What’s Going In Your Head?

“I’ve narrowed it down: either mind controlling LSD or sorcery.” – Chuck

Teddy Kennedy was the big alcoholic of the family, but John more famous for taking shots in public.

What goes in your head?

Really, what goes in your head?

The CIA did some significant experiments in the past under the collective name of “MK-Ultra”.  If you haven’t looked them up, this won’t be the place to get good information about it.  Heck there are very few places to get good info about MK-Ultra because the CIA just shredded it all.  Or burned it.  The biggest reason we have information about it is through accounting records.

No one in the 1970s remembered to burn the receipts.

The goal of MK-Ultra was mind control.  Why?  I’m not sure, perhaps to create a group of super-secret assassins?  The CIA already had zillions of ways to kill people and topple foreign governments.  So, not that.  What minds would they want to control?

Dunno.  Maybe ours?

There are lots of different types of mind control.  The MK-Ultra type is really cool for movies, because it involves creating what I think of as the ultimate horror – a human being whose mind has been hollowed out, and whose actions no longer belong to them.  The goal of MK-Ultra was to create zombies.  And not the Rob kind.

When the Moon hits your knees, and you mispronounce trees, sycamore.

Again, we don’t have the data from MK-Ultra, but we do know that the one thing government craves more than any other is the power that it has.  Jerry Pournelle called it Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy.  To allow Jerry to describe it himself:

Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people”:

First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.

Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers’ union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.

The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.

This is the story of government since, well, forever.  Thankfully, Federalism and the Constitutions slowed it.  A bit.  The real power, though, got into place around the turn of the century – the turn of the 20th Century.  The CIA wasn’t the cause of it, it was more the result.  If the CIA was willing to drug unknowing citizens with LSD and also to conduct experiments on hundreds (if not thousands) of other people, it’s not very hard for me to believe that they also spent a lot more effort studying how to influence the average American.

I made it my mission to fight poverty:  I wrestle homeless people every weekend.

When it comes to persuasion, the most potent medium is visual.  It creates it’s own reality – it creates an emotional investment.  I remember as a kid, when the Death Star® blew up, I felt the emotion, just as if I had flow the X-Wing® down that trench myself.  When the alien was about to munch a scantily clad Sigourney Weaver, pre-puberty me felt a zillion emotions.  Seeing the video made it seem like I was there.

There’s a reason for that.

The medium of video is “hot” (in the theory of Marshall McLuhan) and is especially wonderful for propaganda.  Hot media fully engages one sense, and spoon feeds the content directly into the viewer’s mind.  Cool media, like this blog, demands interaction, and demands thought.

And you thought those memes were just for fun.  In reality, they serve a purpose – they exists to counter propaganda.  It’s why the Right is so good at memes and the Left is awful.  A great meme from the Right tells the Truth in just a few words.  The Left, on the other hand, has to build an entire reality for their meme to even make sense – if you’re not already on board with the worldview of the Left, they have to build it for you.

But media today is everywhere.  Especially, it’s on phones.

And it’s addictive.  I was at dinner with Pugsley today and he was on his phone.  I said, “Please, put that down.”  He didn’t.

“Pugsley,” I said, “You don’t want to have people watching you databating in public.”

He turned sixteen shades of red, and the phone went down onto the table like it had been sucked down with a magnet and his hand moved away like the phone was hotter than the Sun.  So, Internet, if you ever want your kid to put the phone down, let them know you don’t approve of public databation.

Why did the hobbit® set his cell phone to vibrate?  He was trying to get rid of the ring.

And that explains the memes.  They break the programming, and break the addiction loop.  But back to the programming itself.  What values does the world want you to have?  What values are those who program the algorithms at YouTube® attempting to create in our minds?  What values and beliefs does Hollywood™ want to create?  And how are those values being rolled out?

When you look back at a television show like Sex and the City, showing how strong independent women don’t really need men, what impact did that have?  I wonder, because the writer whose stories the whole series was based on is now in her sixties, and was lamenting that she never created a strong marriage and family.

Ooops.  But what about all those girls that bought the message?

And what about all those divorced moms, living in houses that (in reality) they’d never be able to afford?  How many women were influenced that divorce was the key to freedom, prizes, and a home version of the game?  Even if you ignore the awful emotional consequences of divorce on the family and on children, divorce is generally economically devastating on all the participants as well.

I hear that Putin is divorced – he never got along with his NLAWs.

Divorce was featured and glamorized on film and television starting in the 1960s.  Why?  Who benefits?

Well, families don’t.  Churches don’t.  Communities don’t.  So that leaves lawyers, the court system, and the alimony/child support complex, which employs thousands in most states.

But that’s not enough.  A strong family is like an atom – self-sufficient.  It provides strength, and a way to transmit values from generation to generation.  But families don’t consume welfare, mostly.  They aren’t dependent and that’s why Nu-Government® has little use for them, and would like them to disappear.

Who benefits from this?  The Left.  They want the families destroyed, so that individuals have to turn to government for their money and values.

Movies are also used to try to influence public opinion on policy.  How many movies do you see in 2022 where immigrants are here dealing drugs or committing crimes?  Contrast that with how many films that show immigrants in a ludicrously positive light.  Why?  Studies show that immigrants coming into this country are overwhelmingly in favor of strong states that provide massive welfare and restrict (for instance) the individual right to keep and bear arms.

Hmmm.  Who would that make happy?

Oh, yeah.  The Left.  You can think of plenty of other examples of how film and television and news has been used to create a version of reality that leads to Leftist values, which always, always leads to the horror and carnage of Leftism in action.

In other news, Sean Penn has a badger living on his head.

There is that alternative, though.  When done well, film can really be uplifting, and fun.  It has the ability to provide examples of the very best values that man can strive for, and share them back with us.

Always, always, guard what goes into your head.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

30 thoughts on “What’s Going In Your Head?”

  1. Here’s a GIF on reality vs. perception. You gotta watch it for a few seconds.


    Speaking of imaginary cinematic universes providing timeless examples of values to live by (or avoid), tonight is the series-ending episode of Better Call Saul. Sigh, and goodbye. After a gripping 125+ episodes of BrBa and BCS and ElCam showing the corrosive effects of layer upon layer upon layer of lies, last week’s penultimate episode highlighted at last the cathartic power of finally embracing the truth. May Absolute Truth remain our lamp through the current funhouse mirror of distorted realities.


    That was written in 2017. It’s even more true now.

    1. That is an utterly excellent .gif. It does and excellent job showing the difference in perception versus reality.

      I’m watching BCS tonight. Maybe there will be a sequel? Better Ring Fring? Better Dial Lyle?

      2017 seems so very long ago . . .

    1. Certainly our buddy Klaus Schwab fits the bill on the Reich is Alive front. I mean except for the Judy Jetson outfit. Wardrobe needs work amigo.

      Also fitting the neo-nazi bill, the governmental (FBI, DOJ etc.) brownshirts and the private (Antifa, BLM etc.) brownshirts. All doing a brisk — if self-created — business, preying on us and calling it progress and righteousness.

      The modern Woke-Fem Politburo is like the Reich Gone Gyno. Hey ok the Fatherland failed, but looka what we got for you now. New and Improved fascism. You’ll serve us and be happy!

      To take just one example: JPL was founded and kick-started by an upfront Luciferian. A practicing occultist of high degree, with very intimate MIC affiliations and donorships. So, U.S. rocketry and space program, right down to NASA, based in ex-Nazis and satanic sorcerers holding sex-magic rituals and whatnot. Nudge nudge ‘ex’ nazis. Not a good look for a ‘Christian’ nation.

    2. Yup, Paperclip led directly to Apollo.

      And the data they have on how to manipulate people . . . is probably more sophisticated.

  2. The 3rd Iron Law of Organizations is simply “20% of the membership does 80% of the heavy lifting”. Confirmed that firsthand when a was a Jaycee in the late ’70s, and God knows how many other times in my life.

    1. Very much so, and even more extreme in programming. Look up the real programmer behind the black hole picture . . .

  3. “The CIA did some significant experiments in the past under the collective name of “MK-Ultra”. Recently saw the video clip of the woman, don’t know her name, talking about MK Ultra and what they did.

    Funny in the last few months someone posted a picture of the apartment used in California and that it was for rent. I chuckled.

  4. The MK-Ultra program is about both an individual, plus total control of collective forces and of mass consciousness. MK programs have been wildly successful in the U.S., Britain, Australia, and Western Europe. In Bitchdom, basically. The evidence IS the culture. Check the photo supra of the Phone Zombies.

    Your opening, ah, shot of the Kennedys is instructive. John and Bobby hated the growing Western Intel grip on the anglo nations, particularly America. Those two knew the CIA was controlled by occult Eastern Seaboard groups, old money families, and the Kennedys did not want the U.S. to continue in that direction. At one point John made his future aims about ‘secret’ groups operating to subvert the Christian U.S. quite clear — before the N.Y. Press Club.

    So the globo-luciferians took them both out, just as publicly and ritualistically as could be managed. Made quite the ancient sacrificial fest out of those two Catholic boys, right there on the world stage, hey here’s how it works from here on out, you don’t like it? You’re next.

    Magically we got mason LBJ and the ‘Great Society’ of welfare, affirmative action, and family destruction. The Civil Right Era, oh yeah that’s worked out great. Everybody’s got Endless Rights now except for, of course, the Oppressors. Who deserve to suffer Equality. Wait wait Equity.

    1. Equity is the real sword they want to use.

      And it’s clear that Ted got the message and became a clear supporter of the globalists – even reaching out to the Soviets during his campaign against Carter.

  5. Current commercials reflect the narrative. Gays kiss, mixed-marriage couples abound, people are shown doing things that you know people of their ethnicity never do, medications cure everything (except some nasty side-effects) and the insurance companies want those on Medicare to call and see what they can have bilked from their Medicare. Everybody drinks responsibly, you are supposed to believe a third party can save you money on your hotel, and electric vehicles are the best thing since sliced bread (but anyone thinking rationally knows it’s B.S.)

    It’s becoming so easy to not think. Why? All I have to do is Google it, or watch a YouTube video. Meanwhile, children aren’t taught cursive, so all the founding documents of the United States are as unreadable as Latin, and changing the wording will soon be missed by all, except the older folks and those with evil on their mind.

    1. You bring up a *great* point. Google kills thought. On a regular basis when I ask Pugsley a question I tell him to not use Google. I ask him to guess what the answer might be, to think about it . . . .

  6. There is no phrase in the bible saying, “The lion shall lay down with the lamb.”
    It’s the wolf that lays down with the lamb in Isaiah 11:6. And I bet every Christian reading this will go to their Bible to contradict me, but find the truth writ plainly.

    What else that you know, isn’t so? How much of what you were taught and internalized simply isn’t true? Who taught you that? Why?

    1. Indeed, why did they teach us that?

      When I look back into history, I seem to find that nearly every account since 1900 or so has been changed or is very incomplete, and the more the facts pile up, the more the Official Story does not hold up.

  7. MK Ultra didn’t go away. It wasn’t canceled. They merely changed the name of the program….and buried the money trail. The CIA etc. have been working on ‘mind control’ since at least the Korean war if not longer. Only a fool would believe they haven’t achieved any results at all. Maybe not perfect results. Maybe not consistent results but if you can successfully influence one out of a hundred targets to do what you want them to do the program would be useful. And when you have essentially unlimited tax dollars to spend you can afford to target countless people in the hopes you succeed in controlling one percent of them.

    1. I’d bet money that the CIA is so intertwined with Google and Facebook that their manipulation data doubles every year.

  8. Eugene, Oregon.
    I perform with the band ‘Scantily Clad’.
    We are a sight to behold…

  9. Speaking of things getting into your head, your use of the phrase “databating” reminded me of something I heard on Glenn Beck this morning that made me laugh. They had referred to famous onanist Jeffrey Toobin as having a date with Palmala Handerson.

    I couldn’t stop giggling. The Missus was not amused.

  10. Don’t get too focused. The gubbmint may have started all the control propaganda but advertising, politics, public relations, human resources jumped in with both feet. To twist a quote, “What’s good for General Motors, is good for America”. They all do it because they see the game. Mostly no one believes, but it is how the game is played.

  11. I doubt that Hollywood has the organizational skills to conspire against Right-thinking Americans. Instead, they simply 1> write about what they know (personal conflicts, role-playing, promiscuity, and drugs), and 2> imagine what will get people’s attention long enough to tune in and sit through the commercials. Unfortunately, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American TV viewer. (However, the producers of “Batgirl” may have set a new precedent.)

    The original concept for “Sex (in? and?) the City” may have originated with a woman (who lived to regret those attitudes), but I’ve heard that the scripts for the broadcast series were written by gay men. They simply rewrote the genders to force female characters to behave like the men they knew. For some reason, female actors were willing to perform it, and for some reason, some people watched it.

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