The Backlash Against Journalists Begins

“Let them have the cabbage. We here at I.N.S. will feast on journalistic filet mignon.” – The Night Stalker

An honest journalist walked into CNN®.  The network head asked, “What are you doing here?”

I guess Trudeau had enough of people being mean to journalists.  I mean, we know that Justin Trudeau is the most tolerant person in Canada, right?

But he’s the most qualified person to be prime minister, right?

Huh.  Perhaps not.  But certainly, he has the best in mind for his people.

Well, thankfully the vaxx is helping people stay alive.  I mean, it’s not like mortality is up by double (or nearly double) in the ages from 25-55.  Oh, wait . . . .

I wonder how people will react to that?

Certainly, that didn’t happen, that journalists and the press wanted awful things to happen to people that had a different opinion.  I mean, is there any evidence of that?

I guess after that, I’m getting the subtle hint that they might not like folks who were somewhat suspicious of a new technology unleashed with minimal testing.

But at least the vaxx works.


I’ll let Sam Hyde have the last word.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

50 thoughts on “The Backlash Against Journalists Begins”

  1. Friend: “You know, I’m a believer in the vaccines, and boosters. And I think when I tested positive for Covid, they made my illness less severe.”

    Me: “Yeah, I was grateful I had the MMR vaccine because after, when I came down with Rubella, it was less severe.”

    Friend (stares at me for a second): “Smart ass.”

    1. The above comment was by me, by the way. For some reason the comment form didn’t recognize me and I didn’t notice that fact.

    2. Ha! Yes. They had to create a whole new definition because of that. Now, the vaxxed are more likely to get the ‘Vid. And the numbers are looking worse over time.

  2. Communist News Network. Potatoes love it. OOPS! Loved it. This whole vaxx crap reminds me of the Oprah Book Of The Month hoax from 15-20 yrs. ago, where the author falsified his horrid childhood, only to be exposed rather quickly. Saw a libtard chick reading his book at lunchtime. I asked “Why? It’s a lie.” Her: “Well, it’s the narrative that’s important”.

    These people will defend the vaxx into their grave.

    1. Nope, they’ll soon be blaming Trump. It was his idea to rush the vaxx, you know . . . . (it’s already started)

  3. The Propaganda arm of the World Economic Forum seem to think all of us have the attention span of a goldfish.

    They will learn better.

    Meanwhile in other news I expect that Green Screening of dangerous events will become the norm (if it’s not already) as deranged people make being a correspondent hazardous.

    1. I do have the attention span of a goldfish. And the short-term memory. I’ve admitted it plenty of times. But I’ve got the long-term memory of an elephant, one that’s pissed off and sees no problem with stomping on the lying leftist gas-bags in the media or elsewhere. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I don’t like having to clean poo off my shoes.

    2. Shakespeare got it slightly wrong…it’s first, kill all the journalists and their editors and the media owners…

    1. 🤣 ‘Non-Flight-Enabled’ MICstain? an almost ‘real-life’ character from that remake featuring denzel. & Liev, in the spotlight As ‘the John’. ‘The John’ typically featured in ‘People In Government Service’ Blotters. Too.

      Meanwhile in a Devils advocate sojourn down to Georgia, Camacho walker is sittin’ on the bench…on-deck in a manner of speaking for an eventual real-time remake of YET ANOTHER Documentary..

    2. there where a lot of pissed off men walking around USGCG back in the 1980’s
      a lot of people knew about the sat pictures of these “sighting” back then. wasn’t really hidden from people who knew what to look for. like a lot of guys from back then, hated john shitstain and kerry the clown ever since.

  4. Proposals for future Trudeau tweets:

    The pattern of harassment of Supreme Court justices is incredibly alarming and completely unacceptable. This type of behavior has no place in our society. No judge should ever be threatened for doing their job.

    The pattern of harassment of politicians is incredibly alarming and completely unacceptable. This type of behavior has no place in our society. No politician should ever be threatened for doing their job.

    The pattern of harassment of those who are skeptical about experimental vaccines is incredibly alarming and completely unacceptable. This type of behavior has no place in our society. No one skeptical about experimental vaccines should ever be threatened for their beliefs.

    The pattern of harassment of those who are skeptical about man made climate change is incredibly alarming and completely unacceptable. This type of behavior has no place in our society. No one skeptical about man made climate change should ever be threatened for their beliefs.

  5. Well I didn’t start out here looking to make war on anybody. Did some songs and made some films, so forth. But war was made on me, without just cause and accompanied by endless self-serving rationalizations.

    I will forget nothing and forgive little, for if I were to forgive, they would just find more targets when they were finished with me. So, it’s on.

    1. I like to point out that when things do get spicy, because of the “journalists'” own actions, Sarajevo Rules will apply. Anyone who was in the biz back then should understand what that means.

  6. CAN NOT thank You enough Mr. Wilder. For Your Efforts. And Wit, while being one of the best voices in the Wilderness. And ‘FREE!’ to boot.

    Looks like i’m going to need to create a wordpress© account to ‘like’ Your posts and the comments as well.

    Only a fool’s errand to think “anon also’ allows ANY Degree of Anonymity. KNEW that for Years. ONLY post that way because the words ‘speak for themselves’, wouldn’t say anything online i wouldn’t say face-to-face anyhow.

    What little i think i know/remeber…EVERY device has a unique MAC, from the manufacturer…Ultimately, it may guide a drone/ordinance, when you become a ‘Terrorist’ slated for elimination.

    Noticed that the ‘Serious’ quotient has been elevated across the Web in my estimation, at an accelerating pace, like EVERYTHING else.

    Now to figure out my Mark. Twain.


  7. The word “journalist” is sometimes loosely used to describe newsreaders, indoctrinated buffoons, Marxists, traitors and pedophiles. Unfortunately, actual journalists have a tough row to hoe in regaining credibility. I have a feeling the carnage during the process will be terrible.

      1. More like 98-2 I think, but there a few actual journalists out there, mostly unemployed at this point…

  8. There IS no backlash. More’s the pity.

    Backlash would be random journalists suddenly being found dangling about three feet off the ground, tied by the neck to a tree with stout electrical wire, and quite undeniably deader than canned tuna.

    All they’re getting is snarky verbal pushback, and they’re wetting themselves and soiling their shorts over it.

    Call me when they all have to quit the profession, and go into witness protection, after the first hundred or so are waxed like that.
    It’ll be a good start, and a healthy cleansing, not to mention hilariously just desserts.

    Until then, this is just vamping and BMWing over what they know they’ve got coming. They’re all little Himmlers in the genocide they aided, abetted, and cheered on. Nuremburg 2.0 is going to be a bitch for them, because I think we’ve agreed that lawyers and judges won’t be necessary this time around.

    1. Yikes. Seems a little harsh.

      “Backlash would be random journalists suddenly being found dangling about three feet off the ground” (unsure if using Your quote would be a ‘literary foil’ of sorts, nothing personal. Just a segue i rode in on after having to go to the little boys room, and now i can’t sleep.)

      Positive that i could NEVER KILL anybody in Cold Blood, or play ANY part in it. My Big Fantasy?

      Safety First. “Renewable” solar powered flashers de rigueur, on appropriately sized and placed signage:

      WHOA! SLOW DOWN! My Duly Elected Humble Public Servants, et al. Work Here. Rainbow background, of course!

      ‘Chain Gang Pot-Hole Repair Crew’ You say? Let’s be reasonable and compassionate.

      If there is ANY material left, some type of nano-carbon composite for the manacles & chain tethers. Light weight for enhanced endurance, “Stronger than Steel!” for security. On the off chance that the humble public servants, ‘NEWS Communicators’, ‘Medical Professionals, etc. would try to hurl themselves into passing traffic. Probably NOT a real concern. Traffic would be going VERY SLOWLY, at least until the novelty wore off. Phone video of same a new national pastime. ONE instance of GRIDLOCK that would be applauded. As an added benefit? Carbon Fiber clanking would almost certainly be quieter than steel. Or the more ‘Classical’ iron, I would think. Wouldn’t spoil the audio. Of the wailing, the moaning, the gnashing of Teeth.

      Some cautionary saying about “Battling with Monsters”?

      “About 3 feet” seems arbitrary and capricious. When in Rome…Customized lengths. Max Tippy-Toe length. Give them a “choice”, JUST LIKE our appointments elections.

      Don’t wanna turn into monsters Ourselves, now do We?

      And the potholes would FINALLY be fixed. Timeline ’employing’ ALL the likely candidates cross-spectrum? Who Cares? PLENTY of trash off to the sides of EVERY road. Too. Be some VARIANT of ‘saving’ their own. AND they could get “Back to Nature”. Just like it was paraphrased on the Guide Stones©.

      1. “”That is why you fail.” – Master Yoda

        We sentenced Charles Manson to death for being nowhere near just 6 deaths he ordered his drug-hazed followers to commit. And he more than deserved it.

        So tell me how many people have died from the clot shot, and divide into that the number of journalists cheering it on, even today, and tell me the share of victims easily imputed to each one of them, and tell me they’re not Charles Manson times an order of magnitude.

        Pussification is a choice, but it always ends at the loading platform for the boxcars.

      2. “Don’t wanna turn into monsters Ourselves, now do We?”

        Don’t presume to speak for me with your twee little “We”. Yes, we DO want to be monsters. Or more properly, serious persons who are capable both psychologically and materially of being monsters — yet CHOOSING to not behave monstrously without reason. If you can’t be a monster then you’re a prey animal.

        Then again, you’re probably trolling. If so, good job. You got a rise out of me.

        1. How Fortuitous! Just doing a little ‘pro-active’ research. Giddy with anticipation! And Gotta email alert that someone had commented. VERY COOL Feature!

 be what i was researchin’.

          Presumptuous of me. to include You, WeWe. (pardon the stutter, faulty punctuation, and of course, spacing errors. Happens when i’m afeared intimidated) i mean, i’m just actually speaking for myself, TRY to be inclusive.

          Shoveled much ‘product’ in various locales, using a variety of equipment. Big Flat shovel way to go when comparatively ‘loose’. sand, gravel, piles of dirt. And Hot or cold black top. Base Coat slightly different. SURE You could hang, no problem. Typically used a #2 or #4 coal shovel, but there WILL BE ‘ladies’ involved.

          Care to make a recommendation?

          Something that Mary McCord or ‘little tony’ The Faucist could handle? ALL Day. Out in the elements?

          Feelin’ so magnanimous, MAY even tell the grateful recipients about ‘Cold Patch’. Probably blissfully unaware that most places Shut down for the winter, cold patch is all that is available. Making them break up solidified hot stuff seems cruel. Productivity is the key. For the Common Good.

          Can’t buy the bagged stuff @ HD or L’s. Wouldn’t wanna squander the tax Donkey’s payers money. AND, those 2 co.’s were ‘In On It’.

          After all, can’t picture any of the award winners trying in vain. To STAND on their tippy-toes. Until they couldn’t. AFTER the initial demonstration, if should happen to come to that. Like i said, they deserve the same ‘choice’ i and some others, (wouldn’t want to re-offend you) have been given at the polls. Forever.

          Grateful as well for modern tech. One ZOOM meeting should convey the idea.

          Always appreciate the feedback. Sorry to offend You.

      3. “Yikes. Seems a little harsh.
        “Backlash would be random journalists suddenly being found dangling about three feet off the ground””

        The recidivism rate for commie/socialists is about 90%.
        The recidivism rate for DEAD commie/socialists is ZERO %!

    2. Don’t leave Julius Streicher out of consideration. They emulate him daily in their attacks on Purebloods and other conservatives. John gave plenty of examples of that above.

  9. When they forced women you live to choose between life-saving care, an getting the RNA shots.

    Medical. Rape.

    Never forget.

    And the dewberries who went all in on the mask mandates and the lockdowns laid the groundwork for these atrocities while preening themselves on their moral superiority.


  10. More of the usual hyperbole, lies and hypocrisy from Castreau. Someone should ask Ezra Levant to comment on that. Or Artur Pawlowski and other Christian pastors that Castreus’s brownshirts repeatedly arrested and terrorized over the last couple years. Mors ad tyrannos!

  11. General W. T. Sherman had the right idea about journalists, among other subjects.
    “If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.”
    “I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are.”
    “War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.”
    “This war differs from other wars, in this particular. We are not fighting armies but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.”

  12. For those worried about becoming “monsters”. You cannot destroy a monster unless you are the equal of it. Being weaker just makes you deader. Wrap your head around the reality, and embrace the suck. We killed around 3 million anti-American Japanese, half of them civilians, to get them to quit. Anyway, I wanted to mention that my brigade in Germany in 1976, Ist Infantry Div. Forward, got the swine flu vaccine. 2 men died in their bunks. The Brigade missed movement to a field exercise that was scheduled at the same time, because you can’t drive an APC, or an M60A2 tank if you’re alternating vomiting with shitting 24/7. When we did get to the field, we spent about a week in a temporary barracks, vomiting and shitting. For three days, we went out into the cold fields, and sat around in our vehicles, trying to stay warm. And then we went back to our kaserne. The US govt. stopped mandating the “vaccine” because it “proved worthless”, and actually detrimental to human life, and readiness of combat troops was compromised. Far fewer died then, before the govt. stopped their shenanigans. You can see by how many they killed this time, what their true intentions are.

    1. “what their true intentions are.”

      SOME discussion not long ago. ’bout the u.s. troops. Firing on american citizens. Probably a non-issue, forgotten about. No need to Drone on. CERTAINLY wouldn’t do THAT.

    2. My son’s training company had 6 die (out of about 150) of the clot shot last year. The hospital stopped taking people because the hallways were filled with vaxx victims.

      1. Another stat I’d be interested in seeing: How many at the Pentagram have gotten sick or died from the shots? At some point in time, everybody who “ordered” or otherwise forced others (one way or another) to get the shot needs to be questioned about whether or not they did. Then test them all for the spike proteins. After all (or enough) of them have been tested, and all the results are back, arrest every one that doesn’t test positive for the proteins for suspicion of murder in whatever degree is applicable. Then throw them all in solitary until such time as it can all be sorted out and they can be brought before the judges one by one in a year, or two, or three . . .

  13. During the American Revolution and even later Journalism was a dangerous job. If you were a Tory or a Whig Newspaper you’d end up with your shop burned down and yourself tarred and feathered by an Angry Mob.

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