The Fall Of Freedom In Australia In 16 Memes

“Your planet doesn’t deserve freedom until it learns what it is not to have freedom. It’s a lesson, I say!” – Futurama

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – Ben Franklin

Note:  Memes tonight aren’t original.  Normally, Friday is less political.  Tonight?  Not so much.  Events in Australia are moving quickly, so, here it is.

The reaction to COVID-19 by the Australian government has been about as rational and lucid as Joe Biden is in the morning.  Or the afternoon.  Or, well, anytime.

It’s that bad, it’s all of the logic of a sugar-addled toddler with a machete and a police force in a tank running over a disarmed people.

Australia has been the test case for total social control.  You’d think that the independent Aussie spirit would make them resist.

No, not really.  They gave the government ludicrous control.  So, what did the government do?  Jumped the shark.  Or crocodile.  Or whatever other poisonous or deadly animal that Australian Fonzie jumped over.

Yup, that’s right.  The good ol’ government wants to have full access to everything Aussies say and do online.  For safety, of course.  There’s no way that they could abuse that, right?

Oh, wait, once you give them that control, it never stops.  Here’s the next bit:

What does that mean?

This is a scene directly out of Orwell’s guidebook novel 1984.  Forced to have an app.  Forced to prove where you are so the government can track you.  Only 15 minutes to comply, or the police will show up.

I can see the Democrats taking notes in the back . . .

It’s not all bad.  If you spend enough time in your cell, you get privileges:

An hour!!!  So generous.  Perhaps they’ll let them make pruno and give them commissary privileges so they can buy some smokes.  Until they ban smokes.  I’m sure they have a plan if people rebel:

No, a real plan:

Yup, that’s closer.

But you might think that’s bad enough.  It’s not even close.

Yup, things can get worse.  Truckers wanted to protest the outrageous bans, rules, and mask mandate.

What did they do?

The truckers did it.  But if you were an Australian, they tried to make it so you’d never know.  The government shut down the traffic cams so you couldn’t see it.  They shut down the truckers’ phones.  They shut down their social media.  They censored, in real-time, a revolt against the rules.

Well, if you want to know what I really think, I think [THIS CONTENT IS CENSORED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRALIA].

Thankfully they haven’t designed concentration camps . . . oh.

My apologies.  These aren’t concentration camps at all.  They’re quarantine camps.  (PM me if you want a larger copy, I have a 1.6MB version.)

As usual, /pol/ has a take on it:

When even a magazine as far Left as The Atlantic says you’ve gone too far, well, you may have gone too far:

Well, that’s bad.  It gets worse.  Even the Canadians are piling on:

Strangely, it’s almost like the world has been here before.  When might that have been?  Hmmm.

But Australians are still free, right?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

66 thoughts on “The Fall Of Freedom In Australia In 16 Memes”

  1. Why am I reminded of Alice’s Restaurant? So many things never really change.
    (If you don’t get this, go give the song a listen again.)

  2. Can’t happen here. And Biden’s a great president. The long fuse is about to light the explosives.

  3. This is genuinely terrifying. Karenism on steroids. So much for that 80’s myth of tough, taciturn, Foster’s-swilling Aussie he-men. More like blue-pilling sissy she-men, if they roll over for this nonsense. ‘Crocodile’ Dundee, my arse.

    Won’t work here, however, because we have a significant population of perpetually aggrieved adult children to whom every infringement of their right to disobey the rules is “racist”. No effin’ way is the diversity in this country going to allow themselves to be monitored and tracked like tagged coyotes. I’d love to see the dems try it.

    1. The Dems don’t care about monitoring non-whites, only whites especially white males. Non-whites generally shoot each other at the slightest provocation as individuals so it doesn’t threaten TPTB; whites have this tendency to put up with a lot until suddenly we don’t and then as a group we destroy a continent. Which is why those who want to run the world feel the need to destroy us.

    2. There is a line – it’s always in how slowly they creep up on it. Remember – Aussies have been without guns for decades now.

    3. Karenism indeed. Australian media is awash with insufferable X’er and millennial woman all with the same irritating blonde ‘do and yappy demeanour, demanding ever more restrictions and promising that we will be “allowed” back some freedoms just as soon as certain shifting targets are met.

      90% of it is women.

  4. Must-see six-minute Australian propaganda video (well, sorta, it’s a parody) on COVID…note flag in background at 4:20….

    1. Ricky,
      re — 4:20 flag
      My utmost careful due-diligence revealed a collapsed patio umbrella.
      Should I look elseplace?

      1. I tried to see a flag as well…

        And, I went frame by frame for a couple seconds… What am I missing?

  5. I gather the sucking up to the muzzies didn’t work in New Zealand. One of the ISIS wannabe’s just gutted about 6 people with a knife. Wonder if the Communist PM will get kitted up in a Hijab again after this??

    1. re — NewZealand mohammadan mad-slasher
      According to the press-release, AuthoritiesAndOfficials were stalking him.
      Dozens of LawEnforcementOfficials were assigned to monitor his every thought and act 24/7/360°.
      Fortunately, entirely due to the swift teamwork of the several LawEnforcementOfficials standing a few paces away, future carnage was ‘nipped in the bud’ as they say in LawEnforcementCircles.
      No word as to motive…

    2. Probably. The most important thing is that we don’t have backlash. Right?

      They suspended knife and scissor sales. That should solve the problem.

  6. Poofterstan (OZ) is long gone. They gave up the guns voluntarily after a false flag shooting at a hospital incubator room. (sarc)
    The tranny freak that runs New Zealand will deliver that prize to the Great Reset Leap Forward Order of inbred elite maggots, Canadistan is already gone with the fabulous cultural appropriation outfits wearing Justine Trudeau, Bad Hair Bojo of Brittanistan is waiving the rules and letting the sun set on that island.
    Comrade kommissarina Merkel (STASI) has invaded Germanistan with cultural enrichment because Libya and the Afghan tour were all about opening the immigrant floodgates for the Great Replacement.
    That leaves Chiquitastan and the CPUSA will deliver that prize with some help from the feckless Punchy Palooka wrestling jobbers known as the Grand Old Politburo wing of the Uniparty.

    “Willi Münzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.”

  7. Thanks for the trucker strike info. I wondered why I could not find much info throughout the day. Local news story the other day was talking about facial recognition here in the FUSA. Said 18 agencies already using it. Yet very little in the MSM about it. They use to be whiny cry babies about mu freedumbs and privacy.

  8. Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand. In every place the people have been successfully disarmed, tyranny inevitably follows.

    Never, ever give up your guns.

  9. Any action against any member of the Oz government, worldwide, is now completely within bounds.

    So much for those who told me the tales of OzCom gulags were hyperbole just a week ago.
    How they’ll burn in the camps, later, thinking back on things.
    If they get fed in the interim.

    And when any government demands your guns, always turn them in bullets first, to every government official you come into contact with.

    I think I’m well within the bounds of reason to declare than in (and on behalf of) Oz, anywhere and time, IT’S TIME TO START SHOOTING THE BASTARDS IN THE FACE.

  10. (I saw this link in a comment someplace, and immediately knew it would appeal to this crowd…)
    Euthanasia Roller-Coasters
    The wiki entry is gut-busting hilarious!
    * president of Philadelphia Toboggan Company chortles “…sends out 24 people and they all come back dead…”

  11. I might be wrong, but Australians don’t seem to be the type to completely submit to tyranny. How this plays out is yet to be seen, but I have a feeling some of the tyrants will not have a pleasant fate.

    1. I had an older friend when I was young that the Australians were hard core socialists 40 years ago. No, they have been a nanny state for a long time. I guess a place that starts off as a penal colony will have 2 outcomes. Either remain a tight control fascist society or break free for a free one. Australia stayed a penal colony. Georgia, USA went free.

    2. Well, their government seems to think so. They’ve put up with nonsense that, um, would never fly here (in Modern Mayberry).

  12. What happens if you don’t have a smart phone?
    I don’t and don’t intend to get one. Actually, I rarely even carry my flip phone.

  13. Having one of those REMF days (are managers good for anything but waste heat?) so this brill post…

    Not enough bourbon in the world today.

    So here is our white pill: There are no “dangerous weapons”; only dangerous men.

    Let’s be dangerous.

  14. John, I feel we are at the point where words like “horrid, horrifying, chilling and tyranny” no longer have the impact of what is actually happening and before us. I liken the Australian people to a big German Shepherd who is being caged and abused. Looking on we are all rooting for the dog to get loose and do what it must. God Almighty is separating the wheat from the chaff and hammering us from common metal into fine gold. I follow the Australian situation with interest but was unaware of these latest developments. I have heard many times the Aussies appreciate it being exposed in America as to what is taking place there. To like minded souls everywhere, please stay strong and vigilant.

  15. At this point, kill those evil c*****ers! Really, what the hell do you Australians have to lose? Next, they are going to bring in blue helmets, because they can, just to see what else they can do. Australia is now “the island of experimentation.”

    (language edit, JW)

  16. Here’s a short recap of the Covid vaccine:
    1. The vaccine only reduces the probability of catching Covid-Delta by around one-third based on an informal scan of spot cases.
    2. Delta variant is so contagious that reportedly, walking by someone on an outdoor sidewalk caused an infection. The general opinion is it ranks near the most virulent of respiratory diseases.
    3. The Covid vaccines are not nearly as protective as actually catching the disease.
    4. Resistance to the virus wanes with time after both the vaccine and infection.
    5. The vaccines (specifically Pfizer and Moderna) have abnormally high numbers of severe side effects. The death rate is literally 100 times higher than vaccines and drugs previously banned.
    a. Young men have severe additional health risks from the vaccine.
    6. Authorities are requiring the vaccine even if someone previously had a full-blown infection.
    a. Vaccination after an infection carries an additionally heightened health risk.
    7. The vaccine is ineffective at stopping the spread of Delta. Vaccination likely heightens the spread of the disease since it allows sub-clinical cases to be walking around. And they are just as contiguous as a full-blown infection.

    The best thing that someone could do is stay exposed to Covid to maintain a strong immunity after being vaccinated or suffering the infection. Repeated exposure avoids severe reactions, only mild symptoms present.

    The worst possible approach is a lockdown since it causes a loss of immunity. That leads to a massive resurgence at reopening.

    Nearly as bad of an approach requires healthy, young adults to take a vaccine of limited benefit to them, but carries an abnormally heightened risk (historically).

    1. There is zero benefit to young people from a vaccine…chances of them dying from Covid are 0.0000…But the mRNA vaccine is very dangerous, can kill, cause clotting, myocarditis, etc…

  17. How does one PM for the map of the concentration, I mean, quarantine camp. I would like the larger version.

  18. Pingback: It’s ON in Oz
  19. It’s too late brothers and sisters the beast system controls everything and its only going to get worse the worst part is the word “worse” will be re-defined, they have been planning this for 2 centuries behind closed doors and in the last 18+ months they have brainwashed/bombarded the majority of people with a fake pandemic turning them into obedient terrified robotic sheep that do as their told… My wife who I love is scared she does not like confrontation but I have opened her eyes to so much stuff to the point where she doesn’t want to hear it anymore and says “what can we do” I keep telling her the only escape is thru our Father in the Shamayim(heaven)… The end times are upon us brothers and sisters, the mark of the beast is the vaccines its not some religious order …well it sort is but isn’t …. next will come the quarantine camps aka modern versions of Auschwitz and Dachau death camps politely covered as a place for all the non-vaxxed to go because as they might not show symptoms but they are covid carriers have to go to the “special camp” to keep the vaxxed safe, but the sheep won’t know whats really going on there and believe everything the media/government feeds them…

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