me to wrap the two problems up in a binder and he would accept them as my thesis.”


At least he didn’t have to shag the professor, baby.

That’s a pretty good story, especially because it’s true and a great example of how much you can achieve when you’re too stupid to know that what you’re doing is impossible.  It’s also a very good story to tell the boss the next time you’re late for a meeting at work, because his reaction will likely allow you time for independent exploration of all the employment opportunities this great nation has to offer.

So how do people sabotage themselves so they don’t achieve all that they could?  How do they turn themselves into their own worst enemy?  Today I’ll present three reasons.  There are more, but what do I look like, a budget Tony Robbins?


I was wondering why that seminar only cost $14.98.

  • I think the worst is negative inner dialogue.

Ever make a mistake?  Ever beat yourself up about it?  Yeah, me too.  But what I noticed is that when I beat myself up, I used to say things to myself that were meaner than any person had ever said to me in real life.  Notice I said “used to” – I simply don’t put up with it any more.  When I sense that inner beat down coming, I just shut it down.

If your best friend who has your best interests at heart wouldn’t say it to you, why would you say it to yourself?

Recently I read about a research study that indicated that you had more impact when motivating yourself if you encouraged yourself in the third person.  Saying to yourself, “You’ve got this, John,” is much more powerful than, “I can do this.”  Why?  I have my guesses – it’s probably that you don’t want to fail when you’ve got some other person involved, so you dig that much deeper.

If that’s the case, how much more damaging is beating yourself up verbally in the third person?  “I’m stupid,” versus “you’re stupid.”  Think about it – and I advise you not to put up with your nonsense.  Shut it down.


Yes, this happened.

Negative inner dialogue doesn’t help me, especially since whatever mistake I made was generally not even noticed by others.  I hate to break this to you, but outside of your family, you’re less important than you think.  People don’t notice the things you do all that much, and if they do?  They don’t remember.

That may seem like a downer, but it’s really the opposite.  It’s freedom, and another reason not to beat yourself up.

  • Next on the list? Belief that your goal is impossible.

Well, it isn’t possible, until you actually do it.  Nobody had solved Dantzig’s theorems until he solved them.  Heck, the Kardashians are too dumb to know they shouldn’t have hundreds of millions of dollars despite an utter lack anything resembling talent or a redeeming feature.  Oh, unless you count their copious amounts of body hair.  And I wouldn’t advise that you count their body hair, since that would take far too long.  Plus?  You’d get Kardashian grease all over you.


This is right before the hair covers them entirely in a protective cocoon so they can become giant genderless moth people.

I’ll note that nearly every time I was given an assignment that seemed impossible at work, I managed to crack the problem.  What was off was my definition of impossible.  I eventually ended up working for a boss that pushed me even farther.  Nine times out of ten, he gambled and won.  The tenth time?  They fired him.  Don’t feel bad for him – his severance package was about $2 million.

  • Finally, there’s not giving it all you’ve got.

This one is insidious.  Here’s my example:  in my career (the one that pays the bills, not this one) I’ve accomplished most things that I’ve ever wanted to do and have a whole batch of odd stories that I’ll maybe get around to telling someday.  Does this mean that I aimed too low, that I didn’t push hard enough?  Nah, I don’t think so.  I’ve seen what some of the people at the top had to do to get there, and I like sleeping well.


It’s tough at the top.  Everything is a tradeoff.

But here I can push myself, and sleep well.  So, I write.  I give that all that I’ve got, especially once I understood that I’d never get better unless I really pushed myself.  And I can see results.  I had a post that related to one I’d written back in 2017 that I was thinking of linking to.  I pulled up the old post.  I read it.

What made me happiest about the old post is:  I’m better now than I was in 2017 – a lot better.  How much better will I be if I keep pushing it, keep focusing on it for 20 hours a week for another decade?  I have no idea.  But we’ll see.

But I had my own George Dantzig moment before I ever heard his story:

I was in high school and a friend came over to my place.  He and I sat down to play some video games, since we didn’t have a car.  He went first.  Normally on my first guy I’d score 10,000 or so.  But my friend scored 50,000.  I was amazed – I had no idea it was possible.  So, my first guy up?  50,000 points.  This was my best score ever.


I know – it looks exactly like a scene from The Empire Strikes Back©.  But, trust me, this is really a video game.

What had been missing was belief.  Seeing my friend play with no higher a skill level than I had do five times better than my best ever score flipped a switch.  I believed.  I could perform better than I ever thought possible.

But right now, it’s time:

Time to believe in yourself.  Time to believe that your goal is possible.  Time to work harder.

Go on, you’ve got this.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

7 thoughts on “Defeating My Biggest Enemy: Me, Complete with Hairy Kardashians and Video Games.”

  1. One more thing I might add to this wonderful compendium of positivity:

    When you DO eff something up, own it. It softens the blow and proves you to be the bigger, more confident man/woman.

    Just an hour ago I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom scale, where I received the kindest message in a decade on my lifelong pursuit of perfection. Thrilled and bursting with pride, I made my way downstairs, sans shirt, to reap praise from my bride, only to have her take one look at me and deadpan, “Your shorts are on inside out.” Complete deflation took mere nanoseconds, but then I remembered to OWN it, taking a dramatic step backward and launching into Captain America pose, adding, “And I look damned good with my pockets out, no?”

    It wasn’t quite toilet paper stuck to my shoe when taking to the podium for a speech at a conference on 3-D imaging techniques in battlefield simulation (don’t ask), but the wife is likely never going to let me live this one down, either. However, by OWNING it and joining in with her mirth at my expense rather than indulging any butthurt, I rescued the moment for myself and still got my point across.

    So next time you trip over your own weenie on life’s twisting road, pick yourself up, dust yourself (and your weenie) off and act like it ain’t no thang. Recover like the champion you know you are.


  2. Americans have lost their minds.

    Americans are just animals at this stage.

    If the US could be a free country for 200 years then why does the USA need to suddenly become a police state?

    Why did the US fight the British if Americans hate freedom?

    Why did Americans fight Nazis and Commies just to become Nazis and Commies?

    Americans are so retarded now that they need their beloved government overlords to ban straws.

    Americans think that they know what is best for others, but are simply unable to understand that if you want your neighbor to remove his garden, your neighbor might want your driveway banned.

    Do you feel like the US is a happy utopia now that styrofoam has been outlawed? Do you think tyranny has stopped? Do you honestly believe backpacks will never be banned?

    Do you feel safer now that you live in a prison and have no rights?

    Everyday Americans spit on the graves of US soldiers who died fighting for freedom.

    Everyday Americans shit on the Bill of Rights.

    Americans do not have the mental capacity to recognize hypocrisy, do not know history, and are completely unable to comprehend the meaning of unintended consequences.

    Americans say North Koreans are monsters for using torture and having nuclear weapons, but then Americans turn around and insist that the US can take the moral high ground for torturing and having nuclear bombs.

    Americans scream Trump is a holy god for supporting wars, debt, tyranny, but Obama was evil for defending wars, debt, and the police state.

    Americans do not realize that tyranny spreads out from the US to other countries and down to to states, counties, and cities. Americans cannot see that if smoking is banned in California today, smoking might be outlawed in Kansas tomorrow.

    The USA feel like it is committing suicide.

    Do Americans understand that force is not the only possible answer to solving problems?

    Do Americans who hate liberty feel like traitors?

    Americans say that they hate the elites, but then Americans turn around and embrace every insane decree, debt increase, and war the globalists are pushing.

    When a country is collapsing into madness, the most rational action for any sane person is to leave.

    Disgusting and shameful.

    Do Americans realize that tyranny grows and never stops?

    Why would the elites restore the Bill of Rights, end the wars, and reduce the debt if the ruling class has crossed every line and Americans don’t care?

    Will Americans regret remaining silent when they get sent to the concentration camps?

    Burn it down. Burn it to the ground.

  3. Dear Perfessor John Wilder,

    Thank you. [sarcastically]

    My sole goal for this decade was to go this decade without seeing or hearing about that cheesy blowhard ‘Tony Robbins©’. [barfs vigorously]

    Since this’s all your fault, maybe you can suggest some way to worsh that image from my memories. And no fair recommending a vacation to the shoulder of Orion, because, as we all know, the only way to get there is renting a Kardashian®. Although they are cheaper in the off-season, I’d need enough grease-repellent for the round-trip, and that pretty much ties-up the entire available supply.

    I know because I checked.

    1. If you stare deeply into his toothy grin, eventually you fall into a deep trance. It’s like ketamine – you won’t have any money left, but you’ll have forgotten all about Tony.

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