SCOTUS, Salt Mining, And All The Memes

“This man has no salt in his body at all.” – Star Trek, TOS

I had dinner with Bobby Fischer once.  It took him two hours to pass the salt.

In the wake of the Supreme Court (which we all know is just Regular Court with tomatoes and sour cream), I thought I’d post some Leftist tears with plenty of salt that we could all mine, along with a selection of “as-found” memes.

Were the rulings all we wanted?  No.  Rather than collapse the whole economy, SCROTUS decided to keep the mandate for health care workers.  I can expect that this will result in breathless headlines in about a month when the health care system starts to crater (it’s never really overstaffed at the nurse/doctor level) and the blame will go on (spins Biden’s Wheel of Blame-Shifting) to dart-shooting ninjas.  Aesop, who is in health care, (LINK) has a take on this.  His post is labeled as, BURNING HATRED LIKE A THOUSAND SUNS.  That might actually understate his level of anger.

But, for tonight, let’s enjoy a selection of memes, all are “as-found” on ‘net with zero originals.  Some of them are so full of salt that if you just add water, they make their own sauce.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

49 thoughts on “SCOTUS, Salt Mining, And All The Memes”

  1. The other day, given an ever increasing trend to censor all that is good and true in the world, I bought a Blu-ray disc of The Greatest Story Ever Told, anticipating it to be a movie explaining the story of Christ. Imagine my shock when it was abshort documentary about how Joe Biden received 81 million votes. 🤯

  2. The very last meme (The Dean Podcast) is, in a way, already happening if reports out of France are to be believed. “French court rules that voluntary vaccination against Corona is equivalent to suicide – Therefore, an insurance company does not need to pay out life insurance premiums in the case of voluntarily vaccinated customers.” The tears of laughter will provide a lifetime supply of salt.

    1. Searched far and wide on the net for confirmation of this story on the French court,to no avail.
      Wait and see approach before i pass it on. If true,you know the insurance companies in the US
      will be on this like stink on…

  3. “Aesop, who is in health care, has a take on this. His post is labeled as, BURNING HATRED LIKE A THOUSAND SUNS. That might actually understate his level of anger.”

    You have no idea.
    If I had access to nuclear launch codes, the entire District of Columbia and anything inside a 20-mile radius of its epicenter would a smoking hole in the ground, and I’d be bouncing the rubble with follow-up impacts in the megaton range on the quarter hour for the next week, just to be absolutely sure, and with exactly zero f**ks given.

    It would be my gift to posterity, and the greatest blessing that could befall the republic in the last 100 years, at least.

    1. You’re not alone, Too bad we don’t have launch codes.
      other more laborus options are necessary.
      A respected leader will emerge.
      The will begin.

    2. I’m also pretty certain we answered the mewling bedwetting sentiments of jdouglaslickspittle here, some time back:

      If anything, my sentiments towards his ilk have become even less cheerful, but more hopeful of that eventual meeting of the minds.

    3. You know, I used to be afraid that Iran would get The Bomb and nuke NYfC and DC.
      Now I’m worried that they won’t.

    4. Hahahahaha! Suck it bitch. Buffalo jump your ass to the front of that line and take your medicine. I noticed you used way less fancy words since you’re all fired up. If you want to continue to preach healthy stuff nobody will take you seriously if you’re a has been. How can you possibly know what’s happening in the world of health if you don’t work in health care? Such a fucking beautiful day!

      So which one you going to get?

      1. None of the above, as before, soopergenius.
        And even if I quit my job tomorrow, it wouldn’t negate 30 years’ experience in my field.
        So I’d still have more going for me between the ears than you ever will, as naught but a pathetic diaper-stain on humanity.
        But your glee at SCOTUS stripping human rights from 4M Americans who do nothing but help others shows you for the waste of skin and oxygen you truly are, and hiding behind your latest alias can’t conceal that. It really sucks to be you, doesn’t it?
        Best wishes with that life trajectory, and don’t spend the wages of being just another fart on the internet all in one place.

    5. @Aesop – If I had my radiation proof bunker, stocked with a year or two’s worth of food and water, I’d be good to go with your proposal. The fly in the ointment (for me) is that I only live 35mi away from your proposed ground zero.

      Could you give me a heads up so my extended family and I could decamp to someplace more like 50-60 mi away (and not in the prevailing winds/fallout profile)?

      Oh – and do the nuking from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

    6. Yup. I’ve often wanted to move the seat of government to, oh, Omaha. Set the Supreme Court up in Fargo. Have Congress meet in every single state on a rotation. Remove the concentration of power . . .

    1. That’s funny. I come to this site for the remedial meming and the scientific expertise of Mr. Ipse Dixit.

  4. “ My position is we must make the
    lives of the unvaccinated a total
    misery and just keep escalating
    the exclusions until we crush the
    resistance and break their spirit
    in order to force compliance
    and so they learn not to resist
    government mandates”.
    Doug Little

    That attitude, that arrogance, does not make me want to comply, it does not scare me. In fact, it makes me want to dig in my heels and resist.
    I am to the point in this game of LETS SEE HOW FAST THE COMMIES CAN DESTROY MY COUNTRY that I don’t care what they think. Every day the stubbornness solidifies even more…resist the commie rat bastards.
    The fury is building and I don’t think I’m the only one that feels that way.

  5. “I work in a grocery store…my life doesn’t matter.”

    So, if you work at Safeway or Albertson’s, you’re f*cked. But, I’m not so sure about Publix or Harris Teeter or Lose Yankee, er Winn Dixie.

  6. I noticed religious exemptions are allowed with health workers at facilities that take government funds. The boom for churches will be astounding.

    The next step is to dabble into the protection of religious beliefs from government intrusion. Someone will blame an unjabbed person that has a religious exemption for their illness, the law suit will give some judge the thrill of signing an injunction, the whole mess will be kicked down the road another year, and the Supreme Court is hoping they’ll have enough fascists to complete the subjugation of U.S. citizens. By then, it will be a conservative majority, or black market ammunition sales will go out the roof.

    1. “Religious exemption” requires no such church, merely a “deeply-held and longstanding spiritual belief”.
      And most churches (75%+) are vaxx-jabbing kool-aid swillers anyways.

      Ask me how I know.

      Once you express a religious conviction, they can’t fire you, and they have to make a “reasonable accommodation”.
      And you have to abide by it.

      That only works until yellow stars aren’t enough, and they start making lists for the boxcars.

  7. Was denied a job yesterday on Peterson Field in Colorado Springs, Co. To get on base I must be either vaccinated or have an official exemption ie. a religious moral objection to the vaccine. BTW from the employer the Military has no way for me to file a religious exemption. NO VAX, NO JOB I agree with AESOP, they will make fine corpse’s. FUCK JOE BIDEN and the KAMEL HO he rode in with.

  8. The vaxxed really should be nicer to the unvaxxed.

    We’ll be the only ones left around to bury them after the clot shot takes them all out.

  9. Still, the jabbed are not dying fast enough to cause the Leviathan to tip over. The sheeple, cucks, normies, and Mall Zombies are still going about their daily lives as though everything is peachy-keen. And now because the majority of Black-Robed Druids have quashed the hair-sniffer’s Mandate, the predicted crash is in limbo. But the good news is I have still more time to prep. Bleib ubrig, one and all.

    1. I don’t think the number of deaths will be significant (except to the dead and their families of course.) Killing is generally a very inefficient way of controlling populations; for that you need to effect the reproductive system. I think that is where the big problem will be, and it won’t have an effect on the economy for many years. The system crashing has a very low likelihood; they’ve been planning this for some time. People generally don’t revolt when times are tough, as people tend to keep their heads down and look out for immediate friends and family.

  10. Dayam it feels good being a heretic outside the COV-CULT of suiciety.
    At the meme pages you get an error popup if you try to use the term unvaccinated.
    The Hans Landa-SS meme from Vainglorious Asstards about hiding the unvaccinated comes to mind.
    Lefty is so bat guano that he will burn down the world in a fit of TDS while protecting the Ukraine invasion route into Russia cookie jar.
    What has Russia being doing while Heather has two mommies and the foam pregnancy struggle sessions?
    Preparing for WAR that they do not intend to lose, defeat never enters the thought and they have a civil defense system to keep the populace alive in case any these things happen Dr. Strangelove action goes live, no such options in Americastan as the “elites” threw us all overboard in 1947.
    End of the line for the Potemkin Chiquitastan, plan accordingly.

  11. It seems pretty clear to me that vaccination leads to complacency which leads to transmission. Co-morbidity (e.g., diabetis, obesity) leads to fatality, but do you hear anyone locking down the donut shops, the sugar-water sellers, the chocolatiers, etc. to cut down on co-morbidity (and save money)? I guess that would be less profitable than paying Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J to invent a new treatment and hope that it helps.

    For a reality check, my (majority black) county of about 1 million people, has had in total about 100,000 diagnosed cases (1 in 10), about 10,000 hospitalized (1 in 100), and about 1700 dead (1.7 per thousand) since record keeping began. I don’t actually know 1000 residents, but I do know one very old guy who died with the diagnosis. I feel sad about that, but his warranty had expired years ago. (I added the note about race because we’ve heard that race is a factor in illness, so my county may be worse than typical.)

    There was a big story about an insurance company executive complaining that overall deaths in the 18-64 demographic were up 40%. Now, if you sell life insurance, 40% increase in claims is a disaster. But the 18-64 age range has very few deaths in general, roughly 3 per thousand. Add 40%, and you’re talking… about 4 per thousand. In any ordinary year, you look around at a thousand people in that age range, and about 3 are going to pass. That’s sad. During this pandemic, it’s about 4. If you weren’t paying attention to the news, would you even NOTICE?

  12. FYI – That news clipping is from page 11 of the JUNE 11, 2021 issue of the Gisborne Herald.

  13. Comrade Wilder and other deplorable kulak untermenschen scum, I just thought of something to stop the dastardly COV-LARP once and for all, Hashtags.
    The fearsome Wuhan Gain-Of-Function labs creations don’t stand a chance!
    SCROTUS? We don’t need no stinking SCROTUS in North Venezuela.

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