Civil War – The Necessary Conditions

“You mean the war betwixt the Yankees and the Americans?” – The Beverly Hillbillies


I hear that Robert E. Lee was voted “Most Likely to Secede” in his West Point class.

A civil war is like a fire.  It consumes the energy and emotions of those around it and leaves destruction, desolation and debt in its wake – just like my first marriage.  But I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about civil wars and the necessary conditions for one.  After thinking about it, I’ve decided that a model for a civil war is fire.


For a fire to burn, it needs three things:  fuel, oxygen, and a spark which in turn creates the continuous burning reaction.  If you’re missing any one of those things, you simply do not have a fire.  An example – The Mrs. and I had a clay fireplace we used out on our deck (this was a long time ago – like during Bush II).  One day I was trying to start a fire in the fireplace, and the fire wouldn’t catch – the wood would just smolder – there was smoke, but no flame.  The reason for that was that the wood was a bit wet.  A-ha!  That’s okay.  I must have some charcoal starter liquid.  I looked in the garage.  All out.

But there was gasoline for the mower in the garage.

I poured just a tiny bit down the chimney of the fire place.  A tiny bit.  An itsy bitsy amount right onto the hot coals from the fire I’d been trying to make.  I looked down the chimney as I dropped a match into the pit.  Suddenly, a flame shot out of the chimney and washed over my face.  I had a beard at that time, and as the flame hit the beard it melted and burnt into kind of a single hair shell on my chin.  It smelled as good as burned blonde beard kebab.  Thankfully, no one was at home, so there were no witnesses when I took the scissors and chopped the welded chunks of congealed beard hair off.

It turns out that gasoline boils at a really low temperature, and when I poured the gasoline down the chimney, it landed on the hot wood that I’d been trying to burn and immediately turned from liquid into hot gasoline vapors.  The hot gasoline vapors were the fuel, fully mixed with the oxygen as they rose up the chimney.  All they needed was that spark, and all the energy stored in the hot gasoline vapors ignited at the speed of sound through the chimney in a de-beardifying whoosh.

But this is a model of Civil War not an ad for the use of flame as a shaving aid.  What allows a civil war to start?

  • Fuel – The differences in our opinions are shown pretty well in the most recent survey done by Pew, which is reproduced right below through the power of Internet sorcery. The Right is moving farther right.  The Left is moving farther left.  And in both cases the degree of overlap drops.  This increasingly small overlap between left and right means we’re not even talking the same language.  We look at the same picture, the same news story and react in entirely opposite ways.  The more fuel that builds up (generally) the greater the energy released when the fire starts.  Look to see a lot of hipster beards on fire.


  • Spark – A spark is an event that’s bold, audacious, emotional, and one that means there’s no going back, things will never be the same again. These are often followed up by escalations, each one following the narrative of the split (the fuel for the fire) of the Godly and good us versus the evil baby-hating them:  shelling Fort Sumter; Caesar crossing the Rubicon at the head of his Legions; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; and that night that Donald Trump poured sugar into Hillary Clinton’s gas tank.


  • Oxygen – This is required for the fire to go – it feeds the chemical combustion. In this civil war/fire analogy, oxygen is symbolic of the opposing governmental structure.  In the Revolutionary War it was the Congress of the States that declared the war.  In the Civil War?  The Confederate States organized and met.  Even Caesar had at his disposal the governmental structure of the Legions that he commanded and the means to provide for them.  In all cases, a civil war needs a governmental structure to move from isolated insurrection to true war.


In 2018 I think there’s a lot of fuel built up – the division between Left and Right is increasing.  Twitter®, the Fake News (Pulp Fiction, Epsilon Theory, and The News Isn’t The News. Really.) and the concentrated attempts to deplatform entire viewpoints (Civil War, Cool Maps, Censorship, and is Fort Sumter . . . Happening Now?) are examples.  The Left is even rioting against free speech – the very thing the Left rioted to allow in the 1960’s.

I think the fuel is currently pretty wet – it’s inhibited because people just have so much darn stuff.  Who wants to go down to fight Antifa© when you’ve got to get to work the next morning so you can earn money to make payments on your new F-150 and you’ve got beer in the fridge and Netflix® on the television, which is probably more fun than punching smelly hippies?

Even Antifa™ has to get home early so they can keep working at Starbucks® and Mom still has them on a curfew.  But make no mistake – they have no interest in finding common ground – they want to fight.  And they don’t want to hear what anyone else has to say.  From CNN:

“Antifa members also sometimes launch attacks against people who aren’t physically attacking them. The movement, Crow said, sees alt-right hate speech as violent, and for that, its activists have opted to meet violence with violence.”  So, other people’s speech is violence, and their violence is only speech?

antifa(H/T AR15.COM – warning, naughty words)

But a prolonged economic downturn will dry the fuel out quickly.  Janis Joplin taught us that freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose (and that Bobby McGee could really sing the blues), and we won’t have Civil War 2.0 until people have nothing to lose.  The saving grace for many years has been the all the “stuff” that we have.  Before then we’ve had a fairly homogeneous population with (for the most part) deeply shared values.

We have sparks everywhere – from marches and riots to new laws and elections – things that drive both sides crazy.  These will intensify during an economic downturn, and will be played up in the press.  Conflict sells ads.

We are, however, missing the oxygen – the governmental structure that benefits from the war.  The current governing powers aren’t threatened by Antifa®.  They’re not really even threatened by Trump, since very few of his accomplishments will outlast his time in office – Supreme Court Justice appointments being a notable exception.  The swamp remains intact.  Government certainly isn’t threatened by the very far right, since two out of three Klan members (all, what, 1000 of them?)  are FBI agents or informants anyway.  And individual states have been more-or-less neutered since the Civil War changed the nature of the agreement between federal and state governments.

Civil war?  No.  Not unless the economy worsens, and not unless there’s a structure that benefits “the other side” – and who on Earth would benefit from a civil war in the United States?



I am not the first use the fire triangle analogy when it comes to war – I found a reference to a Major Patrick Pascall who used a similar model in a 2009 paper to describe the insurgency in Iraq (LINK).  As far as I can tell, though, I’m the first to use it in this manner.  Yay, me!

Fire Triangle By Wikimedia User:  Gustavb – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, snarky comments:  me.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

12 thoughts on “Civil War – The Necessary Conditions”

    1. I know! And I’m not sure I told anyone this story . . . until I told EVERYONE this story. Oddly, my eyebrows made it through intact.

  1. The legitimacy of a government is based on the willingness of the people to comply with the laws and political process that exists within. Once faith in government is lost there is little left to hold a nation together.

    I see rebellion in our future which is an entirely different animal compared to a revolution. Revolution is a war of government versus government both fighting for legitimacy. We are facing a rebellion which consists of a social philosophy against government. In many ways, Antifa is actually fighting for the government and not against it.

    It is the right that is being persecuted to silence them and drive them to extinction. The ideas and concepts of the right that were at one time the model of the typical American left and right are now politically incorrect and unmentionable in the public square. It is that difference that provide the fuel for sufficient anger for a civil war.

    The media and information access in the internet provide the oxygen which is the information of what is going on. Media and Internet have allowed the average person the means to access information from a multitude of sources and allowed factions to remain in contact in ways never envisioned in the past.

    The spark is the item that is missing. Will it be an act of the government to suppress the right? I ask this because it is extremely doubtful that the left will suffer any restriction in the present political climate. It could be an attack upon the right that is ignored by government. The potential for spark is increased by bias. Bias and discrimination.

    Regardless, any conflict that arises will be bloody and will result in animosity for more than generations. Further, it is likely that any conflict will be government against a group of people who refuse to comply with the government’s edicts. One side will have at its disposal a considerable arsenal of weaponry and personnel while the other side will have limited resources. Further, the rebellion will not start out as a regionally based clash but in time it will fall into one.

    To discuss such potential events in our future is remarkable in our times. Where I would have scoffed at the idea, I now see the possibility as being more viable than anyone would like to admit. Whatever is to come, I dearly hope we can find a way to resolve the differences without the bloodshed.

    1. I agree – but likewise, I fully hope the values that have created and preserved such wealth and prosperity won’t be lost forever. Sadly, I worry that they might have to live in a sock drawer . . . .

  2. Maybe it’s modern war, but from my vantage point, those most needing to be killed usually end up back in charge.

  3. “Government certainly isn’t threatened by the very far right, since two out of three Klan members (all, what, 1000 of them?) are FBI agents or informants anyway.”

    That is the literal truth and very few people know that.

    Antifa thugs pretty much are PART of the System, they are not facing what that fellow in Charlottesville is facing. The FBI used ANTIFA sources to indict RAM.

    George Soros, among others of his ilk FUND Antifa.

    If a “CIVIL WAR” takes place know this: .gov will be on the LEFT, the HARD LEFT side.
    Think of how the ADL and the SPLC work hand in glove with the FBI.

    I enjoyed the first article about Trump the last president. You sure can write!

    Well worth a read:
    Americans never give up your guns Thursday, December 27, 2012
    By Stanislav Mishin

    These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bear arms and use deadly force to defend one’s self and possessions.

  4. The war of northern aggression from 1861 to 1865 was NOT a civil war
    the south did not want to control the entire country, just its part

    The only true civil war was the Revolution, each side wanted control over the land mass and to subvert the will of the other side

    1. Noted, though the North did not share the sentiment . . . and the same attitude can be found there today . . .

  5. Wars do not start because everyone is itching for war or because everyone is suffering. Wars start because no one believes a war can start and that no one will respond to the latest insult. The bully who is used to beating up the wimp in the Christmas Story finally goes too far and a nuclear strike is launched with devastating results for the bully.

    Wars start because of miscalculations. They start because you drop that match down the chimney because you didn’t realize your wife put ten gallons of gas in a open kettle on the hearth.

    But a storm is coming ad I plan to hoist a black flag and take no prisoners.

  6. New reader.

    Thirty years ago I had a friend who had taught political science at a state university on the left coast
    He postulated that there would not be a revolution in America until the price of a six-pack of beer exceeded the hourly minimum wage.
    He was a Bud man.

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