Why We Are The Luckiest People, Ever.

“Keep a memory of me, not as a king or a hero, but as a man.  Fallible and flawed.” – Beowulf

Donate one kidney, you’re a hero.  Donate six, and all of a sudden you’re a monster.

We are the luckiest people who have ever lived.

“Why, John Wilder, you must be insane!  Look at what’s going on,” you say.  Well, the nice men at the sanitarium said that the whole “insane” thing was in the past, especially since the surgery.  The doctor said the lobotomy was a no-brainer.

But really I believe that we are lucky.

When you look at the state of society, we see an amazing breakdown.  I chronicle that breakdown, week after week with this blog.  We see our government falling apart.  We see it brimming with fraud.  We see our lives mocked and insulted.

I hear summer in Finland is the best day of the year.

Functional cultures run on shared values.  The values built over hundreds or thousands of years of hard-fought experience on how to make that culture work?  To make a stable government?  These are all being subverted.


On purpose.

In a time like that, it’s easy to give in to depression.  It’s easy to give in to despair.

Seriously, though, why would you?

We can’t lose.  Why?

My boss calls me the computer at work:  if left unattended for ten minutes, I go to sleep.

We have the whole world against us.  We are called horrible names because we have beliefs rooted in those timeless values.  Even though they hate us, they’re more than happy to take the fruits of our labor – to tax and to take our productivity.  Despite that, at every point our politicians again and again take the road that gives them power – a road that is rooted in evil and lies.

And the world?  Many in the whole world have fallen for the lies, utterly.  Timeless values are overturned in the span of less than a decade.  In 2000, if young boys were dancing nearly nude in the streets, dressed as women, taking money from men, there would have been arrests.

Now, the pictures are printed and celebrated.

This is not evil, this is the Evil of books for children, of such a caricature that they’re nearly comical.  Charles Schumer?  Nancy Pelosi?  Joe Biden?  Soros?  Really?  They’re so over the top Evil that central casting wouldn’t send them to a serious movie – they’d be given roles as the Wet Bandits from Home Alone.

Pictured:  Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

Their tactics are no better.  They brag about being tolerant while using the power of government and media to ruthlessly suppress any opposing voices.  They use the levers of government selectively – citizens visiting the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is the worst thing that ever happened.  Riots in the streets causing billions in damage, theft so brazen that stores pull out of major metropolitan areas?  They celebrate that.  Congress is used, again and again, to pass laws that push society away from values, destroy the family, and increase the power of the government over the governed.  Oddly, anarchists and Antifa® applaud that, and celebrate things that even thirty years ago would be called tyranny.

They hate us.  They are attempting to use the education system to make children hate the very culture and society that allowed the prosperity that they’re leeching off even now.  They want to erase the history that built this nation and the heroes that tamed a frontier and invented entire industries.

Galileo said that everything falls at the same speed.  He never saw Biden’s stock market.

Why do you think they want to destroy and desecrate our monuments?  Why do they hate our flag?  Why fill the media with propaganda?

They want parents to fear children in a mirror of the Soviet era.  They want to turn wives against husbands.  They want to split the atom that makes up society, the family, and replace it with the state.  Even religious institutions are rotting from within as the values of the Current Year replace the values that have proven themselves for over 2,000 years.

I started drinking brake fluid – it’s okay, though.  I can stop anytime.

That, my friends, is why we’re lucky.

Our backs to the wall, the entire world against us, we owe our enemy nothing.  We stand by our beliefs.  We stand by God.  We stand by our families, our wives, and our children.  We stand by the future that we are even now building.  To win, we will need to show virtue, courage, and strength greater than any generation that has ever lived.

We will do so.

We are in a place to bring heroism back to our world.  The future will remember us, not as the remnants of a world gone past, but as the founders of a world reborn.  They will speak of us for a thousand years.  They will write stories about us.  They will write songs about us.

That is why we are lucky.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

43 thoughts on “Why We Are The Luckiest People, Ever.”

  1. Last night I went to a high school graduation. A local private Christian school. Six kids graduating. The theme of the speaches was incredibly hopeful. The message was that parents need not fear sending our children out into this world because God has chosen them to be here at this specific time. They were created and placed by God for such a time as this. Like Ruth before the Persian king. We all are placed here during this time for a purpose. This will be a time of heroes.

  2. The future is on the other side of rivers of blood, mountains of skulls, and oceans of tears.
    The only way we can lose is to not fight.

  3. And God does not give you tasks He thinks you unworthy of… I agree, John, we are the people who are best suited for the tasks before us. I thank God every day that I am here, now, ready and able to do what must be done, and when I look at my precious children I find that to answer this call with ‘find someone else’ is simply not an option…
    This is a great post, sir, and I will share it with anyone that will listen.
    As an aside, I can’t stop thinking about those kids in TX… there in that classroom, believing that help was on the way and that there would be a happy ending to the horror because the good guys always win… don’t they?
    Instead, the good guys were outside worrying about being shot at. Cowards. All. Of. Them.
    I can’t stop weeping… there, but for God’s grace… sorry. Not on my watch, so help me. Never ever.

    1. I think that’s why my task is writing. Or maybe it’s typing?

      I think the truth, as it is already coming out, will shatter whatever confidence remains in the police.

  4. John, this is not where I thought you were going at all, based on the title (or maybe it was. I thought is was in “We were lucky because we grew up in a time that we could ride our bikes down the street while on fire and nobody was concerned”, so maybe the are related). But we are fortunate in at least those that would effectively expunge us from history (but helpfully tax our productivity and take our money and our labor) have more or less demonstrated who they are and what they represent.

    I continue to collect my old books of Greek and Roman thought, history, and philosophy as much to protect the fact that at some day they may not be available and keep them for whatever comes after as I do to educate myself. It is a small thing in a world gone mad, but every effort counts.

  5. That, my friends, is why we’re lucky.

    Our backs to the wall, the entire world against us, we owe our enemy nothing. We stand by our beliefs. We stand by God. We stand by our families, our wives, and our children. We stand by the future that we are even now building. To win, we will need to show virtue, courage, and strength greater than any generation that has ever lived.

    We will do so.

    We are in a place to bring heroism back to our world. The future will remember us, not as the remnants of a world gone past, but as the founders of a world reborn. They will speak of us for a thousand years. They will write stories about us. They will write songs about us.

    That is why we are lucky.

    Once we start shooting the bastards in the face, and then hunting down their families.


  6. Embracing the suck again, are we, John Wilder? I can’t help but admire your optimism. You are truly a Dr. Pangloss for our times.

    Yes, indeed, we right-thinkers have them right where we want them – surrounded from the inside, sending out a heartfelt General McAuliffe “Nuts!” to the Nazis who demand our surrender. Square-jawed and resolute, defiant to the end. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ and all that.

    Would that it were so. I am routinely ridiculed from within my own family for my training and prepping. Despite fancying myself Paul Revere for sounding the alarm, those who know better smirk and murmur, “Chicken Little’s at it again,” and “Time to revisit ol’ TwoBuck’s meds.” The very worst is, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Great Replacement – hey, look! The new Jurassic Woke movie is coming out! Maybe this time they eat all the White guys!”

    According to an RPI study, it takes just 10% of the populace committed to the idea of revolution to bring it about. I don’t suppose we are there quite yet, but a few more Biblical disasters, plagues and pestilence courtesy of the left, and a serious crimp in the Pez supply line may well do it. Time is running out, however, as heritage Americans dwindle in numbers. Don’t expect the Monkey-POCs to join the fight.

    1. TwoBuck, the ridicule is a clear indication that even they realize you are right. They haven’t a cogent argument, a reasonable defense of their position. They can only exaggerate, lie, and sneer. Just like their leadership. Or, your ex.
      That most (almost all) of your family and friends will desert you isn’t an indication that you are losing. It’s more that most people are not brave; they sway with the most vocal winds.
      Most people are rather like the character Gary Cooper played in High Noon. “We are on your side” they will say – privately. But, they will fail to support you in public. It’s a rare person who will stand up to the mocking crowd. Most of us will waver under pressure. We will fail to take a stand, particularly with our spouses and children begging us not to. If we stick our head up, the self-righteous and Woke will goose-step in our direction to deliver a beat-down, trusting to the public nature of it to shut us up.
      Those who stand firm are often supported by others – family, a few true friends, their church. So, continue making the effort to find them offline. They will be needed by and by.

    2. Two Buck along the way I have read it said that only 10 percent of the peoples fought in the revolutionary war. It makes sense even today. My father an army veteran told me when I was a kid for every frontline soldier there are 10 behind him supporting the effort. That makes sense to me as well.

      John, down below I forgot to thank you for your uplifting prose. If we believe, we can only end up in a better place. That thought gives me comfort. I just pray I am strong enough to keep that thought till we get to the other side.

    3. I may be optimistic, but I doubt it’s too a foolhardy extent. I have no doubt that this will be, utterly, one of the most difficult things virtuous men have ever done. It will not be easy.

  7. Having the awareness is essential to survival in sporky time.
    Victory is survival and death is defeat.
    The world hates the Uniparty quisling traitors because all sides hate betrayers.
    Fierce be the hate for the hated betrayers.
    Last night the weatherman cut off the greasy haired Bolshevik rat teleprompter reader and it was laugh out loud beautiful and a thank you God was in order for just a most recent example of luck or good fortune, this was after feeding a flock of geese from finding all kinds of sealed not even 24hours out of date food in the dumpster behind the Sack-N-Save.
    Being able to read the tea leaves is important in burn it all down better time.
    The true believers have no idea the trap they are walking into and the external enemies will turn one half of the world into desert and vaporize millions in order to complete their Long March which has nothing to do with rump Schwab world.
    Bullet box is the last option but at least we know of it and don’t fear it while having the proper supplies for that occasion.
    Most taxable unit serfs are happy with being told what to think, what current thing to drool over and for the state to keep them safe with its minions.
    It’s a big soft weak glee club and be glad that you aren’t in it.

    1. They have no idea the level of discomfort they’ll be facing . . . it won’t just be a lack of discount lattes . . .

  8. We are. Greatest Nation ever. Lots of freedom away from the hives. It has its flaws and we have no way out but through so aim straight and take a few assholes with ya if you don’t make it to the other side. I pray for the courage and strength of Samuel Whittmore when the time comes.

    ” We can’t lose. Why?”

    The Bible says we will have tribulations along the way so just make sure your right with Jesus and the rest is gravy. The tomb is still empty.

  9. Thanks again John for positive words of encouragement in dark times. I am a big fan of Sarah Hoyt’s team head on spikes when dealing with the Commie traitors of the progressive left (may they all gain their earned reward in the end). I do not fear the dark times that are coming, but hope I have the resolve and physical strength in my 6th decade on this planet do what is right when needed.

    Still fuming over this recent massacre of innocent youth by a deranged defective waste of life and the failed response by the useless so-called guardians of our civil society. Standing around with weapons slung, wearing their tactic-cool gear, while preventing parents from taking the known risk to save their offspring.

    I may be an old fly boy, but I do understand the need for immediate action against evil even at the risk of life and limb. While working in a Fighter Squadron the civilians (all former active duty) carried switch blade pocketknives (issued to our aircrew members), collapsible batons, and taser flashlights to deal with an active shooter. After all the administrative offices were the first any shooter would get to when walking into the Squadron. The plan was to swarm the bastard and go out fighting if that was what was in the cards for that day. He might have got one or two of use but out of the five in our hallway a shooter wouldn’t have stood a snowballs chance in hell of surviving. Screw that run and hide bullshit!

    Take some time this weekend to reflect on the heroes that gave the last full measure to defend this country. Hopefully we can rise to the occasion when called to defend what is left of our failing Republic. Tempus Fugit!

    1. When one figures that for the specialists flight crews and support personnel are primary targets, perhaps a bit more than pocket knives and batons are needed to feel safe on the ground. We may love to fly, as it sure beats walking, but anyone that has to hide from CAS develops a rather negative attitude about the winged avengers. Still, as long as not danger close its always a good show. Guess you all can afford the happy patriotism. Down there with the mud, blood and filth things are not as pretty but a lot more stubborn. The belief in the Almighty is at once personal and real. From the first day of jump school it becomes obvious that we live at His discretion. And we best have a good accounting of ourselves when He brings us Home to Glory. And not that eternal shite hole that cowards and communists will inherit

  10. You are so right on John!
    A line from Billy Joles, (“Good Morning Saigon”)
    and when I do, bury me face down so the whole world can kiss my A$$!
    I look forward to your Pearls of wisdom and ability to see behind the closed door.
    Semper Fi

  11. We all need a GOOD WILL TRIUMPH OVER EVIL speech every now and then, especially since I really believe many of us truly believe it. It was a good one, Mr. Wilder.

    I do find it troubling that some are calling the first people at that shooting cowards. First, listening to it all, over and over and over on the news, which is nothing more than speculation and GOSSIP proliferated by a business that wants you glued to their channel no matter what they have to tell you to keep you there. You were not there, you DO NOT KNOW what was really going on. Yes, the parents said this and that….those poor people are not in their right minds after losing their children.
    This happened in a very small community. Even if you have SWAT training you are not going to be exposed to a situation on the same degree as SWAT in New York City. They don’t have the manpower, let alone the experience. It’s out in the boonies, it takes time to travel from point A to point B in the west. If they would have went in hot and more kids would have gotten killed, then they would have be crucified for that, they are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
    I’m not someone who gives law enforcement a free pass just because they are law enforcement. I know that to be an effective lawman you have to have alpha traits, but you have to walk a fine line not to veer over into an abuse of your power and/or become a bully or tyrant. Those men probably grew up in that community, maybe had kids in that school, are probably related to half or more of the community. If they were cowards they will have to live and atone that the rest of their lives. It’s no one’s judgment call, Monday morning quarterbacking, if you will. Everyone in that situation needs a boatload of grace right now, show some compassion.

    1. With respect, it is easy to call for compassion when your children weren’t the ones at risk… those officers have a job description that includes occasionally risking their safety in favour of the safety of others, especially children and other innocents. This is implicit in the oath that is taken.
      Every officer there, who stood outside and waited for over an hour for further instructions (and, perversely, for a negotiator to arrive), needs to be placed on administrative leave until a full investigation is executed.
      If your duty and next actions aren’t crystalline clear to you in such circumstances, then perhaps you shouldn’t wear the uniform. It’s not rocket science.
      Lastly, when it comes to the safety of children, in my view anyway, there is no option that is off the table. Not run in guns blazing, to be sure, but at the very least give that bastard someone else to shoot at, and maybe some kids get out in the meantime.
      To characterize appropriate criticism of the police actions (or lack thereof) as ‘Monday-morning quarterbacking’ is profoundly disingenuous.

      1. With equal respect, we we’re not there and there is no way we know all the details. We may never know all the details because people’s agendas, whether personal or political have a way of worming into situations.
        I agree that actions and procedures should be evaluated, scrutinized, & and improved if needed. That is how we get better at the things we do. However I don’t think it serves any good purpose condemning those people before those investigations are conducted and completed. I don’t think that is disingenuous at all, even though my country and it’s legal/justice system seem to be going to hell in a hand basket I was raised, and still believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. I’m sure everyone one of my great, great, great grandfathers who fought in our Revolutionary war to bring this country into existence and what it is supposed to stand for, would agree with me.
        As a Christian I am always going to try to find the compassion for people and the situations that they find themselves in and I will not apologize for that. I understand the emotions that come into play in such a horrific event that happened. I understand that it is an automatic reaction to protect children, as it should be.
        As far as you saying it’s easy for me to call for compassion when it’s not my children, that is a rather low comment.

    2. Good will triumph . . .

      I’ll note that the information coming out is not very favorable to the police – at all.

  12. I have to wonder what people think they’re going to do-live forever?

    Based on my experience, dying of old age sucks. Best to go out as a hero before it gets too painful.

  13. I have a dream. No, we’ll call it a fallacy that one day, as in Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’, a person or persons will lead us to a new piece of real estate where upon we will establish a new country, operating under the same laws and principals that the United States was originally founded, and we take the best and brightest to establish all infrastructure, declare our independence and fight to retain it and maybe go full force after those who pushed us into the need to abandon this ship in an ocean of excrement.

    1. That’s all we wanted, really, the opportunity to live in peace under equal laws. Now we have to want something else: to win.

  14. When the food is gone people will lose their collective shit. That thar be the tipping point, every single time. There has to be over 10% of folks that have prepared for this time in our lives. I don’t have a crystal ball but I can attest to the fact that I ,for one, will go down swinging hard if that day comes. There is only one way to get the shiny side back up right on this vessel. I’ll give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don’t count. Sack up gents.

    1. Yup. But they’d also lose it if they lost their cell phones. Or the Internet.

      Be prepared for those that aren’t.

  15. Suppose, for political reasons, you wanted occasional mass school shootings so that you could smear your political opponents. You might pass a law legally prohibiting the adults in a school from protecting the children. You could call it the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, and you could claim that the children would then be safe. It would then just be a matter of waiting for the occasional nutcase. Be sure that the law is never brought up in any news reporting.

  16. ‘The future will remember us, not as the remnants of a world gone past, but as the founders of a world reborn. They will speak of us for a thousand years.’

    Oh a fair bit longer than that, be assured.

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