Predictions On The Supreme Court COVID Decision

“Did having a girl on the team ruin the Supreme Court?” – King of the Hill

Ginsburg used to steal food at diners.  They called her Booth Raider Ginsburg.

Normally, Wednesday is for topics related to the economy or money.  Given that tomorrow is a big day for the Supreme Court which will announce at least one mandate decision, I thought I’d break from the usual.

Several of the Supreme Court Justices showed that they have all of the cultural awareness of a Hollywood gerbil.  They utterly flunked Current Events.  Justice Grimace Elena Kagan seemed to think that “jabbed” people couldn’t give the ‘Rona to other people, even though the vax doesn’t stop people from getting COVID, and doesn’t stop people from spreading it.  Oops.

But Justice Kagan looked like a genius compared to blithering idiot, Elmer’s Glue® eating Sotomayor.  The “Wise Latina” has zero understanding of the difference the powers of a State and the powers of the Federal government.  Sotomayor also seemed to think that 100,000 kids were in the hospital with the ‘Rona, “many on ventilators.”

No.  Just over 3,000.  And that includes kids in the hospital with COVID, not necessarily because of COVID.

Breyer is fast at math.  He’s not right, but he’s fast.

Justice Skeletor Breyer, though, invented people to have cases.  He said there were 750,000,000 cases, causing our hospitals to fill up.  If correct, everyone in the country has at least two cases right now.  Some poor people would have to have three cases.  Thankfully, Breyer has a driver, or otherwise he wouldn’t be able to find his way home.

Yes.  This is the level of basic life competence that you get when you restrain Clarence Thomas from giving them the occasional sleeper hold and throwing Kagan over the top rope.  Let’s face it:  life would be better if he smashed a chair over Sotomayor’s head once in a while.  It wouldn’t increase her stupidity.

What does Clarence Thomas wear to work?  A lawsuit.

I tend to think the Supreme Court, especially Chief Justice Roberts, is compromised.  Are they told what to rule on every case?  No.  But on some?  Yeah, I think so.  But that might mean something different when it comes to the mandate.

Back in September when Biden first announced his mandate, I posted my take on the situation:  Biden’s Big Bluff (LINK).  I thought then that this was nothing more than a naked ploy to increase his popularity.  As Biden has spent the next five months becoming less popular than back acne, he still needs the mandate.

But now he needs it to lose.

I’m not sure that he ever thought it would have gotten this far.  I think he was (internally) jubilant when it was struck down and put on hold by the Circuit Court.  This is the politician’s best scenario:  “I tried to fix the problem but [INSERT GROUP HERE] won’t let me.”  The politician gets to show that he cared, “but, gosh darn it, our enemies just want to use baby rabbit tongues to lick envelopes for fascist junk mail.”

Losing on the mandate gives Biden the ultimate out.

At least if you have dementia, all of my jokes sound new.

What happens if the mandate is upheld?

  • The economy still is a mess.
  • A group of millions of people are now being forced to choose between having a vaccine that looks more and more to have the effectiveness against COVID of a voodoo spell (except it’s great, apparently, at causing heart inflammation) or to lose a job.
  • OSHA has been weaponized for future Republican use. Illegal aliens have higher rates of COVID or measles or mumps or the flu?  Verify them to make sure they’re legal, because it’s for health and safety.
  • If the adverse effects from the various “jabs” keep getting worse at the current rate? Biden owns it.

Lots of times politicians are like dogs chasing cars.  They love to make noise and run around, but have no idea what they’d do if they caught the car.  ANWAR in Alaska and abortion are two of those issues, and Biden has no idea what he’ll do if he catches this particular car.

Joe was in two states today – confusion and disorientation.

But what happens if the mandate is overturned?

  • The Supreme Court can be blamed, and then threatened with either packing the Court, or not allowing Clarence Thomas to lift weights and maintain his Thor-like physique.
  • The economy gets better and the labor shortage doesn’t get worse. COVID fizzles into irrelevance when omicron gives everyone immunity and the ‘Rona is “solved”.  Biden then claims it was his leadership that did that.
  • The Republicans can be blamed for being evil. Pressure to end the “undemocratic” filibuster will increase on the Left, so the Lefties can push through voting rights “reforms” that allow individual bacteria to vote.
  • Lefties run in the midterm election against the “regressive” Republicans. They still lose horrifically, but not quite as badly as the massacre that’s currently in the making.

As Yogi Berra said, “Prediction is hard, especially about the future.”  And, I didn’t say this was a great outcome for Biden.  In less than a year, Biden and his administration has managed to take a bad situation and make it worse in every single way, and this is just about all Biden has.

Of course, Thursday will tell if I’m right or not.  Whatever happens, don’t make Justice Thomas mad.  You won’t like him when he’s angry.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

33 thoughts on “Predictions On The Supreme Court COVID Decision”

  1. I know, I know, the mandate decision is about the Constitutionality of a Federal Agency issuing existential orders without specific Congressional authority, and not at all about the effectiveness of the orders being given, but hooboy, the level of COVID stupidity is getting turned up to 11…

    1. I can speak to the first story:
      Most of the vaxxed and boostered ED nurses on staff (along with much of the rest of the hospital) got sick with COVID this month.

      Every single one was told to return to work after five days.

      But unvaxxed me, COVID-free for two years and counting, must still test twice a week. I’m far more worried they’ll infect me, not the other patients.

      The only win is that there’s a growing contingent of employees who’ve said “Another booster?!? F**K NO! Fire me, or Eff off!”

      The Resistance grows by the minute on this, right along with the Cognitive Dissonance.

      1. Yeah, me too, only it’s once a week. And the nurse who does my testing thinks the whole thing is ridiculous. And the office staff who is next door while I’m testing mentioned that she was no longer technically vaccinated because “booster” and thinks the whole thing is ridiculous. And the new mandate is “KN95” masks but they are only recommended so we can tell the administration to push off and keep wearing our stupid cloth masks with revolutionary slogans on them (mine says “Front Towards Enemy”. And if I am exposed, then I have to stay out of school for weeks longer than employees who actually have it, even if I don’t. But remember, it’s The Science. F’ing Washington. I really want to leave cause I don’t see it getting better.

        1. Stop testing. I work for a large midwestern big 10 university. Im supposed to test 3 times a week. In the beginning I would test once a week. I had the cough last october. Havent tested since and thus far no one has said a word about it. I am done playing the game. Stop it. At this point, 10 years from retirement, I dont give a shit.

  2. “OSHA has been weaponized for future Republican use.”


    Oh, John, you just crack me up, you really do! That might be the funniest joke I’ve ever seen here at WW&W, and that’s saying a lot.

    “Future Republican use,” indeed. Still waiting for the triumphant 2016 elephants to kill Obamacare, build the wall, etc.

    What the future Republicans will do is exactly the same as past ones have done: whatever the Chamber of Commerce tells them to do. A spicy little tax cut for the C of C types, judging by past performance. And the Not-A-Vaxx mandates will stand, possibly with an additional six-week grace period before the recalcitrant are fired.

    1. Future republicans won’t be allowed anywhere near the white house. Remember, Mr 33% approval won 12 million more votes than Obama apparently, EASILY most ever.

      You think a similar trick won’t be pulled in 2024? They got away with it, and stakes only gonna get higher.

      No political solution.

  3. Personally, I would pay to see Justice Thomas pull a Cleavon Little, holding a gun to his own head and shouting at the oxymoronic “wise latina” and the rest of the Supremes, “Hold it! Next man moves, the niqqqer gets it!”

    Can’t hardly believe that the guy I was sure was only installed on the team as a token (“Dis where the court is at? Fro’ me da ball, yo!”) is the only competent member among that coterie of clueless boobs. The Supremes really should have disbanded when Diana Ross went rogue.

  4. “Biden’s Big Bluff (LINK). I thought then that this was nothing more than a naked ploy to increase his popularity. ”

    Please, please, don’t use “Biden” and “naked” in the same paragraph, not any of the Bidens.

  5. It’s NOT “Biden’s” mandate. He just read it from a teleprompter after being promised a pudding pop and a new pair of Depends.
    Everything coming out of this crime cabal posing as an administration is being promulgated by a group of unelected, unaccountable and mostly anonymous criminals in power. Pedo Joe and Heels Up Harris are just the puppets pretending to be in charge.

  6. I look at it as, can they afford to stop the vaxx mandates? How many thousands of cops, firemen, etc, can now sue the city for making them quit? The lawsuits would break every level of government. Unless I’m missing something here, the money always wins, so the workers must lose.

    1. @James – from where they’re sitting, I’d call ‘lawsuits would break every level of government’, or ‘keeping the mandate for HCW’s will break the healthcare system’ is a ‘Win-Win’. Either way, the centralized control folks advance.

  7. The Supremes have ruled that blacks aren’t people, that sending them to “separate but equal” schools was okay, that it was okay to round up Japanese Americans because reasons, that private property is a myth, and that babies aren’t magically humans until at least 6 months’ gestation. It took them over 200 years to rule that “the right of the people” mentioned rather famously in the Second Amendment applied to, y’know, The People.

    Listening to them on anything, forever, is like dropping your kids off at the babysitting team of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, with their assistant, Michael Jackson, and Jeffrey Dahmer as their lunch lady.

    These black-robed asstards are mostly people you wouldn’t trust to paint your fence or babysit your pets for half an hour, and that’s just the smart ones. The dumb ones’ best use is buried under a landfill, while breathing.

    All they can do at this point, is either ratify the manifestly obvious (and it will be a mighty struggle against at least three or four of those idiots to get that ruling), or light the cannon fuse on another Civil War. There is no third option.

    But I admire your optimism. I don’t share it, but I admire it. And no matter if they manage to not drive over the cliff this time, rest assured they’ll be just as likely to drive over it the next time, or the time after that.

    We would get better results in perpetuity if they were forced to deliberate in a cage with impact weapons, and only the survivors could step out afterwards and issue rulings. Because Kavanaugh could totally kick Kagan’s ass, and Thomas would cut Satanmayor’s head off. (Hopefully, two more don’t grow back immediately.)

    That I’d pay to see.
    And the republic would be safer afterwards.

    1. Say, how’d that optimism work out for you?
      SCOTUS ruled today that I and 3M other health care workers are vaxx expendable.

      Because other than Dred Scot and any twenty other cases, they never get it wrong.
      I feel so free, liberated, and independent now.

      But if you like your pandemic, you can keep your pandemic.
      Forever, apparently.

      And now without another 25% of the health care workers you don’t have enough of to begin with, even before the pandemic.
      Well-played, SCOTUS.

      I hope the nooses that belong around your necks someday finally bring the dawn of reality to you.
      The people won’t forget this, and they won’t forgive it either.
      Best wishes in Hell, pleading your case before Satan himself.

      1. This will be a disaster. It will, of course, be blamed on . . . anyone else but the Left. I bet they’re practicing already . . .

  8. Even by modern day tranny apocalypse standard, the ignorance displayed on the only topic anyone has talked about for two years, from unaccountable individuals who possess unparalleled power in our society…

    Even by those standards, this was a new low for clown world

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