Feminism: The God That Failed

“Now, I know you’re a feminist, and I think that’s adorable, but this is grown-up time and I’m the man.” – Family Guy

My friend was a manager and hired a woman.  He told her that her first job was to make him a sandwich.  She quit.  Subway® is so sexist! (FYI, most memes today are, “as-found”)

Feminism.  It sounds so, well, reasonable from the start.  “Women just want equal rights.”  Sure, it sounds reasonable until you recall that the rise of feminism was the rise of the temperance movement, which made having a beer after work, umm, complicated.  But it was women who were at the lead of that absolute failure, too.

The result was two atrocities:  women got the vote, and you couldn’t get a beer.  All they missed was a Constitutional Amendment mandating Fran Drescher’s voice doing every public announcement and commercial and sports play-by-play and the world would have been an absolute hell.  Yes, it would have been worse than actual 2020.  But not by a lot.

How much beer does it take to get an astronomer drunk?  At least 4.5 light beers.

Again, it sounds reasonable.  Don’t drink.  Oh, wait, your humble purveyor of dank memes and attempted witticisms is maybe two glasses of wine in and I’m enjoying that.  I’m not arguing that not drinking is better for you than drinking.  Mormons and other people that don’t drink live until they’re essentially dust connected to other bits of dust by regret, but, hey, I’m not judging.

Mark Twain, though, had a few choice words:  “Never refuse to do a kindness unless the act would work great injury to yourself, and never refuse to take a drink – under any circumstances.”  But we’re not talking about booze here, we’re talking about feminism.

Again, I’ll reference Twain:  “A woman springs a sudden reproach upon you which provokes a hot retort, and then she will presently ask you to apologize.”  I honestly think that’s the history of feminism.

What’s the difference between a Sumo wrestler and a radical feminist?  The Sumo wrestlers shave their legs.

I’ve attacked feminism several times in this post so far without any sort of backing.  What sort of backing do I need?  I mean, should we start all the way back at the 19th Amendment, which granted women “universal sufferage” – which I would have thought would have been a bad idea.  I mean, The Mrs. suffers a lot, but that’s just because I’m me.

The difficult part of feminism is that it attempts to first create a division between women and men.  And, the fair part of that is that women and men are fundamentally different.  They’re different biologically down to the genetic level.  When studies were done of the brains of women and men, it was found that those brains were fundamentally different.  The Mrs. can see about 175,083 colors.  I see seven or so.  The Mrs. likes to be warm and comfy on a campout.  I realize that discomfort is a transient condition and if the tent leaks, it might be irritating.

If you love someone, let her go.  Hopefully, she won’t call the FBI.

But “science” assumed for decades that the brain of a dude was the same as the brain of a broad.  It’s simply not so.  It’s actually 100% provable that dudes and broads have different brains.  When studying babies, baby boys like men toys – wheels, cars, machines.  Baby girls like plush toys and fuzzy warm girl things.

Science had (and still has) a weird egalitarian streak that assumes that any baby created from any combination of parents on Earth might be shorter or taller, fatter or skinnier, browner or paler, and yet still has exactly the same brain.

Let’s pretend that utter fiction was true (it’s not).  If so, what happens when those kids get flooded with the white-hot hormones of puberty, estrogen and testosterone?


This is your brain on feminism.

Men and women are different, and they’re born different, and develop differently.  Dress a man up like a woman?  That’s the same as turning a classic Pizza Hut™ into a bank.  We all know that whatever color you paint it, or what sign you put on it, it’s still a Pizza Hut®.

Even worse?  Men and women have utterly different motivations when it comes to mating.  Why?  Men are involved, but women are committed.  A man can have nearly unlimited offspring in a lifetime (as Genghis Khan can attest, 35% – not a typo, 35% of Mongolian people today are his descendants) but women can only have a few kids so they are choosy and choose the best dude they can find.  The result?

35% of Mongolian people are the descendants of Genghis Khan.

When women aren’t constrained by society, they’ll have the kids of the most macho dude they can find.  Women practice hypergamy – they try to marry up in either social caste or intelligence or whatever floats their boat.  Men practice, well, “Dude, did you see her?  She’s hot.”

Hint:  having a majority of young males that have no interest in the future of society isn’t a good thing.

I am a result of such hypergamy.  As many of you know, I’m adopted.  Unlike many adopted kids, I have a lot of data about my biological parents.  My biological mother was at college and decided, “Whoa, that dude is really smart.  I want to have his baby.”

Yes.  This happened.  The dude was a freshman.  My biological mother was a senior.  The poor guy never had a chance, and, thus, I exist, entirely due to hypergamy.

I say “the poor guy” because it was true.  He was a mark in her game.  She wanted his genetics in her child.  That was it.  There wasn’t a plan, there wasn’t love.  Hypergamy isn’t about those things, it’s a transaction.  For him, it was her saying, “Hey, baby, I like the way you fill out those genes.”  The long-term result for her from this strategy is pictured below:

And  . . .

But, when it came time to take care of me, my biological mom was not up to it.  I assure you, that given the combinatory genetics of her willful and cunning plotting and his intelligence, I was probably the most capably evil baby born that year.  Seriously.  I was the most awful child in stunning ways.  I could list them, but you’d be shocked.  I mean, how many other seven-year-olds have convinced their grandmothers to buy them magazines with actual boobage in them?

Yeah.  And that doesn’t include . . . . oh, so many things.

Hypergamy is a less-than-zero-sum game, though.  Whereas conventional morals would indicate that a married couple should really try to stick it out unless it was a morally untenable relationship (see:  my first marriage, which would have been dissolvable in any Christian year since ever) now the woman is encouraged to blow it all up for games and prizes.  And demonize men in the process.  Why?  Because they’re there.

Also?  Feminism.  The laws used to be if you were the reason that the marriage didn’t work, you suffered.  Later?  Not so much.  Now, women have the upper hand in nearly all facets, and in fact, start most of the divorces (70-80%) in the country.  Why?

The laws are stacked in their favor, even more so if there are children.

This is a result of feminism.  But beyond that has been the impact on society as a whole.  What would the result of the 2020 election have been (even after the shenanigans) if only men voted?

Left for you:  show how the federal deficit, abortion rate, divorce rate, rate of church attendance, number of single mothers, increase in welfare, and a dozen other things increased after women got to vote.

I want to make something clear:  I really, really love women.  I think they’re awesome and respect The Mrs. highly, and I think she’d trust me to cast a ballot she’d believe in, because we think alike.  I also think that woman’s suffrage has only resulted in suffering and believe it can be shown mathematically (shhhhh, most of them aren’t so good at math).  So, let’s put out a petition to end woman’s suffrage!  I think we can get 70% of women to sign it . . . .

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

64 thoughts on “Feminism: The God That Failed”

  1. The issue is never the issue with the Long Marchers.
    Power and control by any means necessary.
    Potemkin happy talk about workers utopias and muh equity is gruel for the useful idiot dupes.
    Hopefully it only gets worse and worse because rubbing their faces in the shit of egalitarianism is fun.
    Feminism? Tits or GTFO and Lysenko is the science, not Thomas Dolby or comrade commissar Fauci of the PRC/CCP.

    1. “Cro-Magnon Anti-Social”

      Clearly, You are well aware of why the Cavemen drug women ’round by the hair.

      Difficult, to say the least, trying to hold TWO ankles in one hand, havin’ ta carry a Club and all.

      but even if You have BIG Hands and CAN pull It Off along, the potential Home of your progeny could get SEVERELY Impacted/Compacted with twigs, gravel, dirt, and other sundry detritus.

      COULD be Painful, gotta think about Yourself, First. For Instance, https://www.wikihow.com/Identify-Stinging-Nettle . While one of the most nutritious plants afield when young, NOT pleasant when mature. At All. Readily available antidote ALWAYS growing nearby, https://www.outdoornews.com/2018/08/23/jewelweed-a-natural-remedy-for-poison-ivy-stinging-nettles/ …Thank God!

      Must be why Long Hair is SO appealing as well. cupola wraps and a deftly executed twist o’ the wrist? Voila! MUCH less strain on the fingers! AND, you ALSO have Your other hand free, so You can Club some vittles for Her ta cook. AFTERWARDS.

      Good practice, (Hair as a Bronco-Bustin’ Grip) for ‘Rodeo’ lovemaking, once You are comfortably ensconced back @ the cave as well.

    2. It is that. And feminism has been a tool used to divide. And when that wasn’t enough . . . drag queen story hourt.

  2. Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, France, Britain. Each had and lost reserve currency status in about 100 years. None of them let women vote. I don’t think women voting changes anything.

    1. Some remarkable humor and wit You have goin’ for ya, Mr. Wilder, Thank You!… but talk ’bout FUNNY!

      “…but women can only have a few kids so they are choosy and choose the best dude they can find…” Admittedly, my views are somewhat subjective, based on Years of observation.

      i’ll have to read the rest and Try to Stop Laughing Like a Kamala, AND change my Depends™ compose my thoughts/Consider the overall context, before adding my 2¢. Fresh outta Kleenex now Too, and the tears of mirth are making it hard to focus, literally and figuratively.

      SO, i’ll stick to commenting on the comments, And i have a more pressing issue in that regard.

      NOT EVER a proponent of critiquing grammar, spelling, or syntax…if i can read it well enough to respond, i’m only shooting my OWN FOOT if the aforementioned is ‘ALL i got’.

      However, ‘A’ @ 11:37 a.m. stated… ” I don’t think women voting changes anything.”

      IS there a .(Period) missing?

      Either way…”I Don’t think. women voting changes anything”

      NOT sure HOW it was meant? OR what ta make of it.

      1. I see five comparably first-world countries who had reserve currency status, but then hyperinflated their fiat currency and collapsed after overspending on welfare and military adventurism. None of them let women vote. Therefore, for the USA to similarly collapse does not require women to vote. Since the USA is on-trend to hyperinflate after the same 110-ish years the previous five did, I do not think women voting made any material difference about which laws and policies are in effect.

    2. @Anon 11:37A,
      Then obviously, the last 100 years of recorded history in this country are wasted on you.
      We won’t argue you to an intelligent position using common sense, logic, and facts, if you didn’t use them to get to where you are now, will we?

    3. Oh, I think it does. But the devolution of empire is (certainly!) more than just that. But today I’m focusing on that.

  3. Let me tread lightly into the radioactive minefield you have laid before us today, John…

    …by focusing solely upon your statement “Science had (and still has) a weird egalitarian streak that assumes that any baby created from any combination of parents on Earth might be shorter or taller, fatter or skinnier, browner or paler, and yet still has exactly the same brain.”

    I’m not so sure it’s “egalitarian”. More likely it’s about “narrative control”.


    And if you wanna know about the narrative being controlled, it’s about all women…


    …and not some men.


    1. Thanks for the Link…”I am Mercedes”. The VERY 1st one?

      ” “I am Mercedes, and I am going to revolutionize healthcare.”

      She’s TOO Late! https://www.ktvu.com/news/convicted-theranos-founder-elizabeth-holmes-returns-to-court-for-hearing-amid-speculations-shes-pregnant

      AND, If ya Wanna REAL Guffaw?


      i’ll need ta check out Your other link later. After tonight’s reading, gonna need ta drink @ LEAST a Qt. of Spring Water to replenish my Fluids.

    2. Radioactive? Moi?

      It is narrative control. Because when we start there, what will we find? Another god that failed?

  4. One can’t truly understand feminism in a vacuum. It only makes “sense” when you see it as one prong of a multi-faceted attack on Western civilization (code for White civilization) as a whole. Feminism, the “civil rights” movement, environmentalism, labor, ghey and now trannie “rights”, all can sound fine when examined based on the narrative they provide but when you look beneath the surface? You see all the same characters all with the same goal: destroying what our people created and replacing it with something where they rule.

      1. Curious about the good professor. Wonder how many have actually sat in one of his lectures or taken a class from him. Great guy, as in easy grader, but nothing that leads to a real job. Still recall how finally had an annoying Nancy Boy complain to the Dean and press about his lecture on homosexuals having the same time preference as criminals and politicians. The truth does hurt it seems . When administered without Vaseline especially

    1. It is division where there should be no division. What is more natural than man and woman working together?

      This is the divide that starts it all.

  5. “…I’m a seasoned feminist…???? WTF???

    Rosemary? Sage? Red Pepper? Make up yo’ mind, b*tch.

  6. “I mean, how many other seven-year-olds have convinced their grandmothers to buy them magazines with actual boobage in them?”

    If true that is pure genie ass. I never thought of that do to the ass beating if I got caught.

    Love the gillette meme have not been following their financials since they went woke.

  7. A lot of men were behind the passing of the 19th amendment and it would not have passed without them. It was a man who invented birth control and abortion would never have become a so called “right” without men. It gave men a lot of freedom to walk away from their responsibilities, as well.

    This is one of my favorite subjects. In fact the first essay of mine that The Burning Platform published was about feminism.

    Men took far too much advantage of the superior position they possessed over women before the 20th century. Women had few if any rights. When the pendulum finally swung the other way, as usual, it swung much too far the other way and we are now looking at a huge mess. Women and men are actually much worse off than they were before the 19th amendment was passed. Men have been feminized to the point where many of them are completely useless. Women have been put, or chosen to be, in positions where they have no business being. Military, police, firefighters, national leadership..etc. The biggest losers have been the children who have had to grow up under a dysfunctional family system with no moral compass.

    I could go on but it would turn into another essay.

    1. Yikes. Not this pendulum jive again. I have been hearing that from women for fifty years. Just another rationalization for usurping the power and position of men, while blaming it NOT ON WOMEN, of course, perish the thought . . . but on that pesky Pendulum.

      You see, women HAD to usurp men’s positions and power and make men and boys third-class citizens in their own cultures because MEN WERE ABUSIVE and ‘took advantage of their superior position’ over women. This, folks, is the very Bible of Feminism.

      Thanks for showing us The Way, Mary Christine! Nothing new under the sun.

    2. Abortion gave women the right to bury their responsibilities. Men usually have no say in the matter.

      1. True in many cases. Women also abort because that is what the father wants her to do. At the root of that problem, both sexes want to have sex without consequences. But there are always consequences regardless of whether a baby is carried to term and raised by the mother or aborted or an adoption plan is made. There are consequences for abortion and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

    3. Very true, Mary Christine! It didn’t happen as a sole feature – but it has contributed very much to the decline – especially the division. Another way to do this would be that only married men and women could vote. Thus, those who have a stake in the future of the country vote.

      Maybe there should be another essay!

  8. Feminism is communism with a ribbon. Destroy the family and you get god government. Just another marxist angle, if it ends with ism chances are it is from the pit of Hell.

  9. As the Bible makes abundantly clear, feminism began almost as soon as humanity, and very quickly resulted in the Fundamental Transformation of the planet from a benevolent and serene garden into . . . what you see today.

    Even Christians cannot stand to face this truth. The world is a predatory, demonic, backstabbing ball of shit because:

    1) woman wanted to be equal to God, and superior to the man

    2) man listened to the advice of the woman and obeyed her, while refusing the advice of God, thus inverting the created order and simultaneously gelding himself

    That’s it, folks. It ain’t no more complicated than that, not really. All across the West we see the final tragic outworking of the original rebellion — women large ‘n in charge, ruling over men while destroying civilization because, you know, oppression and equality and progress.

    Women love feminism and glory in their subjugation of the male, even though it destroys the grrls inside, annihilates families, and ruins cultures.

    Men submit to feminism/females while pretending to themselves and others that this is righteous, brave, and desired by God/the gods. And here we all are.

    1. Ray, I think you and I agree more than you know. The pendulum is a rather simple explanation for a complex problem. It’s only a small part of what caused the rise of feminism. Of course, sin is at the root. Both Paul and Peter gave us clear directions on how to treat each other. Both sexes ignored the directions.

      1. Those two apostles delivered the guide for relations between the sexes, based on their experiences with the King. If anybody wants to be a Christian — doing what Father and King want — then they must follow the instructions concerning gender in the New Testament.

        Kinda leaves a lot of modern Christians out, don’t it?

    2. ^This !
      A month or so ago my normally extremely sensible wife started waffling about the vastly superior female led societies of the past and braying about what a mess we men have made.
      I asked for examples and nothing could be offered. Not a SINGLE example. Turns out she’d been watching a “history” show on Netfx from a couple of “professors” from some west coast US uni.
      She was extremely embarrassed and even apologized for not thinking it through for herself.
      Our “Freedom” movement in Oz is currently predominantly female led. This is because the vast majority of them are on welfare, cat ladies (etc) or kept women. They tend to have little to risk and waffle on about community, community, community. Nice stuff, you do you, but remember that what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours in this brave new “community”. Sounds a little too close to communism for this man.
      The majority of men here have careers and huge bills to pay – and everything to lose if we publicly speak out. Black lists are very real. And just like in the US & Canada, the majik words “I’m not happy” gives cash & prizes to the woman every single time.
      Massive mortgages are a brilliant tool for keeping the population subservient and meek as kittens.

  10. Box wine, cat litter, and meals for one are on the menu for most of these feminist bitches hitting the wall at around 30 years of age. I bet most have a body count hirer than the men killed by Cecil B Demille in his epic movies. Feminism has really hurt woman and done much to destroy the traditional family and men thanks to their allies in Family Courts throughout the land.

    1. And that’s the problem, because they aren’t happier – they are empty inside. That’s why the need for Aisle 12.

  11. As I often say, women are all for equality – until the waiter brings the check.

  12. Whenever I think of that which feminism (or ‘Civil Rights’, a.k.a. Blacks Can Do No Wrong) has wrought, I am reminded of the dark future world that Biff creates in Back To the Future. A world where only he thrives and literally everyone else is subservient and miserable. The punchline is that even Biff knows his life is a hollow lie and he has to spend every waking hour looking over his shoulder for the threat that he knows is coming for him. Fat, drunk and ruling over Hell is no way to go through life, son.

    Feminism has indeed forced men into subservience, creating generations of apathetic weaklings who are finally getting wise to the game and bailing. Women were just beginning to feel their estrogenic oats back when I was in the market. I managed to snag what may prove to be the very last confused young woman without an empowerment complex back in the early 80s. If I were a young man today I would opt out entirely, given that the dating field seems nought but a barren wasteland of selfish, overly-entitled, hideously tatted-up future cat ladies and wine aunts.

    That they are so frustrated with the men they have willfully emasculated, bleating the common refrain “Where have all the good men gone?” is all the evidence one needs to see the delusion and falseness of the feminist lie. “There are no good men anymore”, they say. I used to counter this with “Oh, there are plenty of good men. Unfortunately for you, sweetcheeks, they are all with good women.” But the ongoing annihilation of marriage as a viable institution for men makes this no longer the case. Easy divorce and the chips stacked miles high in favor of women has raised hypergamy to an art form. Why would any self-respecting man dare dipping his toe into such tainted waters?

    Reap what you’ve sown, ladies.

      1. Thanks, Ray. I didn’t come to my conclusions lightly, and this topic has been on a slow boil in my mind for several years now. Too many family members, all male, left holding the s**t end of the stick when their marriages hit the rocks. Father, brother, son, two nephews, and more cousins than I can count. What really astonishes me is how many of them have subsequently remarried. SMDH.

        1. Got fired from my marriage in ’87. Stayed on to tun the oil jobbership that I grew from 2MM gals/yr to 8MM. That was BIG back in the ’80s. Oh, a year after I left a*hole father in law knew more than me. They were at 4MM. Bankrupt 2 yrs after that.

          Started a biz in “89, have been married to it, never re-married. 4 yrs. ago deserted the NC Mtns. for Charleston. A month later was firmly planted with a Life Partner. We don’t want marriage, period. Too many tax problems.

          1. Feel for You, Mr. Cranston. You may want to consider Marriage at some point. Didn’t KNOW https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/cleave had TWO meanings, Butchered quite a few Critters over the Years. Diametrically opposed. 2 Become One, As in The Bible. KJV, IMHO. And NOW, i’m ‘Perfect’, 😇

            Look forward to reading Your posts at TBP. Too.

            SS,DP (Same Story, Different Place) Albeit abbreviated.

            Swore i was NEVER gonna get (re)married as well. But, She kept INSISTING that i wuz gonna leave Her for… (various points of conjecture were offered)…Turns out i had a ‘Bad’ Rap with the Ladies Females locally. The Boss was not from around these parts.

            ‘Others’ ? Please. Terms were offered. NOT met. NOT my fault. Once bitten…

            But then, i read that a Wife CAN NOT testify against her husband.*

            NOT quite 2 yrs, ’til Mid Feb. ’bout 2 decades to that point.

            Snuck behind Her (Wife) back, thought getting married in the Church of her Childhood would be icing on the Cake, as far as a “Yes” went. WOULD be LOST without Her. Truly.

            Met surrepititiously with the (Female) Pastor. She asked what kinda service i wanted.

            ‘Far as i’m concerned, Say what You Have to Say, We’ll Shake Hands. Done.’

            Took the Closeted Termagant Love Of my Life to finalize the details after i got enough liquor-in-her to say “Yes”. Got called away, Left the 2 of them ta work
            ‘The Details’ out, MUCH to my belated chagrin.

            Turns out, They Were BOTH members in good standing of SSI.

            Ya THINK the Hell’s Angels, The Bloods, and The Crips are bad? Rank Amateurs.
            Compared the the SSI. (Secret Sisterhood Inc.)

            In a VERY Conspiratorial manner, The ‘OBEY” Clause was Removed! As SOON as i figure out WHICH One of ’em has the MOST $$$$? i’m gonna sue!

            * i tried ta tell her…’i’m typing a letter ta Jake from State Farm’, but The Boss is suspicious of my motives. She Read the part about testifying AGAINST me. At That point, The Boss informed me….”I CAN if I WANT to”

            Gonna have to reduce the frequency of the Beatings. Maybe.

          2. anon – Been in a long term Life Partner relationship. Neither of us is going anywhere.

            From “Sanford & Son” Donna: “Grady, why don’t you get re-married?”

            “What! And give up sex again?”

    1. It is the destruction and the inversion of all that has kept culture stable for thousands of years.

      Hmmm. Who could that benefit? Why did the Spanish make abortion legal and marriage illegal the minute the commies took over in the 1930s?

      1. Daniel 12 and Revelation 12 indicate that the threat at eschaton (now and forward) is the ‘great red dragon’ and the ‘woman that rides the beast’.

        These are celestial and earthly representatives of the luciferian ‘red dragon’. On earth its form takes ideo-political shape principally via the angel and nation of Red China, and its totalitarian communism.

        Likewise this spirit is spread across the planet, infesting many nations and their leaders — including the District of the Goddess Columbia, of course. As you note, it operates by inverting the created order of God. The human male and female are the physical and spiritual manifestations of that order, inverted by mass feminism.

        In the Sixties when I was a young man, the feminists were very explicit that ‘female liberation’ could only occur via destruction of the family, and most of their efforts were bent towards accomplishing that goal. Demonizing, criminalizing, and removing dads was central to erecting the feminist/communist State. This is the Scriptural ‘beast-system’, the global religion/state that the ‘great whore’ rides or controls. She is cited in Daniel 12:1 as the ‘tsah-rah’, the feminine spirit/demon of vexation, malevolence and tribulation.

        1. Ray, You ARE in the right ‘Reference Book’!

          An EARLY proponent of ‘Artificial Wombs’…https://theconversation.com/shulamith-firestone-why-the-radical-feminist-who-wanted-to-abolish-pregnancy-remains-relevant-115730


          IS a HUGE part. Of Whom/What…

          Revelation 2:9  I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

          Revelation 3:9  Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.


          But ONE Whack-Job among a plethora.

    1. ‘You saved the dolphins, now let’s stop the Suffrage’. A classic. I lol right thru.

      Aside from sports, the Man Show was about all I watched on teevee back then. Kimmel was very funny and bold until he misplaced his gonads.

  13. John, Vingear. Well said.

    I fathered 2 girls in a 2600 sq ft house got dumped. Savct her father’s bankrupt biz from scratch at 24. 10 yrs later they ran me out of town. They went broke 5 yrs later

    Let things be. Her life sucks. Mine doesn’t . Coosaw Island is a great place to live.

  14. For men, lust is the itch, for which porn gives you a picture of a back scratcher.
    For women, envy is the itch, for which feminism gives them a romance novel with a picture of a back scratcher on the cover.

    A man can have nearly unlimited offspring in a lifetime…but women can only have a few kids so they are choosy and choose the best dude they can find. The result?
    A 50+% divorce rate, and every other sociological, economic, and political disaster which has befallen this country, 1919-present, inclusive.


    Repealing the 19th Amendment would be a good first step to getting America back on track.
    Requiring an IQ at or above 100 in order to vote would have almost the same effect (at least until the androphobes dumbed down the IQ tests the same way they pussified military physical and training requirements, so repealing the amendment would be the better choice).

    And most women aren’t happy until you’re not happy, so taking the franchise away from them would accomplish both missions by flipping one switch, and finally give them something to yap about for which it would truly be worth ignoring them wholesale and in perpetuity.

    Feminism, like most statist goals, are false gods designed to fail, erected by the state, and which failures are always to be solved by more statism.
    Which is like drinking sea water when you’re thirsty, and not quite as smart.

    Women, on average and by majority, would vote for that too, if they were asked.
    And then blame the Serpent for showing them the ocean was wet.

    1. I like your fixes.

      And, have to have a “summer in Phoenix” IQ to vote? Sounds like paradise.

      And “designed to fail”? That’s key: it’s the division of strong social structures with the express intent to replace them with the State, because that’s where power flows to those who would control.

    2. “Feminism, like most statist goals, are false gods designed to fail,”

      Yet another Exceptional ‘Reply’.

  15. I remember the “manosphere”. Years of the hidden costs of progress revealing – and so men gathered in secret to try to understand the why and then the how to carve out a slice of normal. And it was universally pilloried by both the left and the right. Misogynists! And ironically “losers who can’t get laid”.
    And so a few more chapters of progress and still the grass eaters and the players and the feral women with credit card eyes trying to stick the landing off the cock carousel at 35 (used to be 25) wander the sexual dystopia looking for a way out while all the parents and grandparents scratch their heads and lament the bootstraps of yesteryear.
    Feminism can’t be extricated from the Culture at large. Most young women don’t even bother with the tagline. Feminism is who we are. It’s one of many rail cars full of cultural shit that is heading toward the washed out bridge.
    It continues, like the rest of the inversion, because even good men with the right ideas refuse to divorce from the progressive orthodoxy; the actual social status to which most subscribe regardless of the ideas they mutter in private, vote every couple years, or pontificate Sunday mornings in the church parking lot.
    Go ahead and don’t send your daughter to State U. I dare you. Don’t give her that smart phone for her 10th birthday. The cascade of rationalizations as to why the inversion will never be righted is near infinite. The war on men and boys is but one cost of fiat status. Feminism is just another failed shit test. The problem are not these chapters of progress but the whole book. Men complain of women cherry picking and not taking responsibility. In that men and women are equal.
    The problem is moral courage. The same problem that vexes all our dissident ideas. Great ideas are easy. The principles we speak of are just that. Nice ideas. Until they are bent over the anvil and hammered with cost of upholding them. That’s how the meek unsheathe their swords. That is simple but not easy. And so we keep talking if these same things for decades on end.

    1. SirLawrence, Indeed.

      Applause & Accolades*.

      Do Not have a WordPress© Acct., hence the ‘Applause & Accolades’. Gonna have to get one as soon as i figure out ‘which me’ to use. Purty much every post here deserves a ‘★ Like’.

      Well Said. Well Spoken. Too.

      * ‘A&A’ in the future, maybe Temporary.

  16. For a mathematical approach to Women’s Suffrage, check out Freedomnomics, a retort to the book Freakanomics. It clearly links suffrage to the ill effects you mentioned above, with receipts (links to raw data, and the process used to reach his conclusions).

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